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PSP L'otary "Leslie" sim

Steve Nathan

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OK. So I started an earlier (NAMM titled) thread on this new plug-in when I learned that PSP would be showing in Anaheim. They still will, but their plan is to release it ahead of NAMM, and they're putting a 14 day demo version on their site, so no one actually has to be at NAMM to hear it. It also occurred to me that in the future, even our whiz bang of a search function ;) will have a hard time finding this for anyone looking for threads on Leslie sims, so I decided to give it a more appropriate "subject"


I've learned that the projected price is $99 with a 2 week "introductory" sale price of $69, and though they are still coding improvements and bug fixes, they are shooting for this Sunday to release. I've already used it in a track and it sounds pretty dang convincing, with no additional help from other plugs. I've used VB3 a time or two in tracks, but always had to "enhance" it to get it to sit convincingly. This thing has so many variable functions, it is pretty easy to dial in whatever you need.




Here's the old thread and the original post.


NAMM (not speculation)


So, if you record on a computer and have a less than "ideal" organ sound source, or like me, over the years you've run many things besides organ (wurlys, synths, guitars) through Leslies (real and simulated), you might be inclined to drop by PSP Audio at booth 6909 Hall A.

I have no financial interest here (so this is technically not spam), but I did help them with the development of this plug. They did all the hard work. I just told them what features I thought it should have, and gave them feedback along the way on the sound and interface. I also sent them (very) ruff "dry" organ tracks to use as a sound source while writing the code.

I think they have done a super job with it. The realism is outstanding. Besides the (expected) individual control or ramp up and down speeds, there are a number of mike positions, room ambience and amp character choices. They even included a knob to dial in the "mechanical" sounds that mikes pick up, of the motors running and the "wind" noise. It's still in Beta at the moment, but they've been working steadily with improvements arriving frequently, and they'll definitely be showing it at NAMM so it's worth dropping by for a listen.





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I'm in the market for a software only sim. I often track Hammond direct at home at night , and re-amp it through my Leslie when I am able to crank up the volume. VB3 does not work as an insert in PT 11, so I've been using the less than stellar AIR Leslie to play through (non-printed) while tracking. Worth the investment to me for a more inspiring sim for that.
Moog The One, VV 64 EP, Wurlies 200A 140 7300, Forte 7, Mojo 61, OB-6, Prophet 6, Polaris, Hammond A100, Farfisa VIP, ,Young Chang 6', Voyager, E7 Clav, Midiboard, Linnstrument, Seaboard
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MRotary from Melda on VB3 here.

Never really was happy with the on stage sound, IEMs took care of that, but heard it over a Stereo PA ( QSC-KW153s + KW181s linked in mono) and was definitely happier.

Nothing beats the real McCoy but the real McCoy over a PA isn't as good as the on stage sound.

MRotary has some great stereo tweaks as well as the other modifications.


Good Luck to PSP though, glad to see others delve in.

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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MRotary from Melda on VB3 here.


I was unaware of Melda's entries in this arena, but it looks like they have two versions, one "Vintage" and one with more sound mangling possibilities. They also have "demo" trial versions so I'll be checking them out this weekend. Thanks for pointing.


I did use the PSP on Reba's new record yesterday, though not for "traditional" organ. I ran an extremely Gakked up sound source through it with low end rolled off and it's distortion cranked. I was after an aggressive organ-like sound but with overblown edge and a narrower footprint than organ would have been. It worked :cool:

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Launched at last. Got this email today.


Dear users,


We are proud to introduce our new effect plug-in: PSP Lotary - a master quality emulation of legendary rotary speakers! We based our algorithm upon two original and legendary models: the Leslie® 122 and 147, and spent hundreds of hours perfecting our simulations. In other words, this is not just another modulation effect! PSP Lotary is capable of reproducing as precisely as possible the classic sounds of those famous rotary speakers. That said, the PSP Lotary is capable of creative divergences from the original. For example, you could set up both the rotating high frequency horn and the rotating low frequency drum independently from each other and emulate speakers with a static drum or even a broken horn or drum engine.


Try the PSP L'otary on your own material using fully featured 14 days demo version available on our download page. (Please note that PSP Lotary needs to run on at least a i5-class CPU for crackle-free operation. i7 or better CPU recommended). To see the PSP L'otary in action you can visit our booth 6909 at the Winter NAMM show, which begins tomorrow or watch the short movie on our YouTube channel.


Introductory offer!

Until 31st January 2015 you can buy PSP Lotary at the special introductory price of $69*. Starting from 1st February 2015 the regular price of $99* will be applied. (* all prices exclude taxes)




and...not to :deadhorse: but,

I did try both of the Melda Productions products, and while both were more than decent in their emulation, I don't think they come close to the realism of this new one. If I already owned the Melda, I might not be convinced to spend more money on the up step, but in direct comparison, IMHO the PSP clearly comes out the winner.


