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PT-Killer App Rumoured to be on the way

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Originally posted by Jotown:

And Steve Jobs invented the mouse just like Al Gore invented the internet. :rolleyes:


from about.com:


Douglas Engelbart changed the way computers worked, from specialized machinery that only a trained scientist could use, to a user-friendly tool that almost anyone can use. He invented or contributed to several interactive, user-friendly devices: the computer mouse, windows, computer video teleconferencing, hypermedia, groupware, email, the Internet and more.


In 1964, the first prototype computer mouse was made to use with a graphical user interface (GUI), 'windows'. Engelbart received a patent for the wooden shell with two metal wheels (computer mouse U.S. Patent # 3,541,541) in 1970, describing it in the patent application as an "X-Y position indicator for a display system." "It was nicknamed the mouse because the tail came out the end," Engelbart revealed about his invention. His version of windows was not considered patentable (no software patents were issued at that time), but Douglas Engelbart has over 45 other patents to his name.


Throughout the '60s and '70s, while working at his own lab (Augmentation Research Center, Stanford Research Institute), Engelbart dedicated himself to creating a hypermedia groupware system called NLS (for oNLine System). Most of his accomplishments, including the computer mouse and windows, were part of NLS.


In 1968, a 90-minute, staged public demonstration of a networked computer system was held at the Augmentation Research Center -- the first public appearance of the mouse, windows, hypermedia with object linking and addressing, and video teleconferencing.


Douglas Engelbart was awarded the 1997 Lemelson-MIT Prize of $500,000, the world's largest single prize for invention and innovation. In 1998, he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.


Currently, Douglas Engelbart is the director of his company, Bootstrap Institute in Fremont, California, which promotes the concept of Collective IQ. Ironically, Bootstrap is housed rent free courtesy of the Logitech Corp., a famous manufacturer of computer mice.

"For instance" is not proof.


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Originally posted by Henchman:

The real PT's killer app:



That's true

:) Features Are Not An Opinion. :)

(John Hope, 2003)





Ufficio Internazionale Per La Presa Per Il Culo Dei Sbruffoni Statunitensi

Att. Tua Sorella

Codice Mavapigliatelindomo

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Originally posted by zeronyne:

Currently, Douglas Engelbart is the director of his company, Bootstrap Institute in Fremont, California, which promotes the concept of Collective IQ. Ironically, Bootstrap is housed rent free courtesy of the Logitech Corp., a famous manufacturer of computer mice.

Small compensation for the man whose invention made Logitech, and other companies 100s of billions of dollars of profit.


He's like the Michael Gerzon of the computer industry. Michael Gerzon, more than anyone else, invented essential components of current audio production technology, yet lived and died in relative poverty.



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Now that we know that Mr. Engelbart invented the mouse, we know that Apple was the only brand adopting it (and the graphic windows) for many years, before every other manufacturer.


We are not discussing who is the person who had the genius to create a system, we are discussing about a brand which is SHIPPING things that change the world.

:) Features Are Not An Opinion. :)

(John Hope, 2003)





Ufficio Internazionale Per La Presa Per Il Culo Dei Sbruffoni Statunitensi

Att. Tua Sorella

Codice Mavapigliatelindomo

Pirla Chi Legge

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Originally posted by EXAGON:

We are not discussing who is the person who had the genius to create a system, we are discussing about a brand which is SHIPPING things that change the world.

Tron, darling, we are discussing anything we like. And what I would like to now discuss is the perpetual superiority of ProTools. ProTools is easier to use, better sounding, and ultimately cheaper than its competitors. Why, it even sounds better than OSC Deck. It is the DAW of champs. Ehi? Any serious person knows that it's ProTools or nothing, ProTools will never die, nothing can kill it, and it will outlast even your own, remarkably resilient obsessive compulsive disorder.



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Originally posted by Brittanylips:

And what I would like to now discuss is the perpetual superiority of ProTools. ProTools is easier to use, better sounding, and ultimately cheaper than its competitors. Why, it even sounds better than OSC Deck. It is the DAW of champs. Ehi? Any serious person knows that it's ProTools or nothing, ProTools will never die, nothing can kill it, and it will outlast even your own, remarkably resilient obsessive compulsive disorder.



And your frame of reference?

In the last 10 years, which DAW's have you used to compare with Pro-Tools.?

IMDB Credit list

President George Washington: "The government of the United States is in no sense founded on the Christian Religion."

