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Anyone tried using a Chipolo or Tile for keyboard security?


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I've been looking for a LoJack like device for my keyboard rig for years. Yesterday I received a Chipolo as attendance gift at a conference. It's for helping you find your keys or purse. But, it's small enough to fit inside of music equipment. I tested it out on my train ride home. Works great. I could see the device moving on a map and make it beep by sending a command from my phone. I'm sold, but wanted to see if anyone else is testing them out. I'm not sure if they'd work in rural area, but for the average urban/suburb musician it looks like it would help you find your s*** if someone knicked it.
Yamaha Motif XF8, Crumar Mojo, Roland AX Lucina, Presonus Studio One Professional
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No these aren't good for tracking down stolen items. These are based on Bluetooth which has a very limited range. So if someone stole something it would need to be with in the immediate area for it to show up in the app.


You need something that is GPS based like the DeWalt MobileLock. The MobileLock is pretty big though - not sure if it would fit into most gear, and there is a $20 subscription fee. Maybe there is something else out there that is GPS based.. but that's what you want.


I would more go towards preventive measures so your gear doesn't get stolen in the first place and on insurance so you are covered if it does.

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Someone should make a security device out of 10 pounds of body weight. I've can't lose that stuff even if I try.


I have no problem using it. The problem is I keep finding it again. It's usually hiding at the bottom of a bag of M&Ms.


See? Even better. We're onto something here.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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I've tested it out for awhile. As to the bluetooth need, that's kind of optional. Based on user reviews on Amazon, it looks like the Tile is actually the better find your stuff device. I've done some testing on Chipolo for a few days and have determined that it easily loses itself and one of my 3 devices seems to burn battery quickly. I'll report back once I get a few Tiles. I'm of the belief that anything that would help me find my gear after a theft is a good thing but want to make sure that the devices actually work as advertised.

Yamaha Motif XF8, Crumar Mojo, Roland AX Lucina, Presonus Studio One Professional
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I've tested it out for awhile. As to the bluetooth need, that's kind of optional.


Optional how? The whole thing is based on Bluetooth.


The Chipolo is a Bluetooth 4.0 enabled device that you can attach to items that you may misplace and using the Chipolo iOS, Android or Windows Phone application to find.


The Chipolo locations are updated using the Bluetooth radio connection between the Chipolo and the Chipolo App running on your iOS, Android or Windows Phone device. The Chipolo App "discovers" the Chipolo using the Bluetooth signal and then uses the services of the iOS, Android or Windows Phone device to update the location information for that Chipolo. The Chipolo needs to be within the Bluetooth range of approximately 200 feet/60 meters of the iOS, Android or Windows Phone device to be discovered.



I'll report back once I get a few Tiles. I'm of the belief that anything that would help me find my gear after a theft is a good thing but want to make sure that the devices actually work as advertised.


The Tile works on Bluetooth as well. You understand that this is not a "Lo-Jack" GPS type system right? In order to find anything, it would need to be with 200 feet of your phone.

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And Bluetooths signal is degraded by anything in the way of line of site.

The density of the material attenuates the signal strength down too.

So a shopping bag is negligible but couple walls of Sheetrock will drop it down to a coupe feet.


Heck even full clothes racks cause issues.


I wouldn't bank my cherished anything on Bluetooth.


If you want to get serious it's LoJack or hidden cell devices.

You can track those.


I've thought about burning an iPhone just for tracking but we all know

the only truly pinpoint is an iPhone that's on with cell service

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