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OT: growing old


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Glad to do it. We're just letting you know that you're not alone in any trepidations you may have about getting older, ad that many of us are on that same train.


My 65th is tomorrow, but I have other concerns that overshadow the occasion, so I'm not dwelling on it. I'll do much the same that I've been doing the past month.


Visit seven to eight hours with my wife who's now in what the nurses at the hospital's rehabilitation wing call a "subQ", which is just another name for "temporary nursing home care" for her stroke recovery.


I'll argue and gripe to the nurses for their lack of seeming to want to EARN their pay, and go home and maybe stick a candle in a Hostess cupcake and sing to myself.


GAW! to listen to MY singing isn't exactly what I'd call a "gift"! :D


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Thanks. A "virtual" cake is actually the ONLY kind my cardiologist would approve of. ;)


Actually, the heart is located JUST a bit left of center, a fact I like to razz my conservative buddy with....


"See? Even GOD is a liberal!" :D


But seriously, the facility my wife is in has this "thing" they do every month that her nurse brought up. They pick a day each month on which to have cake and ice cream to note ALL those employees who have a birthday in that month. Today is JULY'S employees birthday salute, and she said I'm invited to go down and sneak a slice if I wish. :)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Hello and apologies to everyone.

I wanted to get back to this discussion, Then the wifi in my building went completely dark. It`s been offline for almost two weeks, I tried the PC-deleting browser history, clearing caches. The router has been reset-it`s still blank. Freakin weird.

I`m renting time now so just quickly-I`ve been fortunate to be exposed to many different views on the passage of life- before moving to Japan I became a receiver of The Dao. We often speak about how the physical body is only a vehicle for a more important part of who we are. Contrary to a lot of crap out there, science and mysticism are not opponents. They are related paths, speaking different languages.


So, about the growing old thing-


It sucks.


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It sucks.


I don`t like it. Not one little bit.

I don`t like losing opportunities, because advertisers like 25 year old people.

I don`t like losing friends. I REALLY don`t like losing family.

I don`t like having more work responsibility, with more expectations and higher standards but the same pay-because I`m `not a kid`.

I was staying at a hostel in Hong Kong, and there was a bunch of college guys from the UK-they were going to go clubbing. I was invited-they met a group of girls from Uruguay, a place I happen to know a litle bit about. I said, no you go and have a good time but they insisted. So we we grabbed a bus, went to a pub to have a few warmup beers. I went to take a pee-when I got back, everyone was gone.




This is sounding like a rant-I don`t mean it as a rant. Actually I want to log off before things get too expensive.


Yeah WF you heard right-it`s about the journey. They all end up the same-so what? so did Shakespeare, Buddha and Caesar. If I get a salad named after me, when my last breath happens I won`t like it. But I`ll know I combined boots and gleuts.


Edit: got my `guays` mixed up-this is what happens when you have friends from all over.




Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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So....all your "friends" ditched ya?


Sure...that sucks. Me? Well, next time they invite me somewhere, I'd tell 'em to meet me there, I'll be along after I finish up something, but wait for me and I'M BUYING. And then not show up. ;)


I'd rather not spend my old age sitting around talking about where I've been or what I've done, especially if no one ASKS. But I remember what my wife's uncle once said...


We went to Laredo Texas so her Dad could see him(his older brother) possibly for the last time when he was in a nursing home down there. He was 94 at the time, and with a sly, impish smile on his face, SWORE that he was going to sneak out of the place and..., "Find me a cute 15 year old girl and live it up!" :D


Of course, it never happened, but I LOVED that attitude.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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