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"What is Swing"


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I came across this very interesting and informative program which was posted on the Keyboard Forum this morning.


I don't know how many of you gents are interested in Jazz at all, but I know that there are at least a few forum members who might be interested (Scott, Winston, Larry and Whitefang et. al.).






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It don't mean a thing if it aint got that swing, do wah do wah do wah do wah do wah do wah... +1 on Duke Ellington's description! Even if it doesn't fit the precise definition, I like the boogie based dance music like the Andrew Sisters Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy...I can dig all of the old jazz standards Brother Fred, that make you want to get up and dance or at least tap your feet and sing along...It's music that just won't let you sit still and leaves you in awe... :cool:


ps. Patricia Barber is great and later tonight, I want to go back and listen to the whole show after just listening to Jitterbug Waltz...very cool music and the show sounds like it has some very cool history to go with it!

Take care, Larryz
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It takes incredible timing and precision to play around and behind the beat, without causing a musical train wreck. That, to me, is one of the main elements of Swing.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421782837&x-yt-cl=84359240&v=G43VYqSsCGE <--- this is what I think of as "swing" using a tune from 1941...I watched the whole 59 minutes and it was a great experience in the analytical evolution of modern swing jazz. I still like the older "swing" the best. I think the best parts of the video is when the bass and drums demonstrate the difference in the analytical playing and the playing by feel...The modern jazz feel with a little blues does capture the thought that "the music swings." The older swing just swings better for me as it has a lot of jazz and blues in it, but I don't really think of "Swing" as "Jazz" for some reason. To me it's more of the feel and maybe it just comes out for the same rhythmic reasons. I liked the demonstrations of slow, moderate and up-tempo "swing" in the video. Being mostly a rhythm guitar guy, it's probably the reason why I appreciate the different feels in the "swing" music, even if no one can really explain it...


One thing I in noticed Patricia's timing theory on the bass and on the cymbals with regard to 1/8th notes and 1/16th notes (dotted or otherwise) is the timing from when the note is struck and when the sound comes out of the instrument being taken into consideration...I think the same may be true on acoustic pianos as well even though she doesn't go there...the sax was really cool and I liked their version of Caravan. Thanks Fred! :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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God willing, I'll LIVE long enough to MAKE it to 2105!( hopefully, THAT was a TYPO!)


I'll also paraphrase Louis Armstrong in answer to the question, "What is SWING?"-----


"If you have to ask, you'll never know". :D


In a way, you CAN tell it by certain key indicators. Rhythm and tempo, instrumentation( but, not always), and other musical patterns that more musically educated and erudite forum members than me can articulate, my lacking knowledge of ALL the fitting terminology.


I haven't yet had the oportunity to LISTEN to anything linked to the Article Fred gave link to, that may come later in the day. Plus, I don't know if I can acquire access to the radio station mentioned in the piece.


Now, it IS true, as I've told the tale here before, that when I was 5 or 6, I'd sneak listens to my brother's "crystal radio" while he was sleeping, and wind up sitting up near half the night listening to a radio station out of Chicago that played blues( AM radio in the WEE hours can be far reaching), but, THAT was nearly 58 or so years ago. (Plus, I apologize, I didn't KNOW it was called "blues", I just thought it was some "cool" sounding "rock'n'roll music that COLORED guys played!) ;)


But, as there WERE several "Swing" era records among the 78s my Mom had in her scant record collection, I feel I have somewhat of a handle on what "swing" MIGHT be,....But, to my regret, I wouldn't be able to articulate it as clearly as perhaps Fred C, or a few others in this forum might.






I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Jeez.........FRED! *


I really did expect a larger and more lively discussion of this topic, especially TODAY, it being DJANGO REINHARDT'S Birthday!


Unless too many of the "newbies" have no idea who he WAS, which would be sad! :(



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Jeez.........FRED! *


I really did expect a larger and more lively discussion of this topic, especially TODAY, it being DJANGO REINHARDT'S Birthday!


Unless too many of the "newbies" have no idea who he WAS, which would be sad! :(



I think that the program requires some digesting. It's pretty theoretical. As I stated in the OP I thought that the program would be of interest to a somewhat limited subset of forum members.


With regard to the "Newbies", I guess we're pretty even. They don't know who Django or Joe Pass or Barney Kessel are and I have no idea who the people they listen to are. My Rock/Pop/Blues listening is fairly limited to the artists of the '60's and '70's. And to be truthful, listening to Metal not only offends my musical sensibilities, it makes my ears hurt. This in no way is intended to devalue or disrespect the musical tastes of others, it is simply a statement of my personal aesthetic.


If you play cool, you are cool.
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Yeah. As Skip, Harvey, Scott and Guitarzan indicate, it really does require an hour of focused listening. It's a very interesting and intellectually stimulating program, but as I mentioned, somewhat theoretical and therefore complex. It requires some time to digest.
If you play cool, you are cool.
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I'd always understood "swing" to have been almost always in 2/4 time! Y'know, and "big band" being; "eight to the bar"?



The definition of swing that I understand it to be is the moving of the offbeat away from the straight eighth note toward or being on the triplet subdivision.

Scott Fraser
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