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Keyboard Corner Versus Other Social Media


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Way OT again, Lindaru if you want to, you can answer in another thread! Thanks to Captain underpants for liberal use of this thread.



Maybe you can provide some feedback on the forum culture that has these sensitivities

1. to repeating a topic that occurred years back... I guess it depends on the kind of topic..

Two kinds of topics (at least) - a converging topic, meaning a topic that has an elegantly simple solution- "what is the purpose of balanced versus unbalanced... yada yada?"

Diverging topic: " how do I teach music" this is open ended


The divergent will have many opinions.

the convergent will tend to boil down more and more to a best solution.

The converging solution perhaps is best saved in one golden thread

But the diverging topics, are open ended, so what's the big deal ( the sensitivity ) about the topic coming up again.



Rants... what's the big deal.. if you want to rant, rant.


This forum culture is a tad foreign to me.


Oh, and this one.. Opinionated charge. Find me someone who has no opinions here. I aggravate because I repeat my opinions

again I say, so what. Discuss , or ignore that thread.


What am I missing here, Dear?


'Tis okay if I answer here?


Basically this forum allows me to be me without harsh comments like I find on Facebook and is way more interactive than Twitter. I am not part of any other music forums, so cannot go by that, but social media in general.


If topics repeat, resolve, stay open ended is all good with me. I like to go with the flow here whichever way that flow goes and not worry that something I say is going to get me blocked (ignored?) or reported for whatever reason they do not like my comment or post and decide to report it.


Even on Facebook if I preface my post with the fact that it may be a rant, I will likely get nasty comments back, unfriended (which is fine if they do not like me, move on), or worse yet, reported and I do not think Facebook cares that it is not spam or abuse, they just give you a time warning that you cannot post for a while and remove your post.




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I may regret this, but I'll take a stab at it.


GENERALLY, I try to consider the intent of the OP and help in whatever way they intended, often times the example of "convergent"....drawing them towards a solution. However, that means converging on the solution for THEM, not me.


I'll give a generic example. OP says, I need a low cost DP for gigging so I want it to be fairly light, action decent but I'm not overly picky. I'll only play piano, no other sounds, no need for built in speakers. Pretty straight forward and a few models SHOULD pretty much float to the top given the criteria with a few caveats to consider.


However, I GUARANTEE!!!! there will be additional discussions comparing the best actions despite being out of cost and weight range, additional discussions about what has the best EP and Clav sounds even through the OP only needs piano, and all kinds of other discussions - additional sounds, controllers, etc., etc.


These discussions happen because people are selfish and don't want to actually help the OP, they want to discuss what's important to them. My advice is start your own thread on what you want to talk about and if nobody joins in, it's because it's not important to them.


As far as the divergent topics....there is no point in a COMPLETELY divergent topic...or else it's not a topic. There have to be SOME constraints or else it ends up being like 20 people standing in a room talking over each other about 20 different things. If somebody walks in, they'll only hear noise. Again, I think it's up to the OP to frame up the topic and others to try to respect it. I'm as guilty as the next guy about sometimes taking things OT, so I understand how tempting it is, but if a discussion is generally going in a certain direction, I think constantly trying to dig into every single minutia and splinter off into all possible side discussions just muddies things up to the point of being noise that doesn't benefit anybody.


As far as rants, they're fine if it's something that will result in some benefit for somebody. Sometimes we just have to vent, and our peers understand us better than others. But at the end of the day you have to ask yourself what you wish to accomplish. Did it make you feel better? Did anybody learn anything? Or is it just bringing everybody down?



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I have learned on Facebook for the most part when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, but there are still surprises sometimes.




I am not one to get into religion or politics anywhere, so that is never the problem.


My response that I considered to be a rant really was on topic because it was regarding self assessment and my questioning of it from a business point of view which someone before me had brought up, having been told that I am "too old to cut the mustard". How many of us are biased against for gigs because of that alone?


I classified that as a rant because really is it just me that I know of out of our group that is having that situation and yes, it felt good to vent. I would not have been comfortable bringing it up in a general social media place and probably would have been told, "It sounds like a personal problem to me."


I am sure this happens to others in a variety of ways and just wanted to point out that perhaps this can weigh in our self assessment and make us feel more self conscious.


That said, I do also wander off topic and join in humorous bits here and there.




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Way OT again, Lindaru if you want to, you can answer in another thread! Thanks to Captain underpants for liberal use of this thread.



Maybe you can provide some feedback on the forum culture that has these sensitivities

1. to repeating a topic that occurred years back... I guess it depends on the kind of topic..

Two kinds of topics (at least) - a converging topic, meaning a topic that has an elegantly simple solution- "what is the purpose of balanced versus unbalanced... yada yada?"

Diverging topic: " how do I teach music" this is open ended


The divergent will have many opinions.

the convergent will tend to boil down more and more to a best solution.

The converging solution perhaps is best saved in one golden thread

But the diverging topics, are open ended, so what's the big deal ( the sensitivity ) about the topic coming up again.



Rants... what's the big deal.. if you want to rant, rant.


