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checking yer PMs ? Cleaning the box out ?

d  halfnote

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A recent case involving a forum member who posted a Q&A abt a an online jazz gtr lesson but then never came back to that thread nor responded to PM query abt it [plus the fact that sometimes an attempted communication hits a wall = ""box is full"] leads me to wonder...


"Airtime" I log on, if there's a message for me, that little icon is waving it's electronic flag at me, so I'm sure ppl see that noticification but what's the dealio abt ignoration ?

A leave me alone tactic ?

A last ditch method of "nobody told me"


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It may also depend on the device they're using and their own particular level of attention to detail.


I know it took me a while to notice my first PM, and I still don't always catch them quickly.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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FWIW, if you'd previously sent a PM to that Forum member, and it's still showing up in your Messages, your can delete it, to see if that creates enough space to send a new PM. I've had that work, at least once recently.


Of course, if this is your first attempt to send them a PM, IDK?

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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PM's are a great way to OT, iron out differences, keep from derailing threads, etc. It's good to go in and delete the old PMs. It doesn't mean your defriending anyone when you delete, just means you're getting rid of the old stuff... :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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Winston, anyone can delete PMs from their box, the sender doesn't need to do it.


Sorry, I think you mistook my point. What I meant was, I was trying to send a PM to someone who was over their limit, and I realized that I still had a couple of PM's to that member on my list, even though they'd been read. When I deleted those, I was able to send a PM; I guess that one or two that I deleted was enough to put them over the limit.


Ignoring a PM seems rude and pointless. If I've been offline for a while, I may not see a PM right away, but when I do, I try to respond, and apologize for my late response. It's like any other conversation, just in slow motion. I wouldn't turn my back to someone talking to me, or ignore someone calling, "Hey, Winston!"

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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All PMs sent to me are usually found in my e-mail box. If I want, I can delete them there, but I never let one go unread, and if I answer I have NO idea where everything goes from there. I only know that my reply to a PM goes back to who sent me the original. How and where THEY recieve it, I do not know.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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As for the ignoration, d, I know I sometimes want to get back later on, when I have time to carefully craft a well thought out response to a PM. Then I forget or get seriously delayed. So it's not always a brushoff. But in the case of somebody who posts here once then buggers off, yeah, that is a brushoff.
Scott Fraser
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Well, Scott, when one of those "just popped in to spammerize yer town" cats pops 'n' hops, who cares. They gone !

However, when a well-regarded cohort glides (or, alternately a FLAMING blitherite can't GETTERITE) that's another horse's, uh, COLOR.


Although there were a couple particular examples that suggested this thread, it was posted more as a general reminder to all that a little housecleaning's worth the effort.



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Hey- d- am I the someone'r'nother that you allude to?


I know that more than once I've started threads and meant to get back to 'em, and forgot, and let 'em slide...


If so, I just checked and double-checked my Private Messages, and there's nothing recent enough therein- though it is NOT impossible that I may have unintentionally, mistakenly deleted something in a late-night bleary-eyed deletion-clean-up session.


If so, please accept my sincere apologies and know that I am a mere mortal who sometimes drops the ball or falls asleep at the wheel of the web!






Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Well, actually I did wonder abt that "5 lessons in jazz gtr" thread but this had more to do w/someone else & then it developed into more of a PSA. :rolleyes:


I am a mere mortal who sometimes drops the ball or falls asleep at the wheel of the web!


At last we know who's to blame for alla down time & glitcheration !


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Well, actually I did wonder abt that "5 lessons in jazz gtr" thread but this had more to do w/someone else & then it developed into more of a PSA. :rolleyes:


I am a mere mortal who sometimes drops the ball or falls asleep at the wheel of the web!


At last we know who's to blame for alla down time & glitcheration !




Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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