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the email I received stated your PC had to run a minimum of an I5 or better, I7 preferred


(Please note that PSP Lotary needs to run on at least a i5-class CPU for crackle-free operation. i7 or better CPU recommended).


so that leaves me out..

SpaceStation V3,


KronosX-73,MS Pro145,Ventilator,OB DB1,Lester K

Toys: RIP died in the flood of 8/16 1930 Hammond AV, 1970s Leslie 145, 1974 Rhodes Stage


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Just downloaded the demo and tried it.


It sounds good but I had a problem.


I am using Brainspawn Forte 4 and I loaded the sim as an effect with VB3.


I couldn't get it to recognize an incoming midi CC to change the speed. I verified the midi input is enabled and used the midi monitor in Forte to verify that the CCs are coming in and everything works fine with the Melda productions plug in.


I have the input set to OMNI so midi channel is not a factor but it does not respond to midi control. I am wondering if this is an incompatibility with Forte.


Has anyone else had success using this with Forte?


I am emailing support to see if they have tried it. May be a bug. The doc says there are no limitations on the demo version so this should work.


Another potential problem is that it does not let you configure the midi CC for changing speed. It uses mod wheel and sustain but I didn't see a way to configure this. Maybe I missed it.

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Assign two midi tracks simultaneously, one to VB3 and the other to L'otary. Be sure to turn off rotary in VB3.


I set up VB3 as the instrument - L'otary as the effect. ( So the output from VB3 goes into L'otary ). Same as I have it for MVintage. It is ignoring the midi CC for changing speed. I am wondering if this is a limitation of the demo version. Maybe doc is incorrect on that.

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I don't have any experience with Brainspawn Forte, but just this morning I sent PSP a paragraph for the manual detailing the set-up for users of Digital Performer. It took me a few minutes to figure it out, and I've gotten some email from other DP users asking for advice. Maybe it will make sense for Forte as well.


To record or play live w/L'otary in Digital Performer:


Step 1. Open an "Instrument" track and select a sound source.

Step 2. Open *two* midi tracks

Step 3. Enable "Multi Record" in the "Studio" drop down menu.

Step 4. Arm both midi tracks (click the "Rec" triangle for both), and assign midi track 1 to the instrument, and midi track 2 to L'otary

Midi track 1 will tell your instrument what notes you're playing, and midi track 2 will tell L'otary when you've used the Mod Wheel or Sustain Pedal to change speeds.

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a minimum of an I5 or better, I7 preferred


Yeah, processor load is stout, but there is a "Low CPU" setting which to my ears sounds so close to the full load setting, the difference is barely perceptible. I've been building my performances in Low CPU and then recording/freezing/bouncing in the higher setting. I also suspect that once NAMM is over, Mateus will continue working on the code to reduce the load further for the next update.

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I wrote to Mateusz at PSP about your problem with Forte and like me, he had not heard of Brainspawn Forte before. He'll look into it after NAMM is over and he's back to work in Poland. In the meantime, I'd try something like I outlined for DP, or vist the Brainspawn Forum. I looked at their homepage and there seems to be a robust community of users who are no doubt better equipped to answer your question.
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I bought it last night for practically nothing, due to the cumulative discounts.


Hopefully within the next week or so, I can do some comparisons vs. the XK-1c's built-in Leslie sim. I don't own the Ventilator or an outboard Leslie unit, but this plug-in may take those off my list as I don't play keys live anymore anyway.


Regardless, this plug-in would find use in projects where the sound source was a vocal or a MIDI source, or even for pre-recorded e-piano and clavinet tracks.

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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clarinet tracks.


I'm guessing spell check :laugh:


I did get a record credit for playing "Clarinet"

on a Mark Chestnut record once, which is even funnier if you know Mark Chestnut :laugh:

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I tried the other day to find where to turn off auto-spell, and it doesn't seem to be an option. The problems are many: small dictionary (clavinet is not in its dictionary, maybe due to being a trademark); slow processing; delayed feedback.


I am an extremely fast typist, but even so, the time it takes for the auto-spell to wreck a post often is past the commit button timeframe.


Even in the course of writing this post, I had to reassert "clavinet" multiple times; including just now when it is in quotes and should be immune to spell-checking.

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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  • 3 weeks later...

I considered posting this in the "McGuyver" thread :laugh:


Thought it worth reporting that I went to work last Thursday for a new record by Country group Trick Pony. The producer is a big fan of my particular Hammond/Leslie and asked for it on the 1st song. But I had just discovered my Leslie connector had been damaged in transit, and would not work!!

