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Heads-up: SpaceStation keyboard amp is apparently back


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I think the idea is it'd become increasingly hard to sort out fake news from real news if every manufacturer could send his/her minions to promote their products. its hard enough sorting out the varying views of 10 KC'ers without having to figure out if 4, or 6, of them are secretly manufacturer plants ... it could become subtraction by addition.


Manufacturers have venues where they readily provide their polished accentuated biased perspectives on their products. those of you mature and savvy enough to sort wheat from chaff are savvy enough to find their promotional info.


and then there's idiots like me ...


I think the banning of Aspen is a drag. I love this forum and I totally appreciate your efforts, Dave. But Aspen's presence and perspective have been important factors for me as well. I hope you can find it in your heart to make it a temporary ban, and that he will stick to forum rules in case you let him back.


+1. It's rare to get such candid feedback publicly from the manufacturer/developer/inventor. Guess we just need to find another place to do that. Not mad at Dave, rules is rules, but the interaction here is why I bought my SS and love it.


I have to echo both these posts. While I understand that DB totally followed the forum rules in his decision, I don't understand the need for this rule. What difference does it make if a manufacturer is singing the praise of his product or if a fellow forumite is singing the praise of that same product? I'm actually going to be more influenced by the fellow forumite. It just seems like we're all adults who vet products according to our own needs and aren't easily swayed by a manufacturer's hype. That's my two cents.

The baiting I do is purely for entertainment value. Please feel free to ignore it.
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If Dave rescinded the rule, we would probably be inundated with advertisements.


I got a feelng it's not up to Dave. Rules on advertising are usually set pretty high up and have a lot to do with the forum owner's terms of doing business. It might not be that they don't want advertising, but that they can't have it with though changing their business status. I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know any of the actual business ramifications, but I am a mod on a few other forums, and that's one of the things they're pretty strict about.


I do feel badly because I really like Aspen and enjoyed getting his inside perspective on his product, as I know many others have as well. I'm sure Dave didn't come to that decision lightly.

D-10; M50; SP4-7; SP6

I'm a fairly accomplished hack.

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"If we do it for you, we'd have to do it for everyone" is a pet peeve of mine. There is no interaction in real life in which that is functionally true; we triage every encounter and calibrate our response accordingly. I find that phrase is often used as reasonable-sounding cover for something else, usually personal.


Yes, some lines were pushed. I saw them from time to time and I agree. But Aspen didn't come here and try to sell a product; the product came here and Aspen followed (later). The interaction between inventor and market that occurred here is truly unique. If he didn't know where to draw the line, that's perhaps because we were making the lines up as we went. IMO, he deserves some leeway and a handful of deleted posts.


And let's be direct: this is the thread with the single-greatest-number of replies in the history of the forum. It has contributed to the climate here. What is true about some guy selling a goofy Nord pedal and hoping for free advertisement, is not true about someone who was already getting the advertisement anyway and began a unique dialogue with those doing the talking.


I'm sure we don't know the whole story. I trust and believe that is so. But I personally think the guy deserves an appeal, a warning, and a second (or fifth?) chance.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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I don't understand your point.


Everything that Aspen posted that was reasonable is here to read. The multiple violations DB mentions he cleaned up, and asked Aspen not to repeat, were deleted before most of us got to read them.


It is clear that Aspen, even after multiple violations, and his acknowledgement of the amount of free advertising and promotion this thread has generated for the SSV3, chose not to stay within the rules. The end.



A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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Everything that Aspen posted that was reasonable is here to read. The multiple violations DB mentions he cleaned up, and asked Aspen not to repeat, were deleted before most of us got to read them.


It is clear that Aspen, even after multiple violations, and his acknowledgement of the amount of free advertising and promotion this thread has generated for the SSV3, chose not to stay within the rules. The end.

^ This... ^


I have no wish to discuss or debate this decision. I do want to take a minute to assure anyone who is thinking of calling me out or questioning me on this that there is a whole bunch of stuff you didn't see, so you most probably aren't in a position to evaluate the situation.


I hope you guys will understand and respect my decision, and realize that nobody gets banned from here lightly. This is a good and informative thread - please do not derail it.

^ ...and this. ^


If this were the only place brother Aspen were accessible that'd be one thing....but he's quite easy to find.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Friday - first gig with one of the new lighter v3s. Interested to hear the differences between it and the older one.


Has anyone else used both yet?




How much lighter is it?



iMac i7 13.5.2

Studio One 5.5.2

Nord Stage 3

Nord Wave 2

Nektar T4

Drawmer DL 241

Focusrite ISA Two

Focusrite Clarett 8 Pre



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Friday - first gig with one of the new lighter v3s. Interested to hear the differences between it and the older one.


