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88 Key To Control MainStage


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I'm looking for advice for an 88 key controller (sounds or no sounds on board) to control MainStage live. I've read the other threads on similar topics, but I have some specific requirements:


I really want something that can show me a large number of presets (I use song names) to select from (I use a large number of sounds and split setups). I have a Casio PX-5S -- but I'm not into memorizing lots of button locations. I'll admit it -- I am spoiled by the Setlist mode of my Kronos 61.


It has to be somewhat lightweight -- (the Kronos 88 is too heavy).


Sliders and knobs to control MainStage parameters.


Is there anything out there like this?


Yamaha Montage M6, Nord Stage 4 - 88, Hammond SK-Pro 73, Yamaha YC-73, Mainstage, Yamaha U1 Upright

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Our resident software host Guru, Asheville, will be along shortly to elucidate better than I can, but you are missing the power of MainStage (or any software host) if you expect the controller to carry patches and presets.


Store the patches in MainStage (These are splits and combinations which could drive soft instrument sounds as well as midi-connected hardware synths. Each patch represents a particular state of your entire rig.) You'll have a big screen to show you what patches you are stepping/pressing through. You can have song names as well store long text strings (messages to yourself) which show up on the screen when you select a "patch."


(Or is one of your requirements that you not have a computer screen in view?)


The best strategy is to keep the midi controller dumb so that the computer can be smarter. Since the PX-5S knobs and sliders send MIDI CC, you are all set. MainStage will do the rest. Give it a try. :)

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I don't know jack about MainStage but this controller gives me a woody.





You can save $1000 and get the controller without the engine,$2200






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Im looking for somewhat similar setup and I dont know any one keyboard that would do the job.


You said you have Casio PX-5S - so you already have most of you need. That is, a light weight 88-key controller. Plus, in case your MainStage freaks out you can still make sounds with your Casio since it has its own internal sounds too.


Perhaps what you need is not a keyboard but a control surface to operate the MainStage? How about something like Novation Zero SL mk2 ?


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Thanks. I definitely want to use the MainStage patches -- but I don't want to interact with my laptop / mouse to select patches between songs. I need something to be able to scroll or select patches on the fly (in no set order).


I'll have to check out the Set List Maker idea. How would the connections work? iPad to PX-5S via midi in, midi out to laptop?



Yamaha Montage M6, Nord Stage 4 - 88, Hammond SK-Pro 73, Yamaha YC-73, Mainstage, Yamaha U1 Upright

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Ipad to mac to load mainstage patches, mac to px5s, if you are planning to use px5s onboard sounds, px5s to mac (to actually play) (USB is bi-directional for the latter two course)


At least that's one way to do it.


Hmmh, I may want to use setlist maker also...

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You might look at Nektar LX88


Or the Akai MPK88


Both have plenty of sliders and knobs. I haven't used either but Akai has received some pretty good reviews. The Nektar was announced recently and may take a while to ship.


Another possibility is the Artutria KeyLab 88 though the action has received some bad reviews, both at KC and the Sweetwater Reviews.



Boards: Kurzweil SP-6, Roland FA-08, VR-09, DeepMind 12

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I'm looking for advice for an 88 key controller (sounds or no sounds on board) to control MainStage live. I've read the other threads on similar topics, but I have some specific requirements:


I really want something that can show me a large number of presets (I use song names) to select from (I use a large number of sounds and split setups). I have a Casio PX-5S -- but I'm not into memorizing lots of button locations. I'll admit it -- I am spoiled by the Setlist mode of my Kronos 61.


It has to be somewhat lightweight -- (the Kronos 88 is too heavy).


Sliders and knobs to control MainStage parameters.


Is there anything out there like this?

Korg Krome 88 should work. As I understand it, your external presets would still be called up as "Combis" whose names can be displayed in (and called up from) its touchscreen. Limitations: No sliders, and only 4 knobs.


Or, as Mike suggested, add an iPad to your PX5S. An iPad Mini would pretty much fit velcro'd to the battery compartment cover. Since you already own the PX5S, this solution would probably end up being cheaper than changing keyboards even if you don't already own the iPad, plus it's lighter, has more knobs/sliders, and has (by pretty much everyone's account) a better action.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I use a PX-5S to control mainstage and I've added the logidy umi3 3 button midi stompbox to be able to control patch changes as well as add an expression pedal input. My setup is expression pedal on the left, logidy in the middle, sustain on the right. The logidy plugs into my computer via usb. It makes the PX-5S a very powerful mainstage controller. I can change patches up or down without having to use my hands.
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You can control MainStage 3 with Logic Remote for iPad. It's free. You can download it and try it without losing a cent.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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The logidy plugs into my computer via usb. It makes the PX-5S a very powerful mainstage controller. I can change patches up or down without having to use my hands.


I use the Logidy and also recommend it highly. :2thu:


Haven't had too much luck with Logic Remote for MainStage really. I really wanted it to work. It's MainStage 3 use appears crippled to me. Maybe it's operator error on my part. :hitt:


Or just general cluelessness. :idk


Joe, are you getting good results?



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Joe, are you getting good results?


Sorry, I haven't used it with MS.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Thanks --- I like the idea of using a controller with the iPad sending program changes -- I use ForScore already, which could send program changes to Mainstage.