I loaded up VB3 w/L'otary and he was completely satisfied with the results. I used L'otary the whole day and everyone was blown away by how "real" it sounded. Of course, I don't plan on leaving the (since repaired) Leslie in the warehouse from now on, but it is nice to know I can get by in an emergency with a reasonably worthy backup. :cool:


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  • 2 weeks later...

V1.0.1 now available.



Added relay clicking sound

Improved performance (reduced CPU usage)



Crashing issues in several Windows 64-bit hosts

Automation issues

Other minor bugs fixed. 


We are pleased to inform that new version of PSP L'otary (1.0.1) has been released.


To get and authorize the PSP L'otary v. 1.0.1 please:

1) Log-in to your PSP account and expand PSP L'otary details,

2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system and install the plug-in.


You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer.''



A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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I've been meaning to post about this plug for a few weeks but just haven't had the time. I bought it during the NAMM special and have been using it on the vintage B3 in Mainstage. In my opinion, this plug really makes the Mainstage B3 a viable option to gig with, though I have not had a gig to try it on recently. I should add that my general organ gigging needs fall into the variety wedding or corporate dance band thing, not the two handed, two footed, two manual jazz organ playing - so my needs are modest. But I do believe that with this plug I will be able to sell my Hammond SK 1. Also, I don't have to keep waiting for the 64 bit VB3, though I'll probably still buy that as well. This is very nice plug, well worth the money for me.
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  • 8 months later...

L'otary 2 released.


New features include extended algorithm control, output mixing controls, improved performance, advanced midi operation, revised GUI. Free for existing users.

A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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It's a nice upgrade for sure. Includes pretty much everything that didn't make it to the 1st version (because they we're under the NAMM show gun).


From my Polish pals :laugh:


Key features:


Extended algorithm controls

Output mixing controls

Improved performance

Advanced MIDI operation

Fine tuned GUI


New Section




This section of the plug-in contains a set of controls introduced in Lotary 2.




Speaker configuration - controls the state of both speakers. When the control is set to D, only the drum speaker is enabled. When the control is set to H, only the horn speaker is enabled. In the middle setting (D+H) both speakers are enabled. When a speaker is disabled, it does not emit sound waves and its rotor does not spin.




BR Knob - controls the amount of signal gain radiated from the bass reflex port.




X-TALK Knob - sets the crosstalk gain.




MECH RATIO Knob - controls the ratio between the two groups of mechanical noises simulated in Lotary. A ratio greater than one amplifies the click sounds and attenuates the noises from the speakers electric motors and rotating elements.




WIDTH - controls the stereo width of the output signal.




BALANCE - controls the stereo balance of the wet (i.e. processed by Lotary) signal.




MIX - controls the dry/wet signal ratio.




GAIN - sets the gain of the output signal.










The MIDI Bar is a new addition to version 2.0.0 of Lotary 2.






Click the green arrow icon to load MIDI settings from a file on disk.


Click the red arrow icon to save MIDI settings.


Double click the MIDI label to permanently store the default MIDI settings.


Press Command (Mac) or Control (PC) and double click the MIDI label to restore the factory default settings.




MIDI Channel Selector


This control allows you to select the MIDI channel to receive MIDI CC messages from. Available settings are MIDI OFF, channel 1-16 or OMNI (receives messages from all MIDI channels).


MIDI Display


This control can operate in two modes. Upon hoveringthe mouse pointer over one of the automatable controls in the plugin editor, it displays the currently assigned MIDI controller (if no controller is assigned, the display will read not assigned). If a MIDI CC message is received and the mouse pointer is not hovering over one of the controls, this control will display RECV: and the name of the controller.


MIDI Learn


This control lets the user link a MIDI controller to one of the plug-in parameters


MIDI Cancel


This control lets the user unlink a MIDI controller


Lever Mode Switch


This control sets the lever mode. Three modes are available:


- Cont - continuous mode (the only mode available in previous versions of Lotary).


- Snap - quantized mode.


- Orig - original mode (the lever acts as a three-state switch with stop in the middle).


Speed Mode Switch


This control sets the speed mode. Four modes are available:


- Default - the default mode (the speed button behavior is the same as in versions <=1.0.3 of Lotary).


- TremDwn - tremolo speed is set when the speed button is pressed, chorale speed is set when the speed button is released.


- TremUp - tremolo speed is set when the speed button is released, chorale speed is set when the speed button is pressed.


- Trigger - pressing the speed button triggers the speed of both rotors (from chorale to tremolo, from tremolo to chorale).

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I haven't had a chance to try the new version yet (I installed it late last night) but was quite surprised to find it as a freebie, given all the new features.


PSP is beyond awesome when it comes to their loyalty program!

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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