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Do Musicians Like Sports?

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None of my musician friends like sports. I can't figure out why none of them do. I've wondered if maybe it's a holdover from high school where the jocks were "cool" and the musicians were "band geeks". Or maybe both require a lot of passion and attention, too much for both to co-exist. I am a huge football fan - loyal to the Rams for 25+ years - and also follow English Premier League soccer quite closely when the NFL season isn't getting me all wound up. What about you?
Everybody knows rock attained perfection in 1974. It's a scientific fact. - Homer Simpson
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I don't anymore.I started out liking sports as a kid and also playing it(Baseball)well.Then I turned to music at a young age and turned Pro in that and just forgot about sports.Then around 1980 I read an old book about the history of Hockey with many old photo's and stories and became interested in that.I then was a fan of Wayne Gretzky and that style of play,then lost interest again just before he retired.These day's I just simply have no interest anymore,the same scenerios with slight variation just get played out over and over again and I just find all sports to be incredibly boring these day's.Plus I think sports at it's best is territorial,kind of like when you were a kid and your block beat the next block over in a baseball or football game.These days a hated enemy could get traded to your team in a heartbeat.Plus the salaries are a joke,even more of a joke for the people who support it.Sorry,I can't seem to find a way to generate interest anymore.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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I like to watch a basketball or football game every once in a while, but I'm not sure that it's the games I enjoy or the snacks that go with it.


Beer, wings, pizza, nachos......mmmmmmm...

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Most sports just bore me silly, have done since before I ever picked up a guitar. Did compete in fencing for a few years and would like to get back into it, but have never got anything other than the urge to instantly collapse into a coma from watching them...


Don't begrudge anyone who does enjoy them, do object to British media never shutting up about them all the bl00dy time tho...!

Fa Fa FA Fa fa fa fa fa FA fa FA FA
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I like soccer, skateboarding, and weightlifting. I don't lift as heavy the weights that I did in HS, which might account for my ever so slight spread, but at least I haven't sworn off exercise, though.


I still have some spare parts I saved from a skateboard I disposed of a few years ago. I might go back to that, but I don't think I could attempt any stunts anymore, except for the time-honored ollie, which is useful if you want to get over curbs without getting away from the board.



Some dude who submitted a pic to Thrasher magazine.

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I like hockey, and football sometimes, but that's about it. I'm from Basketball central, Indiana, and I can't stand that game. Not to watch, play, listen to or talk about. Go figure. I wasn't much of a hockey fan until I started playing. I have a much better appreciation of what those guys do. But, Music comes first. Always. Although I have been known to watch a hockey game while strumming my guitar. :D
**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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One of the key elements of the sports that I like is, much like music, there is the POTENTIAL FOR IMPROVISATION!


I like basketball, a sport that combines the elements of speed, power, and IMPROVISATION.


I read an in-depth piece about how the Japanese were trying to wrap their heads around the sport of soccer during the World Cup. While tightly-scripted sports like baseball seemed to fit the "top-down/conformity" aspects of Japanese culture, the chance to improvise that soccer offered was gaining in appeal.


Yes, there are a lot of trash-talking jerks in the sports world...Wow, just like in MUSIC! :freak:

"If more of us valued food, cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." - J. R. R. Tolkien
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I do like sports - football and basketball mainly. I participate in martial arts, which is a hardcore sport. I find that being a musician helps me to be a better martial artist, while martial arts helps me be a more creative musician. I, too, believe that IMPROVISATION is a key element in both.


Michael Oster

F7 Sound and Vision

ReGurgiTron - strong enough for a man, but mates with a woman!

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this musician is obsessed with soccer. EPL, UEFA, Champions League, Serie A, Bundesliga, la liga, etc. much to my wife's dismay. $60 a month for the digital cable package that includes fox sport world, but worth every penny :D


i had aspirations of going pro in soccer, but badly broke my ankle in high school and was unable to play for 3 years. never really recovered the speed and quick turns.


now i'm training for my first triathlon this year. it's a whole different trip when it's just you and your limitations.


i also love snowboarding, skateboarding, basketball, and boxing (almost as obsessively as soccer).


that element of free flowing sport combined with team dynamics is just as satisfying and frustrating as music. love it :thu:

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I enjoy playing some sports, and watching some others. You'll find me on a bicycle during spring & autumn, and on a beach playing volleyball in summer. (Frisbee, tennis, and football are also common activities.) During winter I have season tix to my local NHL team, and I'll watch NFL football on TV if nothing else is going on.


Many respondents here indicate a lack of interest in sports. I've also noticed that many musicians complain about the weight of their equipment, and are often willing to compromise sound/playability to save a few lbs....

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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What Gabriel E. said.

And I'm from Indiana--like Ouizel said, basketball central--AND I'm almost 6'6"; can't play basketball to save my life. I've brought many a coach to tears with my total disinterest in sports.

I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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Originally posted by offramp:

What Gabriel E. said.

And I'm from Indiana--like Ouizel said, basketball central--AND I'm almost 6'6"; can't play basketball to save my life. I've brought many a coach to tears with my total disinterest in sports.

