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Keyboard Corner Versus Other Social Media


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Facebook employs people in the psychiatric fields to work with their programming teams on developing UI elements and targeted data collection and feedback in order to effectively keep you on the site for as long as possible and returning frequently. In other words, you're being manipulated and monetized.


I don't see any evidence of this with the Keyboard Corner. The banter with people who like or even live keyboards is what keeps me around. It doesn't need much more.


I have always suspected this. People ' addicted ' to FB ( and twitter) is no accident.


With a stock price of $101 and equity of 44 billion, you can bet there is going to be psychiatric manipulation.


Do you have any general science on how FB gets into people's brain ? I am interested in their tricks.


Thanks !

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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P.S. Joe, I heard when you get to 100,000 posts, a singularity forms.
I'm working on it! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-computer001.gif


I realized this morning that getting notifications of replies on FB has habituated me to not always reply here. I mean, 8/10 times on FB I don't care what anyone else replies because they usually do it without reading the others, and I don't need a notification of that. Or, I want to say, "sorry about your dog/marriage/job/whatever" but don't need to know that anyone else replied.


You can turn off those notifications.

I've managed many, but there are levels to what you can and cannot do on FB. I often turn off the notification to a particular post, but then if the original person replies I don't think I get notified of that.


The only place I have notifications from FB always on is messages, since some people seem to prefer to communicate that way instead of iMessage/SMS. Those are usually real things and of course I need to know about them vs. general discussions.


"Social media" is largely a contradiction in terms. What most online back-&-forth becomes early on is a peeling back of a few more social layers that keep the nasty old Id in check. Far too many people show what they're really made of and its a foul sight. Its easier to be a monster when you don't have to look anyone in the eye. Many types of public figures are prone to scream in the public's face. If someone suddenly flared up like that in your home, you'd heave them out the front door on their faces and rightly so, yet its become business-as-usual to a large degree. At one time, people were defined by their good manners. Now, its more like a round of You Wanna Piece O' Me??
I've been observing this since before social media existed. It used to happen via email. Over time, we've invented less and less personal communication methods and it can be harder and harder to tell if someone is kidding, and with less consequences, it's easier to say what we'd never do in person unless really pushed.


All that being said, I make an effort to not stir crap up. If I see a discussion is already heated, I move on. I can quickly find another post where I can be supportive, cheer someone on, or whatever. Getting into arguments with people whose minds I cannot change doesn't make me happy so I go find something that does. Like playing my piano or even hanging out here. http://blue-funk.com/NonBandPictures/smileys/cheers.gif

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Getting into arguments with people whose minds I cannot change doesn't make me happy so I go find something that does. Like playing my piano or even hanging out here. http://blue-funk.com/NonBandPictures/smileys/cheers.gif


I'll second that my brother. :cheers:

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I had refrained from any of the "Social Media" until recently. Internet forums such as KC and Mastering VAST better meet my purposes in the music realm.


However, I now do spend some (but not a lot) of time on FaceBook. Two reasons for joining: First, the younger people in my family and (real-world) friends are there (kids, grandchildren, etc.) and I'm more in the loop knowing what is happening in their lives. I don't randomly "friend" people that I don't know in real life in my personal FB account.

Second: I run a business, which has it's own page. We also have the more traditional website, but each reaches a mostly different set of people.


Other social media: Twitter - rarely post anything, but personal account gives me a personal news feed, and company account gives me a very useful feed from companies that are in my field. Key on Twitter is to USE it, instead of it USING you. LinkedIn - also some business contacts, although not as many as I expected.

Pinterest - get some source material but not much. Instagram - have account, not really using. Google+ - very occasional use.


My email signature lists these, and recent business cards list the more useful ones.


I don't (usually) ever get into the various endless arguments (religion, political, etc.) although I occasionally make a post of that nature. Maybe encouraging someone.


And (of course), the occasional (presumed) witticism: Like today, about the Apple iPhone encryption controversy: "If this keeps on for long, we are going to see protestors in the streets shouting 'Hands up, don't root.'" (only the UNIX/Linux gurus will likely consider this funny).


Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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LinkedIn. I have an account and my first year I was connecting with people I actually knew from other on line places.


Then I decided to join a couple of discussion forums on LinkedIn relating to what I do. It was okay at first, good discussion, made some links there. Then came the spam messages.


I spend very little time on LinkedIn for this reason, generally going over there to see if anyone I actually want to connect with is asking or to just delete spam.


My radio partner has wanted to get a business thing going on Pinterest and Instagram. Since I am the one that handles all of our business on social media, I am not ready to take that leap yet because I do not feel the time invested on my part is worth the return we would get.


Having a web site, Facebook page and Twitter pages (yes, two, as one is for a popular character) is more than enough for me at this point.




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I like it here because the discussion is meaty. Facebook is mostly full of mind numbing crap.


I don't often talk about keyboards on Facebook because so few of my friends are interested in them. Any time I mention them most replies I get go along the lines of "Is it a Nord?"


Similarly, I don't if ever post personal views here or talk about things I'd talk about on Facebook. Two completely different forms of social media, and they can't really be compared. But that's how I like it.


If we're comparing this place to other gear/music related forums though, this place wins every time. The depth here is wonderful.

Hammond SKX

Mainstage 3

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I was on facebook for years already I think because of a AES connection, it said "only befriend persons on FlipBore when you actually know them" and such. So lets say a friend request is actually an acquaintance (I flexed some spelling memory there) or some form of family or another, etc. If those rules would've been followed strictly, FlickBully would have made Suckerberg and his relations proud. However just like Twitterthetwatter seems to find it's use for psychopathic traitor control, and LinkUp often looks more like SuckedIn I think it must be true that Mr. Reese was informed properly by Finch: he invented it to gather world wide intelligence, for free !


The Machine


True or false jokes aside I recall discovering e-mail at university on the Unix machines at Uni in probably '86 or before, which was local networks only,but when I had a phone in account and modem software for my Atari ST I had the feeling it was the thing for the future, and had good fun with it, and when the actual internet came to be, I felt some interactions and planned meetings were more comfortable and easily arranged through email than otherwise. My first Public Domain software was available through BBSes from the early time for for instance patch management on a DW8000 with a GUI.


So I like the internet, and think it should be social and it doesn't need some number of *ssholes using it only for some sort of deranging propaganda only suitable for creeps. This forum is about an interest I've had for a long time, with a lot of expertise being freely available, which I dig.



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I was on facebook for years already I think because of a AES connection, it said "only befriend persons on FlipBore when you actually know them" and such. So lets say a friend request is actually an acquaintance (I flexed some spelling memory there) or some form of family or another, etc. If those rules would've been followed strictly, FlickBully would have made Suckerberg and his relations proud. However just like Twitterthetwatter seems to find it's use for psychopathic traitor control, and LinkUp often looks more like SuckedIn I think it must be true that Mr. Reese was informed properly by Finch: he invented it to gather world wide intelligence, for free !


The Machine


True or false jokes aside I recall discovering e-mail at university on the Unix machines at Uni in probably '86 or before, which was local networks only,but when I had a phone in account and modem software for my Atari ST I had the feeling it was the thing for the future, and had good fun with it, and when the actual internet came to be, I felt some interactions and planned meetings were more comfortable and easily arranged through email than otherwise. My first Public Domain software was available through BBSes from the early time for for instance patch management on a DW8000 with a GUI.


So I like the internet, and think it should be social and it doesn't need some number of *ssholes using it only for some sort of deranging propaganda only suitable for creeps. This forum is about an interest I've had for a long time, with a lot of expertise being freely available, which I dig.



I love this post, Theo. It might be my favorite one from you. I love the names in the first paragraph and the last paragraph about KC. :thu:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I've been a member on this forum for just a little while.


I kinda like you folks.