President Abraham Lincoln: "The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my religion."

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C'mon folks. We can debate what sounds better for the money when the thing gets to market. It could be a cool addition for everyone. Apple has been known to do things like that.


As to the iTunes profit sharing deal, Apple was forced to honor whatever the existing contracts were that the record companies and artists already had...that's the law. You can't just pretend those prior deals don't exist. And yeah, most of the contracts were negotiated before this current distribution model even existed, thus, I would expect the artists to file suit against the record companies to have unforeseen terms filled in by a court of law or a new settlement agreement arrived at between the record company and the artists. What the new iTunes model does, is allow for a stronger bargaining position by the artists because the record company's risks and outlay have been drastically reduced, meaning new artists should get a greater share in any new contracts that are negotiated. That's a good thing, esp. for new artists.


But if Apple can make life better with this new app, then we should be willing to give them a chance to do so.


We should not close our minds to what Apple may be offering us, but rather we should have an open mind to the possibilities of Apple making our lives easier, more creative, and profitable too.


Contempt before investigation keeps us in the dark and forever ignorant. Perhaps, we can maitain a seeking spirit and smile if Apple does something wonderful.


We should know something more definitive soon.

MacWorld SF begins next week.

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I just went to the MacWorld SF website and looked at the list of exhibitors, no digidesign, but Avid was there, there were also ALtec, JBL, Tascam, and some company called Tactile. Tactile had no info on what they make.


Guitar Center was also listed. Guess that means they will have an app for us to buy at GC. Must be...duh...music related ehhh.

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Henchy -- I'm kidding!!


I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding --


just cause it's fun to push tron's buttons.


In reality, I don't think the sound of ProTools neccessarily wins over other DAWs when used with decent converters, with the one exception of Fairlight, which has the fidelity of a Casio Watch.





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I always dreamed to have a Fairlight, when i was a kid, but i worked for 10 years making music that was mixed with off voices in a Fairlight Prodigy and the result was a CRAP! a shitty horror. Maybe it was the engineer.


But, did you see THIS!!!!!!

:) Features Are Not An Opinion. :)

(John Hope, 2003)





Ufficio Internazionale Per La Presa Per Il Culo Dei Sbruffoni Statunitensi

Att. Tua Sorella

Codice Mavapigliatelindomo

Pirla Chi Legge

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

Guitar Center was also listed. Guess that means they will have an app for us to buy at GC. Must be...duh...music related ehhh.

Guitar Center is now a full blown Apple dealer. And it is nothing new for music dealers to show and sell at MacWorld. MacWorld is a huge retail event. OWC , also a digidesign (LE) dealer will be showing.
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That's real nice. I think we are anticipating something with a lot more horsepower than some LE edition of an existing app. From what I've heard this new thing from Apple is aimed at pro audio engineers to do tracking, mixing, and mastering. Apparently it works in a pro production environment, meaning it should be easier to use, easy to interface, and really fast at turnaround times...'cuz some folks work with unreasonable deadlines put on them. I would imagine it will sync up nicely to FCP to make it easier for the big movie folks to use as well. Well see.


MacWorld is just a few days away. I think Steve Jobs speaks on the 6th. I don't know if we will have to wait for him to personaly make an announcement. Otherwise, we may have to wait a little longer for NAMM. Again, we'll see.


Then we will hear, then we may buy, then we may use.

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The PT Killer app will be announced at MacWorld SF w/i the next few days.


It will be available for purchase shortly thereafter.


Guitar Center will sell the G5 and Apple's new app in a fully configured optimized version aimed at music pros. The price will be the same as if you bought it direct from Apple. GC people will need to get special training which they have not received yet.


Appogee will make something akin to comm. card allowing you to daisy chain multiple i/o boxes at various speeds.


It will work seemlessly with FCP.


Apple will drop tech support of PT w/i the next 6 months.


It is fully 64-bit with n number of channels.


We will know more details w/i the next few days.

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Wow Johnny, and I heard that the first released recording that has been made on the new PT killer app is going to be Dubyah, and Saddam singing an acoustic version of "I got you babe"> :D


I have seen the future of rock and roll and it is Avril Levine!! :rolleyes:



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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Ex, no I'm not kidding. I got most of this from a pretty good source, but some is speculation on my part. We'll know for sure w/i a few days.