"you teach a tall guy to play basketball, you can't teach a short guy to be tall" - rick majerus, university of utah basketball


i love that quote. thanks for reminding me :D maybe you can't teach all tall guys to play ;)

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I'm a hockey freak, mostly for our 'home team' (Devils), and I love the Olympics, mostly track and field (summer) and mostly all Winter Olympic sports. I abhor the new 'dream team' style of picking Olympic team members from professional teams (I thought the whole Olympic ideal was 'non-professional'), so the new provisos regarding Olympic team sports is kinda ridiculous in my book. Show me a team made up of college-level players, and I'll regain my respect for team-based Olympic sports. Until then, I'll stick with Olympic NON-professional contenders.


As for myself, I'm with Coyote - cycling, 'beach sports', softball, hiking/camping, swimming. I'm looking forward to learning how to ski and possibly snowboard (my daughter is a boarder and is bugging me to learn).


But, Coyote...please don't tell me your season ticket is for the Rangers...I'd have to hunt you down...



Tim from Jersey :thu:

Play. Just play.
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Originally posted by F7sound -:

I, too, believe that IMPROVISATION is a key element in both.

Yeah, when Jordan was in his prime, I started to see that his understanding of the game allowed him to be creative enough to be as good as he was. In fact, it seemed to me that his ability to improvise was at least as critical to his game as his actual physical ability. Being able to make a pass or a drive to the hoop in a way that your opponent is not expecting is the essence of how to win at basketball, and it requires great imagination to do this well and instantly in the heat of the moment.


I love baseball, though...they lost me for a few years, but the Mac/Sammy run in '98 really got me back into it.




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I had the typical hippie musician's contempt for sports all thru high school and college.


I started watching the NBA and NFL, 'tho, after my kids were born. Why? Because they were the only thing you could watch and follow while all the baby and toddler racket and interruptions made it impossible to HEAR anything. Instant replay also helps for all the plays you miss while running off to find out what the kid is screaming his head off for...


Once I started to understand the strageties and subtleties of the games, I was hooked.


M Peasley

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Our approach to sport in the U.K is very different to you guys. The big school sports here are football, netball and rugby but its no way near as big a deal as in american schools (which has its pros and cons)


I play with my uni badminton squad and am a musician aswell but i don't really follow a sport, i just play it.

Derek Smalls: It's like fire and ice, basically. I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water. http://www.myspace.com/gordonbache
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I"m not really a sports oriented person. I like motorsports best, mainly off-road. Stadium racing, monster trucks, swamp buggies, motocross and supercross. Sports I like to participate in would be skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing and bowling.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Is the original poster asking about participating in sports or just viewing sports?


As a participant I've at various times enjoyed playing tennis, bicycling, some team sports from time to time like baseball.


The problem with sports for musicians is the possibility of getting injured. I have been several times, and for that reason have basically sworn off any sports where there is a possibility of injury. My worst injury was fracturing a finger playing baseball.


I've also injured myself practicing to hard on the piano. Required medical treatment and a long road to recovery.


So for me, participating in sports is out, as I value my ability to play and earn a living as a musician. I do enjoy watching basketball, and playoffs in football and baseball.

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actually there is some pretty active sports threads over at the keyboard corner. i like a lot of sports. rabid football guy, dragf racing, basketball, boxing whatever. i always joke that the only reality Tv i will watch better have a ball or a motor involved or I changing the channle.

Reach out and grab a clue.


Something Vicious

My solo crap

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Consider also that hands are in constant danger with sports, and many musicians can't risk so much.


Personally I don't like them so much. I started playing music because I've been lucky to be a total crap in soccer when I was a kid, so...


But I like the contact with natural elements, like swimming (not in pools, hate it) or mountain trekking, but apart of swimming (I moved near the sea a couple of years ago), I never have much time to dedicate. Trapped in soundscapes...

Guess the Amp

.... now it's finished...

Here it is!



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Originally posted by Hound Dog:

I find that many musicians shy away from competition. Some musicians are terrified of competition. Maybe that is why they do not like sports.

Maybe it's been my downfall, but I've always thought of music as somewhat competetive. It shouldn't be, but the business side perpetuates competition, I think.
Everybody knows rock attained perfection in 1974. It's a scientific fact. - Homer Simpson
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die-hard lakers fan, even when i hate them.


NFL is pretty snoozy these days but getting a little better in the chaos of dying dynasties.


futbal is more fun to watch, especially a world cup game abroad in the country in question (saw a world cup double header in portugal once where portugal wanted england to win to help their own standaings, and vice versa, was the best afternoon at a seaside bar i've ever had, 400 people all on the same side and drunk on "superbock").


i ski (monoski), and absolutely adore it, hoping to get 80 days in this year. i disc golf all summer long, and i love ocean kayaking.


love parlar games too, eg snooker/pool, but i don't think those are sports.


hated sports as a kid, because i grew up in southern california where all that matters is your crappy football team and watched the rest of the school go completely underfunded in the process.

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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Although I'm not very sports-minded, I used to play basketball in a league and for high school, was a swim team coach for a summer camp, and watch occasional Lakers games. I work out fairly frequently, often swimming.
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