This forum culture is a tad foreign to me.


Oh, and this one.. Opinionated charge. Find me someone who has no opinions here. I aggravate because I repeat my opinions

again I say, so what. Discuss , or ignore that thread.


What am I missing here, Dear?


'Tis okay if I answer here?


Basically this forum allows me to be me without harsh comments like I find on Facebook and is way more interactive than Twitter. I am not part of any other music forums, so cannot go by that, but social media in general.


If topics repeat, resolve, stay open ended is all good with me. I like to go with the flow here whichever way that flow goes and not worry that something I say is going to get me blocked (ignored?) or reported for whatever reason they do not like my comment or post and decide to report it.


Even on Facebook if I preface my post with the fact that it may be a rant, I will likely get nasty comments back, unfriended (which is fine if they do not like me, move on), or worse yet, reported and I do not think Facebook cares that it is not spam or abuse, they just give you a time warning that you cannot post for a while and remove your post.




Yep, have to agree with the above by Lindaru :D

There is no luck - luck is simply the confluence of circumstance and co-incidence...


Time is the final arbiter for all things

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I realized this morning that getting notifications of replies on FB has habituated me to not always reply here. I mean, 8/10 times on FB I don't care what anyone else replies because they usually do it without reading the others, and I don't need a notification of that. Or, I want to say, "sorry about your dog/marriage/job/whatever" but don't need to know that anyone else replied.


OTOH, I'm sure most of you are happy that I'm not jacking up my post count like I used to. :P

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Not that there's a ton of good research on the subject, but anecdotally strong communities such as this one are a product of shared interests and strong passions.


Definitely the case here. Otherwise, why would we be talking about KC series amps with such gusto?


That, and I still believe that most keyboard players are smarter than the average bear.


P.S. Joe, I heard when you get to 100,000 posts, a singularity forms.


-- Chuck

Want to make your band better?  Check out "A Guide To Starting (Or Improving!) Your Own Local Band"


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Facebook employs people in the psychiatric fields to work with their programming teams on developing UI elements and targeted data collection and feedback in order to effectively keep you on the site for as long as possible and returning frequently. In other words, you're being manipulated and monetized.


I don't see any evidence of this with the Keyboard Corner. The banter with people who like or even live keyboards is what keeps me around. It doesn't need much more.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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... having been told that I am "too old to cut the mustard". How many of us are biased against for gigs because of that alone?

Just smile and reply, "Maybe, but I'm excellent at cutting the cheese!" :laugh:

Casio PX-5S, Korg Kronos 61, Omnisphere 2, Ableton Live, LaunchKey 25, 2M cables
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That, and I still believe that most keyboard players are smarter than the average bear.


-- Chuck




I've been a member on this forum for just a little while.


I kinda like you folks.


I hope it's OK if I stick around a while longer. :)


Thanks! (Love ya... mean it!) :keynana:




"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I always feel good and look forward to coming here in the morning.


Facebook I often have to steel my nerve and prepare for whatever is facing me this day.


I manage community pages and administer groups, and that is the majority of what I do. I try to spend little time on my personal stuff, but occasionally I will come across a humorous meme or want to share something I did and will post it to my wall.


I think they need to hire a bunch of new psychiatrists to work with their development and programming teams. If I did not have groups and pages, I would have been gone from Facebook a long time ago. It is not what it used to be any more.




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... having been told that I am "too old to cut the mustard". How many of us are biased against for gigs because of that alone?

Just smile and reply, "Maybe, but I'm excellent at cutting the cheese!" :laugh:


I actually did think of that. I bet they would not want me to prove it, though.




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That, and I still believe that most keyboard players are smarter than the average bear.


-- Chuck




I've been a member on this forum for just a little while.


I kinda like you folks.


I hope it's OK if I stick around a while longer. :)


Thanks! (Love ya... mean it!) :keynana:




Please do! Love you guys, too.




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I definitely prefer the KC forum. If I post, or if I just look, it's ok.


With facebook, you are accepting friends, or not, or responding to messages, or not, in both cases you run the unintentional risk of offending someone by doing nothing. Which is why I don't facebook.

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I definitely prefer the KC forum. If I post, or if I just look, it's ok.


With facebook, you are accepting friends, or not, or responding to messages, or not, in both cases you run the unintentional risk of offending someone by doing nothing. Which is why I don't facebook.


I'm offended by this.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I definitely prefer the KC forum. If I post, or if I just look, it's ok.


With facebook, you are accepting friends, or not, or responding to messages, or not, in both cases you run the unintentional risk of offending someone by doing nothing. Which is why I don't facebook.


I'm offended by this.


Oh crap, now I have no excuse for not Facebooking.

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I was once asked regarding the entertainment industry, what was my best marketable skill?


I said "pissing people off".


They reiterated, "marketable".


I thought of Howard Stern, Andrew Dice Clay . . . and repeated, "pissing people off".