I hope it's OK if I stick around a while longer. :)


Thanks! (Love ya... mean it!) :keynana:



I think it was ITGITC who I first heard say that this place is like hanging out at the corner bar. Definitely dig that vibe here. :cheers:

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw


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I think it was ITGITC who I first heard say that this place is like hanging out at the corner bar. Definitely dig that vibe here. :cheers:




I rarely visit other forums any more. This place offers the best of everything... especially the humor. :thu:



When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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Recently, I have been prodded (yet again) by several friends to join Facebook, but every time I re-read the TOS, I pull back. Yes, you can filter and config to a large degree, but am I wrong to be suspicious of a thing whose first demand is that I defend myself from its basic function? Overall 'Trust' became an early casualty of Internet use, like it or not. You have to be vigilant while driving, obviously, but barring a horrific confluence of events, a driving mistake won't follow you home. A misstep online and you can be cored like an apple. I maintain a buffer between myself and people from whom I buy things online. If Target can be hacked as it was, you or I could be sucked into a similar vortex the day someone decides to stick it to Amazon or etc. You have to pay a certain freight for everything, but I begin to object when the lack of civility grows so rank, even *this* forum is a hacker target. :taz:


Am I pissed at all of this? Duh. However, I love having been able to simply download a Mellotron; my extended e-mails with musical pals; old video of Richard Pryor, Pablo Casals and Christopher Hitchens; all manner of film easily had as public domain fare or for way cheap; more complete descriptions of modern issues and science 4 clicks deeper on a tree; and lindaru's engaging female energy, which is a winning offset to the locker room cloud of testosterone. :cheers:


I had a productive three hours last night. I zipped off another piece of a debate I am having with a friend over alternate tunings, fixed two loose-thread sections of a new composition and came up with the ideal pad mix for yet another one. It was so lush and creamy, I almost touched myself in an impure manner. You know the drill! So... there is such a thing as worthy battles, if you pick the right ones. Just remember that three angry gang girls with knives can easily trump your medieval mace and heedless bluster. Seriously, they gon' cutchoo, man.


Its a reckless world that lets itself be guided by its tools. ~ Rupert Hine, "Picture Phone"


Manhood is the ability to outlast despair. ~ James Jones.







"Well, the 60s were fun, but now I'm payin' for it."
        ~ Stan Lee, "Ant-Man and the Wasp"

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I go on Facebook, and just look at what has been posted to see if it interests me. I almost never post there.


Twitter, I have an account, but I have Never posted there. I always thought who cares what I had for breakfast, and I'm sure not going to tell potential thieves that I will be away from my house.


This place is more like a family. There are some crackpots, but you give them the benefit of the doubt because they are part of the musical family. (is there a word for co-ed fraternity?)

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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Slightly off topic; I work smack dab in the middle of the internet, at a medium sized rapidly growing social/commerce site. Im connected into a slew of big and small internet companies, and all the social media sites. Right around where I work there must be 400-500 startups. Everyone is talking to each other, theres a lot of information sharing, people are taking shots and figuring things out, very openly. Its actually quite fascinating; it feels like the center of the universe, a lot of whats exciting thats going on the world is happening all around me.


Whats interesting are the similarities to the music business. When I was taking a shot as a musician/rocker back in the 80s (Hollywood, Sunset Strip), it felt very similar it was very exciting, lots of people were taking shots at the big time, bands and musicians were everywhere, showcases, gigs, girls, girls girls, record companies right and left, it felt like the center of the universe. It was a glorious time and a huge amount of fun.


And another element of similarity, is that the vast majority will not hit the big time and we all know it. But thats not stopping anyone from taking the shot.

Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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Even on Facebook if I preface my post with the fact that it may be a rant, I will likely get nasty comments back, unfriended (which is fine if they do not like me, move on), or worse yet, reported and I do not think Facebook cares that it is not spam or abuse, they just give you a time warning that you cannot post for a while and remove your post.




You must have much touchier friends than I do. Even with over 1800 friends, it's extremely rare that I get "unfriended" even after I drop f-bombs, give strong opinions, or give something I've read an article a total pasting. :D


One of the last time I was "unfriended" on FB, which was a few years ago, I had actually said something nice. This woman said she was going somewhere, and I said, "Pictures or it didn't happen!" She messaged me and said she was really hurt that I didn't believe her and this and that and went off on a rant. I calmly explained to her that it's a saying that we would love to see photos. That didn't quell her fiery vitriol at all, so at that point, I just thought, "Well, I've tried a couple of times. I'll just let this go."

