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something to ponder, perhaps, abt this forum

d  halfnote

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This actually applies to all the instrument forums here but is more disconcerting abt this one.


Where are the women ?


There once were many posting here but I've not seen a post from one for at least 5 yrs, likely longer.


There are prolly more women guitarists working professionally than ever; seems like that would lead to an increase rather than decrease.



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Honestly? Doesn't matter to me. In a faceless online environment, sometimes you know peoples demographics (age, sex, race, etc.) if they've disclosed it, most you don't. I don't really care about seeking it out otherwise.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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JuJu Kwan represents...


But, yeah, I'd like to see a greater number of female GPF-members again, myself.


My own wonderful Grrrlfriend Elizabeth is registered here, but rarely logs-on and posts even less often; she doesn't play much, though, either.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Could be the women are following the advice of St. Zappa, whom I paraphrase here:


"Log off and play yer guitar!"


Especially the ones who are or are becoming pros.


Or, as Timothy Leary might have put it:


"Strap on, tune up, rock out!"

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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Many of the other Gear & Guitar Forums might as well be Animal House; sexist comments, soft-core porn GIF's as people's profile pics, I'll leave it at that. It could be that there's a general perception that most online forums are essentially "Boys' Clubs", and so women don't feel welcome, or inclined to even investigate.


I see a lot of women Guitarists on social media, so I know they're out there, and maintaining a very public presence, but not in the Gear Forums. Many of them love talking about their gear no less than we guys do, so IDK . . .


Of course, I could be completely wrong on this . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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What causes social trends?


I doubt even the DALAI LAMA could answer that! I often ask the same thing when I notice some social "trend" that strikes me as silly or otherwise dumb.


As for the lack of the "fairer sex" in this forum, I couldn't say. They are of course, MORE than welcome here, so we could only hope for an "uptick".


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Hi all...


We get feedback from women players exclusively on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. That's where they are, and that's where they post.


That said, if y'all wanted to start a forum topic that would be of interest to entice more female participation here, let me know, and I'll promote it through the usual GP online channels.


I'd love to see more women collaborating here, as well.


All the Best,



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We get feedback from women players exclusively on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. That's where they are, and that's where they post.


Echoes what I posted. I see a lot of women who play Guitar, everywhere online except in the Gear & Guitar Forums or Chat Rooms.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I think the women are all on Facebook and Pinterest.

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Hi all...


We get feedback from women players exclusively on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. That's where they are, and that's where they post.


That said, if y'all wanted to start a forum topic that would be of interest to entice more female participation here, let me know, and I'll promote it through the usual GP online channels.


I'd love to see more women collaborating here, as well.


All the Best,



Not sure a "special topic" would do the trick. If they're not interested enough in what goes on here already, that might just come off as pandering.


Not to mention, what kind of "special topic" would draw more attention here, anyway?

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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You'd think a "guitar player" forum open to "general discussion" would be ENOUGH. And since( to my knowledge) the forum "rules" don't say anything about requiring a "level of skill" in order to join, I don't know why MORE players, male OR female aren't coming in.


Maybe some of the newer members of the "millennial" faction can shed some light? :)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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This actually applies to all the instrument forums here but is more disconcerting abt this one. Where are the women ?


There are two human races on the Earth, males and females :cheers:


I think females think way differently than men do, simple as that. The things that are important to men are silly to women, and visa versa. Now if all we discussed was technique or musical knowledge, I think more ladies would attend.

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My experience here has been when NOT discussing guitars, gear, accessories and such, then 90% of the discussion IS about music, and GUITAR music specifically. And we've ALWAYS left room for OT, as long as those threads were DESIGNATED as "OT" and usually without anybody bitching about it much(if at all).


And most members over the years, those long gone and those who remain, have always had the decency to FOREWARN us about something being "off topic" or at least apologizing for doing so within a particular thread.


Also, in MY experience, I've YET to meet ANY woman who can stay "on topic" in ANY conversation, so their absence here is still a puzzle. ;)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Considering the tendency of threads here to wander away from the main topic like sheep without a border collie and this board being (apparently) a sausage festival, I'd have to say we dudes have issues with tangents as well.


Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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Yeah, but in spite, I think we STILL manage to keep things pretty interesting. Since I've been here it seems like we've all pretty much became FRIENDS of a sort, and don't mind sharing things that aren't ALWAYS guitar OR musically related. I mean, musucians TOO, take an interest in other things as well, and often outside the scope of their particular orbit. Many "classical" musicians for example, spend a lot of their free time jamming with JAZZ combos and such. My friend's classical guitar instructor for instance, used to "stretch his legs" so to speak, by pickin' BANJO in a "pick-up" BLUEGRASS band on weekends! ;) The instructor put it THIS way...


"Got to loosen the SPHINCTER every now and then, eh what?" :D


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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This actually applies to all the instrument forums here but is more disconcerting abt this one. Where are the women ?


There are two human races on the Earth, males and females :cheers:


I think females think way differently than men do, simple as that. The things that are important to men are silly to women, and visa versa. Now if all we discussed was technique or musical knowledge, I think more ladies would attend.


Yes sthere's a diff between M&W but that itself doesn't keep them separate & when specific topics are in subject they mingle well, ain't it so ?


BTW & FWIW, to those who's NEVER get IT, ppl's BEHAVIOR is what sets SOCIAL TRENDS.


[shheeesh :rolleyes: ! ]

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It really does no good for a forum full of MEN to try and explain why there AREN'T more women in here. Neither will "quoting" people who never existed with something that was probably NEVER SAID.


Perhaps some of you here who know some women players can have them peruse the forum and get back with what THEY find to be a detraction. And also perhaps make a few constructive suggestions?


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I recall "Lee Flier" being a regular poster years ago. Some of you older regulars from the early 2000's will certainly remember her.


Her Facebook


"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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I don't think it has anything to do with gender or generation. There are only about 12 people who post regularly and maybe another 12 that post occasionally. The new people stay for about 2 or 3 posts and they disappear. I've been here about 15 months and I think I maybe the newest. Now the part that maybe hard to hear, it's the content. It's kind of like a hot dog or hamburger with nothing on it. Birthdays and death notices are fine but they can't be everything. You need content that can start a debate and get peoples interest.








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I don't think it has anything to do with gender or generation. There are only about 12 people who post regularly and maybe another 12 that post occasionally. The new people stay for about 2 or 3 posts and they disappear. I've been here about 15 months and I think I maybe the newest. Now the part that maybe hard to hear, it's the content. It's kind of like a hot dog or hamburger with nothing on it. Birthdays and death notices are fine but they can't be everything. You need content that can start a debate and get peoples interest.


Excellent point!


I know I personally enjoy the weird guitar and cool effects threads, and if I see anything, I post there. I also ask gear questions. And of course, if I BUY something, I try to make sure to post pix & a review.


But beyond that and some similar posting by other forumites...yeah, the content may not be up to snuff.


Pinkjimiphoton used to post great gear building and technique threads, but I haven't seen him post here in a while.


Juju Kwan has thrown down a gauntlet, y'all: be more relevant. What are we going to do about it?

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I thought we already WERE pretty much "relevant".


This IS after all, called the "Guitar Player" forum, which pretty much leaves it wide open territory. And as not ALL guitar players are at the same level of skill and knowledge, nor all have the same interests or play the same type of music, nor play professionally or just play as a sideline to their "real" lives, you have to ask, "relevant" to WHAT?


Now, despite what it says under my avatar, I've been sharing various insights, observations, opinions, praise and other matters here since about '99 or so. And not ONCE in all that time have I EVER presumed to dictate what I think the tenor of this forum should be. You have to consider that since there are, as JuJu claimed, 12 who post regularly, and another 12 who post occasionally, that it means there's 24+ INDIVIDUALS here, with 24+ different tastes in both music and guitar styles etc. And since some of us here and been here for quite a spell, we consider ourselves friends as well as "fellow guitar players" who have interests OUTSIDE of just playing the guitar and are willing to share with each other or ask opinions on or other information due to mutual respect for each other as people, and have, over the years, not limited this forum to be simply a "like minded circle jerk".


As to the Birthday announcements and death notices, well, I see nothing wrong in mentioning the day of birth of a person who might have been an influence or inspiration to other members here and extend well wishes for them. Or mention the tragedy of a "fellow" guitarist who's star was prematurely snuffed out, or maybe NOT so prematurely but might have been important to other members here that might not otherwise learn such information or may wish to share their grief. This forum has ALWAYS allowed for "off topic" content and only asked that it not be political or any other emotionally charged content that usually leads to hot-headed uncivil discourse. They did once try to create a seperate page for all that kind of stuff that apparently didn't last long.