Has anyone else used both yet?




How much lighter is it?



Close to 10 pounds, I think.


I've had it for a little while, but haven't had a chance to gig with it yet, and that's my main point of reference.







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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According to Aspen's post a few pages back, the new one is 32 lbs, down from 39 in recent runs (which itself was a little lighter than the first run).

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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According to Aspen's post a few pages back, the new one is 32 lbs, down from 39 in recent runs (which itself was a little lighter than the first run).

Yeah, my other one was first run. The new one feels waaaay lighter.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I'm sure we don't know the whole story. I trust and believe that is so. But I personally think the guy deserves an appeal, a warning, and a second (or fifth?) chance.


I agree. Aspen has designed, developed, marketed, and mass-produced an incredible product that has reignited my quest for the perfect, on-stage, keyboard amplification. Oh... and he may have broken some lame, frivolous, forum rule. He's one of us. How many other entrepreneurs go to the mat, like this guy? Let the market decide. If Aspen is no longer on this thread, then neither am I.

NS2 / NE2 / PX-5S / Monologue / Reface CP & DX / Organ Grinder / Vent1 / MXR Talk Box / L6DL4 / Zed10FX / SS3 / B1200D
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I'm sure we don't know the whole story. I trust and believe that is so. But I personally think the guy deserves an appeal, a warning, and a second (or fifth?) chance.


Oh... and he may have broken some lame, frivolous, forum rule. He's one of us. How many other entrepreneurs go to the mat, like this guy? Let the market decide. If Aspen is no longer on this thread, then neither am I.


Then "Bye, Felicia" as the cool kids say.


Your trite dismissal of our moderator - the guy who keeps this forum going - in such a casual fashion is unwarranted.

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Sorry, I'm with dB on this for all the right reasons. His house, his rules. If I don't want to play by them, I'm free to go elsewhere. As is everyone else.


I, for one, appreciate all the effort he and his cohorts have put into this labor of love. And if he has to police it once in a while, so be it.

Want to make your band better?  Check out "A Guide To Starting (Or Improving!) Your Own Local Band"


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I believe we should be encouraging input from manufacturers providing they are personal comments from an individual vs canned PR releases. Perhaps give them a handle that clearly indicates that they are a supplier with an axe to grind so folks aren't misled.
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If Mr. Bryce hadn't bothered to tell us that he had banned Mr. Pittman and why, you kids wouldn't have even known about it to bitch about it. Aspen was on here a lot, but he also wasn't, so it wouldn't have been obvious for a while.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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That's probably true. But...once that post is made, commenting about it seems like fair game--and very much to be expected, given the impact of the particular thread and poster.


I mean absolutely no disrespect to dB by this; I truly do believe that any action he took, was warranted. I just personally wanted to point out that this thread is pretty unusual, and might warrant a slightly different application of board policies. The thread started as the usual fanboy thread, but then quickly morphed into something slightly more "Shameless Plug"-ish, since, by definition, Aspen posting here was inherently self-serving. dB and the rest of us had no obligation AT ALL to help with that endeavor. But given that there was a year's worth of traction behind it, with frequent gray area between shaking hands with others and high-fiving oneself already part of it, then why not let it ride...or else pull it down completely.


Again, this is not meant to second-guess. It was just my thoughts after reading of the banning. "Hmmm, yes, he's pushed some limits, but this has seemed to be a bit of a no-limit table, so why kick him out of the casino now?"

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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That's probably true. But...once that post is made, commenting about it seems like fair game

I have no wish to discuss or debate this decision. I do want to take a minute to assure anyone who is thinking of calling me out or questioning me on this that there is a whole bunch of stuff you didn't see, so you most probably aren't in a position to evaluate the situation.

unless he specifically states otherwise? :idk :snax::deadhorse:

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That's probably true. But...once that post is made, commenting about it seems like fair game

I have no wish to discuss or debate this decision. I do want to take a minute to assure anyone who is thinking of calling me out or questioning me on this that there is a whole bunch of stuff you didn't see, so you most probably aren't in a position to evaluate the situation.

unless he specifically states otherwise? :idk :snax::deadhorse:


I guess I interpret this differently from you. I was not inviting dB into a discussion or a debate. I was simply commenting on the event itself. It's a little like saying, "I killed your mother, but don't complain to me about it." "Oh, my god--my mother's dead?" "Hey! I said 'don't complain'!"


However...the dead-horse is accurate. Moving on...