Jo, might grab her, wouldn't buy a duet of Bush and Sadamm, unless it was titled: "Live from Leavenworth Prison" and all the proceeds went to helping America's children.

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

Jo, might grab her, wouldn't buy a duet of Bush and Sadamm, unless it was titled: "Live from Leavenworth Prison" and all the proceeds went to helping America's children.

I'm going to have to call Tommy Mottolla right now because that just might be pretty good tie-in.


It worked for Johnny Cash, and B.B. King ya' know. :thu:



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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Say hello to Tommy for me. I guess by now he should not be missing MC too much.


Folsom Prison is a state prison. For the Bush and Saddam duet, it will have to recorded from a federal penitentiary since they have commited federal crimes.


But on a serious note, this new Apple app could really shake the industry up. I hope it lives up to its potential to be great.

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Apple will drop tech support of PT w/i the next 6 months.
This actually would not suprise me. It's happening on both fronts. I've had 4 different people tell me in the last year that digi guys have been recomending windows XP boxes for new HD rigs over macs. I think the reasons are more political than technical, as Avid is not liking apple much since they have dropped a lot of market share to final cut. If the new apple audio app does anything like that to PTs share, the long era of apple/digi coexistance may be entering it's closing chapter. Or maybe not. Stay tuned.
Chuck Moore
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The war begins. David vs. Goliath.... again.


imagine Digidesign telling to all PT users: Ehi, Macs are over, we sell you a great XP.

Imagine that 80% of today's pro recording and composing studios work on Macintoshes.

Apple is risking a lot, because Music is their secondary professional market after publishing industry.

But that is the new Apple marketing.

We have to remember that Apple had a convention with Microsoft, which ended last year. Now there are no more limitation on what Apple and Microsoft can do to each other.

The first things are still changed:

Apple is making a face to face attak to all established standards:

Safari (Explorer)

FCP (Avid)

Keynote (Powerpoint)

Logic Mac (Logic PC)

iTunes shop and player (all the others)

to come:....PT Killer? (PT) Document? (Office)

:) Features Are Not An Opinion. :)

(John Hope, 2003)





Ufficio Internazionale Per La Presa Per Il Culo Dei Sbruffoni Statunitensi

Att. Tua Sorella

Codice Mavapigliatelindomo

Pirla Chi Legge

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Originally posted by Chuck Moore:

Apple will drop tech support of PT w/i the next 6 months.
This actually would not suprise me. It's happening on both fronts. I've had 4 different people tell me in the last year that digi guys have been recomending windows XP boxes for new HD rigs over macs. I think the reasons are more political than technical, as Avid is not liking apple much since they have dropped a lot of market share to final cut.
WARNING: just a rumor heard through the grapevine...


I heard that Digi approached Apple about a merger and Apple said no, apparantly, because Apple wants to continue to attack Avid with Final Cut Pro. So, I think you're on to something Chuck -- I think Apple and Digi may be "parting ways" and it may all be due to the Avid/FCP war.

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Ok, some of it is offical. Looks like two products. One is called "Garage Band." It's 64 track and has some amps models and 200 effects which they say are pro quality. It's part of new the iLife pack, so it intergrates with the other stuff like iMovie and iDvd. They showed it with John Mayer playing guitar and keyboard. The price of iLife is 50 bucks.


The second product, to be available around Jan 16, is called "Jam Pack." It is something like a bunch more software instruements and loops and samples and more amp models. I think this one is like 99 bucks.


So we will now have the quailty, ease of use, and hardware questions.


It certainly appears to blow away the price barriers to making music in a project studio.


I wonder if it can produce truly pro results and if they have a surface controller that will be announced at NAMM. It does raise some questions, but I like the basic approach that Apple is taking in making it very affordable and easy to do tracking and mixing.


I would imagine it will be bundled in the price of a new Mac unit at spome point. ie. a giveaway piece of software. Could be very cool for schools and others who have suffered under the Bush Regime.

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I just heard from a guy who has seen the real PT killer and he says Garage Band ain't it. Appogee is going to announce 2 new products at NAMM. So we may need to wait a bit longer to see the real PT killer emerge.


That makes sense, because the accessories and interfaces got GB are not strong enough to be pro level.


Perhaps, Apple has some kind migratory path in mind, you do some tracking at home on GB, and take the results to a pro studio to use the PT Killer app when necessary. We'll see.


Still GB looks like loads of fun.

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