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How do I fix this hole in the wall?

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It's a small hole, made by a DirecTV tech who backed out the door before I could see what he had done. I did complain about it - DirecTV gave me my NFL Sunday ticker for free this year - but rather than have someone come to fix it, I figured I would take a shot. Only thing is, I suck when it comes to fixing things 'round the house. Can anyone offer some pointers? Like I said, the hole is small, about 1/4 or 3/8 inch across.
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I'm going to take a shot at this. Put some spackling in the hole, very similar to toothpaste, let it dry until hard, sand, and paint. Spackling sold at any hardware, or paint store. If the hole is in wood, use a woodfiller, as close to the same color as the wood, as you can get, and carefully sand flush. Restain the surrounding wood if necessary.


I'm in Charlotte right now, but leaving at four this afternoon, to return to California. I could come by and do it before I leave for $500.00.

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To repair a small hole in drywall:

Remove loose drywall plaster and cut away torn paper with a utility knife.

Roughen the edges of the hole with coarse sandpaper, then wipe dust away from the hole.

Cut a piece of wire screening slightly larger than the hole or use a drywall patch screen and cover the hole with it. You may need a coat of fresh compound or a string to keep the screen in place.

Cover the screen with compound, then let it dry before continuing.

Once dry, sand, prime and paint.


If you make a mess and turn it into a big hole...


To patch a large drywall hole:

Mark out a rectangle around the hole with a straightedge or carpenter's rule.

Cut through the paper surface on the marked lines using a utility knife or keyhole saw.

Cut a drywall patch two inches each direction larger than the hole. Remove the 2-inch perimeter, but leave the facing paper.

Spread joint compound around the outside edges of the hole and along its inside edges.

Place the patch in position and hold it in place for several minutes while it begins to adhere. Spread more joint compound as needed with a drywall knife.

Once dry, sand, prime and paint.

Yum, Yum! Eat em up!
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For a hole that size, most spackle will "dip" when dry, so either be certain to begin with spackle raised above the plane of the wall or use Bondo. (sp?) No kidding, Bondo works wonders for holes or cracks that are too large for spackle, but small enough to be filled without the support of wire mesh or an extra piece of drywall with joint compound. We use it a lot in scenic work.

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Depending on how deep it is (you've said it's not that wide) it might take two coats of spackle - I'm guessing one will do though.


If you have a fine-cell spnge you can wet the sponge, wring out the excess and lightly swipe over the spackle after it has set for 15 minutes or so but is not quite dry.


If you don't have a sponge then you can use your tongue on that size of repair (you should be able to I guess - let me know !).


Once you paint the dryed spackle though the sponge trick won't work so you'd have to sand it. I hate sanded spackle, sanded spackle and latex paint ain't much fun either. For the size of repair you've got it won't matter much.


Your second repair should go pretty quick next time. :thu:

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ya know what, I`m really glad this came up...I have a hole in my wall exactly the size of a fist

(or the size of a bad day, depending on perspective), and my apartment is due for an inspection before the end of next month. I know what they`re going to say. `Well we have to get to it from the other side of the wall, but I think we can do it for under 3.7 X 10 to

the thirtieth power dollars...`

No no noooooooo. There must be another way.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Skip, as a fellow member of "better the wall than your boss' face" club...


Get a piece of cardboard a little bigger than the hole. Poke a hole in the center and put a string through it so you can pull it tight. Put some Elmer's glue on the front. Put the cardboard through the hole and pull it with the string so it affixes itself to the back of the wall, gluing itself thusly. Tie the string to, say, a mic stand or something that will keep it in place til the Elmer's dries.


Then, when it dries, get your patching plaster and a wide plaster knife. Put the plaster in a little at a time, and let each layer dry. Add layers as necessary 'til the hole is smooth and flush with the wall. Sand lightly and repaint.



"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Tedster, you da Mayan.

The only twist to the thing is, that there`s wallpaper that I want to refit once the stuff is dry-as opposed to trying to find the same paper-so I would be trying to replace the patch of wallpaper rather than repainting. I think. Anyway, I`m going to print this out and use it.

If you`re ever out this way, sushi and sake`s on me.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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