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For a lot of reasons I'm not a member of Facebook or Twitter. This forum and perhaps two others is the extent of my social networking (Ha-social networking to me is a physical handshake in person.....showing my age). I find a lot of passion and knowledge in most threads, and appreciate differences of opinion. I seldom get confrontational simply because I'm pretty firm in my musical beliefs and if someone gets belligerent about something I just consider them misguided and move on......unless it's about mini keys :bang:


I've got your back, kiddo.



1967 B-3 w/(2) 122's, Nord C1w/Leslie 2101 top, Nord PedalKeys 27, Nord Electro 4D, IK B3X, QSC K12.2, Yamaha reface YC+CS+CP


"It needs a Hammond"


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"Social media" is largely a contradiction in terms. What most online back-&-forth becomes early on is a peeling back of a few more social layers that keep the nasty old Id in check. Far too many people show what they're really made of and its a foul sight. Its easier to be a monster when you don't have to look anyone in the eye. Many types of public figures are prone to scream in the public's face. If someone suddenly flared up like that in your home, you'd heave them out the front door on their faces and rightly so, yet its become business-as-usual to a large degree. At one time, people were defined by their good manners. Now, its more like a round of You Wanna Piece O' Me?? We could have a whopping sociological debate about it, but please, let's not; we'll sully the ladder filters. Outside of a few sparks, KC is an oasis of civility. I come for the useful tips and operational anecdotes from the trenches, but I stay for the Adulthood. Such as it is, of course. :keynana:




"Well, the 60s were fun, but now I'm payin' for it."
        ~ Stan Lee, "Ant-Man and the Wasp"

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I spoke of etiquette on this place earlier, so here's FB for me..... I mostly value it for keeping up with old friends and family that I would otherwise lose track of. That's the best part....seeing my old high school friends raise their kids and share stories. The flip side is the outlet for social and political discussion - of which I have to admit to being a regular participant. But I tend to retain friends of completely opposite opinions who can engage in intellectual debate as opposed to just mindlessly posting memes. This gives me the false sense that I'm actually achieving something in the debates.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I have learned on Facebook for the most part when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, but there are still surprises sometimes.




I am not one to get into religion or politics anywhere, so that is never the problem.


My response that I considered to be a rant really was on topic because it was regarding self assessment and my questioning of it from a business point of view which someone before me had brought up, having been told that I am "too old to cut the mustard". How many of us are biased against for gigs because of that alone?


I classified that as a rant because really is it just me that I know of out of our group that is having that situation and yes, it felt good to vent. I would not have been comfortable bringing it up in a general social media place and probably would have been told, "It sounds like a personal problem to me."


I am sure this happens to others in a variety of ways and just wanted to point out that perhaps this can weigh in our self assessment and make us feel more self conscious.


That said, I do also wander off topic and join in humorous bits here and there.




I read your rant in the other thread, thought it belonged, and am sorry stuff like this goes on.

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Facebook employs people in the psychiatric fields to work with their programming teams on developing UI elements and targeted data collection and feedback in order to effectively keep you on the site for as long as possible and returning frequently. In other words, you're being manipulated and monetized.


I don't see any evidence of this with the Keyboard Corner. The banter with people who like or even live keyboards is what keeps me around. It doesn't need much more.


+1 I think this is spot on

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I realized this morning that getting notifications of replies on FB has habituated me to not always reply here. I mean, 8/10 times on FB I don't care what anyone else replies because they usually do it without reading the others, and I don't need a notification of that. Or, I want to say, "sorry about your dog/marriage/job/whatever" but don't need to know that anyone else replied.


OTOH, I'm sure most of you are happy that I'm not jacking up my post count like I used to. :P


You can turn off those notifications.


Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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I have been on facebook for about a year now. It's my third attempt; the other two lasted just a few weeks. I did it mainly because I was risking, literally, to lose some of my old friends. They were so taken with their facebook activities, that they didn't pay much attention to their "real" friends anymore! That's very, very sad. Also, a few of my musician friends insisted that I joined facebook again, saying that it would be a great way to make contacts and find jobs.... well, ha ha. Maybe if you spend your whole life on fb.... I don't have that kind of time, sorry.


Anyway, the average level of communication is very low on social media. It's usually very casual comments thrown in the boiler, without too much thinking, like people arguing in a bar - and of course, the usual endless fighting over everything. It can be fun sometimes, but life is too short.


The fact that the Keyboard Corner has provided such an useful and cozy environment - most of the time anyway - depends on a few factors:


- Most people, of the several hundred members who partecipated along the years, knew how to respect people in a discussion. Often, just saying "in my opinion" at the end of a sentence can make a big difference. Maybe (just maybe) this has something to do with the average member being mostly middle-aged?


- On the other hand, most people here love to have fun sometimes - often in an unleashed, childish way. (a keyboard player kind of way?!? :D ) I think this has enhanced the sense of community. Miracolously, *most* of times this behavior has not degenerated into generalized brawl.


- From the very beginning, dB has set a definite vibe for the place. He said, more or less: Move freely, but I'm watching you. I think this premise helped getting rid of a few troublemaking trolls.


Just my 2 Euro cents.



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