It seems that here, as well as another forum I follow( TCM, about "classic" movies) where some of the "new" members who only stay for 2 or 3 posts and disappear are those who only come here(and there) to promote their own personal blogs and disappear when they find not nough people take that much of an interest to suit them. Or just try to "spam". In those cases, it's THEIR content that's the problem. Not OURS.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I thought we already WERE pretty much "relevant".


This IS after all, called the "Guitar Player" forum, which pretty much leaves it wide open territory. And as not ALL guitar players are at the same level of skill and knowledge, nor all have the same interests or play the same type of music, nor play professionally or just play as a sideline to their "real" lives, you have to ask, "relevant" to WHAT?


Now, despite what it says under my avatar, I've been sharing various insights, observations, opinions, praise and other matters here since about '99 or so. And not ONCE in all that time have I EVER presumed to dictate what I think the tenor of this forum should be. You have to consider that since there are, as JuJu claimed, 12 who post regularly, and another 12 who post occasionally, that it means there's 24+ INDIVIDUALS here, with 24+ different tastes in both music and guitar styles etc. And since some of us here and been here for quite a spell, we consider ourselves friends as well as "fellow guitar players" who have interests OUTSIDE of just playing the guitar and are willing to share with each other or ask opinions on or other information due to mutual respect for each other as people, and have, over the years, not limited this forum to be simply a "like minded circle jerk".


As to the Birthday announcements and death notices, well, I see nothing wrong in mentioning the day of birth of a person who might have been an influence or inspiration to other members here and extend well wishes for them. Or mention the tragedy of a "fellow" guitarist who's star was prematurely snuffed out, or maybe NOT so prematurely but might have been important to other members here that might not otherwise learn such information or may wish to share their grief. This forum has ALWAYS allowed for "off topic" content and only asked that it not be political or any other emotionally charged content that usually leads to hot-headed uncivil discourse. They did once try to create a seperate page for all that kind of stuff that apparently didn't last long.


It seems that here, as well as another forum I follow( TCM, about "classic" movies) where some of the "new" members who only stay for 2 or 3 posts and disappear are those who only come here(and there) to promote their own personal blogs and disappear when they find not nough people take that much of an interest to suit them. Or just try to "spam". In those cases, it's THEIR content that's the problem. Not OURS.


I'm sorry, I retract what I said. Your 18 years gives you more cred than my 15 months, no harm intended. I will stay in my place from now on.







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Hang tough JuJu! We need you to express your opinions and not feel like you should apologize...you are the only female active forum member right now and we need you to feel comfort and friendship, if we ever hope to attract more women to come to the forum. I hope you will start a new thread with a topic of interest to you or continue with the discussion on this one. I'm more into discussion than debates and I just throw in my opinions when I get the chance. Time on the forum does not give one more cred and you make some valid points IMHO. :thu:
Take care, Larryz
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JuJu, I think your post was on the money- no apologies necessary, no retraction required.


Heck, at the very least, it has ME reconsidering what I could do to improve things around here, starting with my own patterns.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I concur.


JuJu has NO need to apologize for ANYTHING. In fact, I'LL apologize if I made you feel you HAD anyting to apologize for JuJu. :) Feel free to express yourself. Maybe a quick but old tale might help you understand...


Back when I started at GM, we used(and were still using when I retired) cloth work gloves that had a sort of "fuzz" texture about them. One night, I tried to light a smoke without first removing my glove as I saw other workers on the line do. The flame from my match set the fuzz aflame and in a panic I jumped around, shouting and waving my hand furiously. The flame on the glove went out quickly and my hand didn't even get warm. But the other guys on the line were all laughing themselves silly when they saw it. I let it go, but a couple of days later, another "new hire" tried lighting HIS smoke the same way, and caught HIS glove on fire and jumped around shouting and waving his hand like crazy and I was laughing it up with everyone ELSE and then it HIT me. They were all laughing at ME when I did that 'cause THEY went through it too! :)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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In my time here*, I've never noticed a pure "show off" thread for gear pictures. Not "new stuff" threads, but just a photo gallery of stuff anyone owns that they want to share with the community. Could be fun!


Are those permitted?







* OMG 13 years?!?!?!?!

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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