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Fixing my Epi Sheraton II


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Good luck with it Fred. Off the track a bit, I'm looking into buying my first hollow body. I've tried out several over the years, and some I liked more than others. I've been told that you can't get a good new hollow body in today's market for less $2,000. I really don't want to spend that much. The new Epi Sheraton Pro II intrigues me. It goes for $700 new. Made in China. It gets good reviews. Worth checking out? I would appreciate your thoughts.


Absolutely one can get a very good hollow body, or semi-hollow body for under $2000. Fred's recommendations are spot on regarding Peerless. I will add my customary recommendation to look at Eastman as well. Very high quality hand made instruments from Beijing for not a ton of money. And also look into the Ibanez hollow & semi-hollow guitars. And in the same general price range as the Sheraton are various models of fully hollow & semi-hollow Gretsch, made in Korea or China. Very good guitars are coming out of China now, as long as quality control is being looked after. A cheap Chinese guitar will be cheap in all regards, but a well made Chinese guitar stands up to the fine Korean & Japanese makers.

Scott Fraser
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My buddy just bought a MIC sunburst Strat at a very good price and he is very happy with it. I'll go over to his house and check it out one of these days soon. Ironically we were talking about it over Chinese food last night LOL! :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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Gibson has its own factory in Quingdao where they make only Epiphones and control the process from beginning to end. If you google Epiphone China you'll find a good article about the factory. Most of the major companys make very good products in China, it's the off brands you have to be concerned about.







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I'll check out some of those options Fred and Scott. Thanks. I have plenty of time as I won't be seriously looking until I've settled in Florida in late May. I've already checked out some of the guitar stores in the Daytona Beach area on the Internet.
"Let me stand next to your fire!", Jimi Hendrix
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Gibson has its own factory in Quingdao where they make only Epiphones and control the process from beginning to end. If you google Epiphone China you'll find a good article about the factory. Most of the major companys make very good products in China, it's the off brands you have to be concerned about.


Good to know JuJu. Thanks.

"Let me stand next to your fire!", Jimi Hendrix
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  • 1 month later...



"Sherry" is in the shop. I should have her back within a month or so.


Decided on the StewMac Parson Street Alnico II humbuckers. Good reviews coupled with Caevan's strong recommendation sealed the deal.


I am looking forward to having my long time musical companion back in service.

If you play cool, you are cool.
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"Sherry" is in the shop. I should have her back within a month or so.


Decided on the StewMac Parson Street Alnico II humbuckers. Good reviews coupled with Caevan's strong recommendation sealed the deal.


I am looking forward to having my long time musical companion back in service.


May you have a happy reunion with miles of smiles ahead of you! :wave:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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+ 1 on that.


Good to see someone else coming to their senses and discarding the "disposable society" attitude this country's mostly adopted.


I'm an "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" kind of guy, but also...


"If it IS broke, see first if it CAN be fixed before disposing of it." kind of guy too.


Waiting for a report, and hope she's good as new.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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+ 1 on that.


Good to see someone else coming to their senses and discarding the "disposable society" attitude this country's mostly adopted.


I'm an "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" kind of guy, but also...


"If it IS broke, see first if it CAN be fixed before disposing of it." kind of guy too.


Waiting for a report, and hope she's good as new.



I'm with you on both counts, Whitefang, but for me, there's even a third option: "Even if it's broke, can I cannibalize any useable parts or materials from the wreckage?"


@Fred C., all the best getting your old friend back in shape!

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Are you getting a refret too?




No refret necessary. Although there is some fretboard wear, my tech assures me that I can wait another year or more before that requires repair. The jumbo frets are in good shape and just need to be recrowned. Not filling in the fretboard wear saves me over $200 on the cost of the repair. I am replacing the pickups, all the pots and selector switch plus a setup.



If you play cool, you are cool.
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  • 1 month later...

Got Sherry back yesterday and I am thrilled with the results of the maintenance. My guitar tech completely rewired the guitar added brand new 500k Pots and .47 mfd Caps, installed a Switchcraft p/u selector switch, and setup the instrument.


The biggest part of the repair was the installation of a new pair of StewMac Parson Street Alnico II humbuckers. These new pickups (in conjunction with the other upgraded parts) have completely changed the character of the instrument. It now sounds more "semi-hollow" than "hollow" with a bit more "bite" on the neck pickup and more "spank" and/or "Pop" with both p/u's switched on. As I've mentioned in the past, I have never played the bridge position alone, but the instrument now has a much more diverse and versatile sound than before. I've even played the bridge p/u by itself and enjoyed the resulting tone. The Parson Streets are very well defined and detailed in their response characteristics with excellent string-to-string balance and overall, a highly musical tone, closer to Charlie Christian than Jim Hall or Joe Pass. IMO, they represent an excellent and cost effective upgrade from the Epi Classic 57's that I've been playing for the last 20 years.


I have often praised the work of my guitar tech and in this instance, I think he really did an outstanding job on Sherry. I am very pleased with how she turned out and today is like a NGD or NOGD (New Old Guitar Day) for me.



If you play cool, you are cool.
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Thanks for the update Brother Fred! I'm very glad to hear you have your old and trusted friend back in the stable. I like blending the neck and bridge for a little added brightness and then using the bridge for some country lead twang. But, I always fall back on the smooth clean neck pup. Very happy to hear you are having fun with both of those new puppies! Have fun with it and don't wear those fingers out tonight LOL! Brother Lar. :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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