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By the way, I love Facebook. Not the actual entity and the data mining part (which is easy to bypass....I just don't put any personal or meaningful information on my account for anyone to mine), but the interactions.


I do long exposure photography, am an Admin for two groups, thet Long Exposure Photography Group and Long Exposure Creativity Group. I get to check out mind-blowingly gorgeous photos, interact with supremely talented photographers at the top of their game, learn a lot, talk gear, talk creativity, the whole bit. It's fun.


As far as my friends go, my friends are very interesting, and I am never bored with what they post.



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My forum based life has slowly spilled over to facebook. On here, of course there's no politics or religion. On Facebook, besides promoting my band and posting pics of my kids, THAT is the outlet for my social and political rants and opinions. As I've collected friends on there from here, I've generally stayed away from commenting on things political on their posts in the spirit of the forum, unless engaged. But either way, the folks from here seem to be the type who are open minded, intelligent, and can really debate things in a way that teaches me and challenges what I think....as opposed to the folks that post memes of Gene Wilder and Ooompa Loompas. Some of my best FB friends are adamantly against me politically, but I love them. Those are the guys I can have a healthy debate with knowing we want the same thing but have different philosophies. Then you get the guys who unfriend you because you MUST be evil because you disagree....good riddance. (that's on both sides, btw).


I hope that wasn't too political.


To my friends here who are also my FB friends, I love all you guys, even if you vote for the other guy/gal/alien :)




Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Funny you mentioned that. I am voting for the Martian.




The guys I have friended on Facebook from here are fabulous! Love ya's!


Yes, the Facebook touchy ones. They are ones that I met doing a previous series of internet radio shows and they are probably more religious than political.


I was tempted one day to post a thing about peanut butter. I may still do it because I believe it may clear a bunch of them off my list.


"I am going to the store to get some real peanut butter with salt, sugar, fat and great taste. It will not have to rot in my refrigerator within a week because it is not all natural and has enough preservatives that I can forget it in the pantry for a few months and it will still taste as fresh as the day I opened it."


Many of these people who friended me from those days would probably feel I have gone to the dark side if I post that. Touchy is correct.


Believe it or not, some of them unfriend you if you change your banner or profile picture.



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However, I love having been able to simply download a Mellotron; my extended e-mails with musical pals; old video of Richard Pryor, Pablo Casals and Christopher Hitchens; all manner of film easily had as public domain fare or for way cheap; more complete descriptions of modern issues and science 4 clicks deeper on a tree; and lindaru's engaging female energy, which is a winning offset to the locker room cloud of testosterone. :cheers:


Thank you!


Now all of you pick up those dirty sweat socks.




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I've been a member on this forum for just a little while.


I kinda like you folks.


I hope it's OK if I stick around a while longer. :)


Thanks! (Love ya... mean it!) :keynana:



I think it was ITGITC who I first heard say that this place is like hanging out at the corner bar. Definitely dig that vibe here. :cheers:


Next best thing to hanging out in person!




That's exactly right!


I was excited to find this neighborhood bar and raise a glass with the crowd a few years back. But the first time we all got together near Richmond, well, that was pretty incredible! ...and so was the 2nd time and the 3rd time! I still enjoy the photos and the audio recordings we made.


It was dubbed the Mid-Atlantic Keyboard Corner Forum Meet-up (MAKCFMU). MMmm, that's a lot of letters. Did I get it right ProfD?


I enjoyed meeting everyone, but I had no idea Gangsu would make an appearance - all the way from the Great White North! Can you imagine someone who grew up just a few miles from Santa Claus meeting me - a guy born in the sandy fields of bright leaf tobacco who spent his formative years hanging out in the longleaf pines of rural Eastern North Carolina?


Talk about culture shock! :sick:


But after about three more beers, I got over it! ;):cheers:



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I just thought of another way to look at this subject. For a while, I was trying to find other communities with this vibe that covered other or more specific topics of interest. There are very, very few.


I like Gene Wilder as Willie Wonka. What's your problem, Dan???? :poke:;)

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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