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Like DBM, I have played lots of $50 gigs over the years.


I made more money teaching than gigging. I actually made my entire living teaching for several years. My bills were paid and I had money for food which I guess is more than a lot of musicians make.


I am actually considering going back to teaching, since my efforts to find a "day job" have proven less than stellar. Man, it's hard to find a job when you're over 65.


It cost me quite a bit of money to acquire a level of skill, but the investment in formal lessons with 4 teachers has paid for itself many times over.


The only problem with teaching is that I have an aversion to learning music I personally have absolutely no interest in playing. I am considering doing "niche marketing" and focusing exclusively on adult students and only teaching acoustic blues, electric blues and Chord Melody Jazz styles. The market is currently charging $50 per hour. I can easily charge $40/hour and undercut the competition as well as adding to the "perception of value" on the part of the targeted market.



If you play cool, you are cool.
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I was playing 150 gigs a year at $40 bucks a gig (and many times more than our $40 per man minimum) back in '83. The funny thing is the club owners still only want to pay those prices in 2016 LOL! I like at least $100 bucks and I'll play for up to 3hrs. And those are the cheapest I'll go. Otherwise I like to play for free! I don't consider myself a big ticket item by no means.


@ Fred, +1 on teaching for $40 bucks an hour and teaching what you want to specialize in as far a genre goes. That way, both you and the student will enjoy the time spent together or they wouldn't seek you out. I had this arrangement with my only jazz standard style teacher in the late 70's and I wish I had never had to move to a new location and that we could have stayed together. I hope you will meet a student like that, one that becomes more than a student and becomes a real friend...

Take care, Larryz
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Please I should have never commented on the Grammys or any other awards of these types. Sorry for any comment may have brought anyone any discomfort.


I promise to stay out of future conversation on such subjects.





I don't understand your post. Larry and I both congratulated you on your Emmy. Did we offend you in some way?


Could you please explain the rationale behind your post?

If you play cool, you are cool.
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