I've really got to have a control pedal and I'd rather not have to buy a separate device. So, I'd like to come up with an alternative to the PX-5S (that's not 50lbs).

Yamaha Montage M6, Nord Stage 4 - 88, Hammond SK-Pro 73, Yamaha YC-73, Mainstage, Yamaha U1 Upright

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I've really got to have a control pedal and I'd rather not have to buy a separate device. So, I'd like to come up with an alternative to the PX-5S

Out of curiousity, why not? The $49 MidiExpression interface is merely a lump in the cable, about the size of your thumb. I don't see how it would be inconvenient - no extra real estate/ no extra connections/ no extra hassle. It's just an extension to your pedal cable.


And you get all the functionality of a built-in expression pedal input - in fact, a bit more.


If you can find another board with the quality of action the PX-5S has at the same weight, but with expression pedal input, then it would make sense. Not otherwise... ;)


- Guru

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Thanks! -- didn't even know something like the Midiexpression Interface existed.

Check out the discussion in this thread. @Curmudgeon has successfully used the Midiexpression interface with Mainstage 3 (and PX-5S, presumably). Couple of other options in there as well.


- Guru

This is really what MIDI was originally about encouraging cooperation between companies that make the world a more creative place." - Dave Smith
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I've used the midiexpression interface with mainstage 3 and the px-5s. It works great! I needed a solution for patch changes though, so I added that logidy umi3. I can't say enough how great that thing is. It's tiny and you need some solution for the expression pedal anyway, so this thing really does the job. I have the right button programmed to patch down and the left button to patch up. The center button I normally leave off. You'll be happy with either solution, but if you need something for patch changes, check out the logidy.
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I don't know jack about MainStage but this controller gives me a woody.


You can save $1000 and get the controller without the engine,$2200



Oh yeah, this Dog will hunt.

The Physis K4 is the very best ever made if controlling many rack mounted hardware FX, analog synths, and a PC w/ native apps like Bidule, even Logic.

I use Scope DSP, Kontakt, PLAY, PianoTeq, VB3, u-He, hardware analog racked SE-1X, TC Fireworx x 2 and a Lexicon, and even added an EXP to control SOlaris FIlters with.

Can't even begin to start, other than saying if you ever used or owned an Oberheim MC 3000, this is where they picked up after that (very best made at the time) and took it into another realm of control.


I just want to meet the guy who made this and thank him someday.

I've waited far too long..



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Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Thanks. I definitely want to use the MainStage patches -- but I don't want to interact with my laptop / mouse to select patches between songs. I need something to be able to scroll or select patches on the fly (in no set order).


I'll have to check out the Set List Maker idea. How would the connections work? iPad to PX-5S via midi in, midi out to laptop?

Suggest you familiarise yourself a little more with MainStage. The default concerts are organised in a typical setlist order. You can map any control button on your controller to move between patches in a concert.


MainStage is designed to be used without any need to touch the mouse or the qwerty keyboard during performance. If you do not want to map two buttons on the PX5S to do patch up and patch down you could then use a midi pedal.


I have mapped the transport controls on my controller to change patches.


AFAIK there is nothing that any other set list management tool does that cannot be programmed in MainStage.


Apple provide over 600 pages of documentation on MainStage and MainStage instruments. Here is a quote from page 8 of the MainStage 3 user manual:


"Using MainStage With MIDI Controllers

If you play a USB or MIDI keyboard controller, you can play and control MainStage patches using your controller. You can assign faders, knobs, buttons, and other controls on the keyboard controller to screen controls in your concert, and then map those screen controls to parameters in your patches. You can choose exactly the parameters you want to have at your fingertips for each patch and access them from your controller as you perform."


A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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I need something to be able to scroll or select patches on the fly (in no set order).

If you do not want to map two buttons on the PX5S to do patch up and patch down you could then use a midi pedal.

Patch-up and Patch-down is not ideal if you don't always need the same patches in the same order. I think the PX5S solution would be to map Stage Setting buttons to send Program Change commands to Mainstage. The problem there is knowing which button does what (getting back to the OP, "but I'm not into memorizing lots of button locations"). That's where displayed screens full of patches is useful... which tends to lead you to a Korg or an iPad. Or if not something with a touchscreen, then something with a screen that you can set up to tell you what sound is assigned to what button (as some Kurzweil and Yamaha models do, at least).

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Well, the stage setting buttons also only put out one midi cc on the PX-5S. I really wish that weren't true as I wouldn't need the logidy, but it is. Another option would be to organize sounds categories into sets. All APs in one set, all EPs in another. Then, you could have a separate set of controls move set up and down, moving a little faster. You could also put all of the sounds you need for certain songs into sets. Getting creative with the 3 tiered organization available in Mainstage seems like a good idea to try.


Edit: I'm a third Scott btw. Must be a keyboard player thing. :cool:

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Well, the stage setting buttons also only put out one midi cc on the PX-5S. I really wish that weren't true as I wouldn't need the logidy, but it is.

We're talking about patch changing, so I think you're talking about MIDI Program Change, not MIDI CC, right? The PX-5S should be able to put out up to four MIDI Program Changes per stage setting (i.e. 4 external zones).


(Also, I haven't used Mainstage, but is there no way to set it up so that receiving a single Program Change would recall a complete multi-sound setup?)

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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