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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Well, here in Canada, I would love to honour your request, but that would colour my perception of the Queen's English somewhat!lol



I have no wish to discuss or debate this decision. I do want to take a minute to assure anyone who is thinking of calling me out or questioning me on this that there is a whole bunch of stuff you didn't see, so you most probably aren't in a position to evaluate the situation.




Can we please honour our moderators request and move on?


Agreed. But I must insist that we stick to the American spelling of all words: it's "honor," damn it! ;)

Centre Point Stereo Monitor

10" mini tremor sub








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Question. Is the sub out balanced TRS or TS? I just connected. b1200d sub to it TRS to XLR cable and I can't tell it's there, using DMC-122 VB3II & Gemini. Seems like I can hear it a little better with the TRS plug halfway out.

Kurzweil PC4, NS3-88, Kronos 2-61, QSC K8.2's.

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Well, here in Canada, I would love to honour your request, but that would colour my perception of the Queen's English somewhat!lol



I have no wish to discuss or debate this decision. I do want to take a minute to assure anyone who is thinking of calling me out or questioning me on this that there is a whole bunch of stuff you didn't see, so you most probably aren't in a position to evaluate the situation.




Can we please honour our moderators request and move on?


Agreed. But I must insist that we stick to the American spelling of all words: it's "honor," damn it! ;)


Haven't you heard? England has taken back the United States into their country. And the queen has ruled that all "u's" be returned to their rightful places.

'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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Friday - first gig with one of the new lighter v3. Interested to hear the differences between it and the older one.

Has anyone else used both yet?



How much lighter is it?



Close to 10 pounds, I think.


I've had it for a little while, but haven't had a chance to gig with it yet, and that's my main point of reference.

Okay, now I've tried it in my living room with a Nord Piano 3 a few weeks ago, in my living room in Thursday with my regular keyboard rig (I got a new keyboard stand, and had to set the system up to try it before gigging last night) and then at my gig last night.


It definitely sounds different.


I noticed it immediately with the Nord Piano 3. Some of you may have seen a few weeks ago that I made a post in another thread (about piano amplification) that I didn't love the way the Piano 3's pianos sounded through the latest Space Station, but I had chalked it up to the way the Nord handles stereo samples (they're staggered across the pan field in a pretty distinctive manner). When I took the Nord upstairs to my studio, it sounded fine.


Then I got the other stand in a few days ago. I set it up in my living room right where I usually set up my rig. My band doesn't gig very much these days (lead singer moved a few months back so we only gig when he comes to town for business now), so this is the first time I had a chance to try the rig with the new SS. The first thing I noticed was that the bass response is better than the older one. My original v3 was from the run where the jacks on the back panel aren't sealed so I always had to stick a 1/4" plug in the "sub" out to keep the amp from farting when it got hit hard with bass notes, and that is totally fixed on the new version. However, there's a muddiness and congestion to the midrange that wasn't there before which is especially noticeable on - you guessed it - acoustic piano sounds. I tried moving the SS around my living room, but no matter where I put or how I set the knobs on the back, it still was different sounding than what I'm used to.


I don't usually play my rig in my living room though, so I decided to reserve final eval until my gig last night where I've used the SS a whole bunch of times (even Aspen has heard it in this club), and the issue was still there. I tried the amp vertically as well as horizontally - didn't help. Even two my band members noticed without me saying anything. One commented that the amp didn't sound as clear as he was used to and wondered if I had changed the way I set it, and the other asked if I was using different sounds - the new stand necessitated my flipping which of my keyboards was on the bottom and which was on the top (see pic below) so his eyes told him something about the rig was different - but I didn't change which sounds I played at all.


Don't get me wrong...it still sounds like the original v3 for the most part - especially with stereo effects, rotary sims etc), and I absolutely love the lighter weight - but the sound of the amp is not quite the same. I guess that was to be expected from the physical changes.


It also sounded to me like the amps were overdriving more than the original v3 here and there, and I had to adjust the rig's gain staging a bit to try and help with that. I noticed that a bunch on EP sounds - actually sounded kinda cool on a couple of tunes.


I wish I wasn't the only one on the forum that has heard both units. To that end, if anyone from the area wants to bring an original v3 over to A/B, I'd be glad to do that.


BTW, all this talk about the multiple incarnations of the v3 has me wondering why its still called v3 - it's undergone two changes since v3, hasn't it? Isn't the one I have now arguably SSv5? :idk:









:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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... I got a new keyboard stand, and had to set the system up to try it before gigging last night ...







Are you talking the amp stand or keyboard stand? I'm curious about your keyboard stand - What is that make/model? Review? Weight? Setup time? portability? it looks way cool from the part that isnt hidden under your keys

The baiting I do is purely for entertainment value. Please feel free to ignore it.
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