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Roland V-Combo VR-09


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Hi Craig,

I had a go at saving the three sounds as you suggested. I found that it seemed to, but if I had an edited organ sound and then went into the other sounds, when I came back to the organ it no longer had its edits. Did I do something wrong?


OK this is more complicated than I thought.. I think that when you save a registration it always saves edits that are made to the organ (drawbars, percussion, split C/V status etc), but not necessarily changes made using the live effects section (overdrive, MFX etc.) when it comes to the saving the live effects settings, it only seems to save the live effects from the mode (organ/piano/synth) that you are in when you save the registration.


Weird yes.. but we always said that the VR-09 was quirky..


So xKnuckles, if you made changes to the organ using the live effects section (overdrive for example) and you saved the registration when you were in piano or synth mode, the organ overdrive settings won't be saved.


It would probably be wise for you to experiment with this a bit yourself so that you can become familiar with how it works.

It's quirky no doubt.. but it seems that you can actually save and organ (including specific drawbar, percussion, chorus, vibrato settings) along with a specific piano and synth sound all at the same time... AND you can pick one of these modes and edit live effect settings and save those settings too IF you save it while in the mode whose effects you are editing.


I hope I've explained it properly..


Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Hi Craig,

Your explanations are always excellent. Thank you. :-) All I did to the organ (one of the factory ones) was to transpose up an octave and adjust the volume to 12 instead of 10. If I select the registration, then press synth or piano THEN return to organ, at that point the bank button will no longer be lit and my changes are gone.


So it seems to me that in leaving the organ bank you also exit the registration, which suggests that it may not be designed to save all three sounds after all?

"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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Anotherscott, I should have said that the "keyboard" is the only significant downside, rather than "waterfall keyboard". My apologies!! I often forget that you will read, and reread every letter of every word, of every sentence, of every paragraph, of every post that I make, to find some kind of error, or some point to debate.

My main point wasn't really to take issue with "waterfall" per se, it was that you said it was the "only significant downside", whereas I see a number of other advantages of the VK8, besides the feel of the keys or their shape. (I also left one out... that, because the VK8 drawbars can send CC, it is a more suitable controller for things like VB3 if and when desired.)


Again, I don't deny any of the great advantages of the VR-09. For many people, it is clearly the stronger choice. I just think they are both good boards in their ways. (Of course, still priced around $2k new, it's generally outclassed by Hammond, Nord, and Numa, so no one pays it much attention these days. Though honestly, I still prefer its feel to any of those others!)

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I think that you're confusing two different things here.. there are things that you can do while IN a registration, and there different things that happen when you SAVE a registration..


So for instance when you're in a registration and select the organ and you increase the MFX (eg turn the ring modulator up to 10) this MFX change will stay until you select another mode (eg press piano).. and then the MFX change is lost even if you go back to organ mode. This is how the VR-09 behaves while IN a registration.


On the other hand if you take the same registration, you edit the organ and turn the MFX up to max and you SAVE this registration (while remaining in organ mode) this MFX change will remain and be saved with the registration, so that every time you choose this registration, the organ will have max MFX on it.


So the VR-09 operates one way when you're working within a Registration and it works a different way when you SAVE a registration.


One other little quirk..


IF you SAVE a registration while in Organ mode, selecting that registration automatically puts the VR-09 in organ mode, because the VR-09 always returns you to the mode from which the registration was saved. However, going back to my example where I saved the organ with a full ring modulator MFX, every time I select that this registration the VR-09 the organ has MFX on it, but if I change modes and select piano or synth, the MFX disappears completely.. even on the original organ sound if I go back to organ mode. So it seems that when working WITHIN a registration changing from one mode to another resets some parameters, and not others.. For example moving from one mode to another maintains the "transpose" settings, but not the "octave" settings.


I don't have time to go test every aspect of the VR-09 and tell which parameters are or aren't maintained when you move across modes within a registration but suffice it to say that some remain and some don't.


So to summarize all of this, remember that there are two different sets of rules, or behaviour. One for working within a registration and one for saving registrations. And when working within a registrations, and moving from one mode to another, there are some parameters that will remain (like transpose) and others that will not remain (like octave).


Hope that helps explain things..


By the way, I'm just sorting this stuff out as I go, and trying to explain the way it works as best I can.. again the VR-09 is really quirky.. ;-)



Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Anotherscott, I should have said that the "keyboard" is the only significant downside, rather than "waterfall keyboard". My apologies!! I often forget that you will read, and reread every letter of every word, of every sentence, of every paragraph, of every post that I make, to find some kind of error, or some point to debate.

My main point wasn't really to take issue with "waterfall" per se, it was that you said it was the "only significant downside", whereas I see a number of other advantages of the VK8, besides the feel of the keys or their shape. (I also left one out... that, because the VK8 drawbars can send CC, it is a more suitable controller for things like VB3 if and when desired.)


Again, I don't deny any of the great advantages of the VR-09. For many people, it is clearly the stronger choice. I just think they are both good boards in their ways. (Of course, still priced around $2k new, it's generally outclassed by Hammond, Nord, and Numa, so no one pays it much attention these days. Though honestly, I still prefer its feel to any of those others!)


Anotherscot, I agree with you on the keyboard.. the VK8 and the VK700 have custom keyboards and they feel great.. No question about that, and I also agree that the VK8 is outclassed by all of the new clones. Even the newer cheaper VR-09 beats it in many respects. There are probably a lot of seasoned Hammond players that would take poor sound but good keyboard feel over the reverse. The VR-09 is not targeted at those seasoned players, except for the odd one like myself that are looking for an inexpensive backup keyboard, or a lightweight rehearsal board.


So once again I think we end up pretty much agreeing on most things, it just always seems to be a rather difficult path to get there. ;-)

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Hi Craig,


Thank you very much for the help you have given me - apologies for taking up so much of your time! I think I understand it a bit better, but it is a shame Roland doesn't make this all clear in their manual. I do think that all those buttons are very misleading - they certainly made me think that I would find things a lot easier to access than they actually are.


Nevertheless, I will see how I get on with it. maybe I will just stick to organ only.

Thanks again. :-)



"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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Guess what Craig? I was wrong. :D:D:D The buttons CAN be used - it seems that if I select the sound I want on each of them at the start, I can then access them from whichever registration I am in. It looks like they cannot be saved, and will have to be reset them every time the keyboard is turned off (unfortunately) but at least it does mean that I can use them - which will be really good.
"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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OK I'm glad that you've found a way to accomplish what you wanted, but I think maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to do...? Are we talking about the same buttons (organ/piano/synth) and their default settings??


You can't change the default power on settings and you can't edit the basic sounds (including the organ). I would love to be able to have the VR-09 power on with "MY" Hammond organ sound but unfortunately the VR-09 doesn't allow you to edit the basic default sounds.


The VR-09 always powers on with their default organ, the first piano program (GrandpianoV) and the first synth program (JP8 Brass). However, as soon as you turn it on you can change these programs to other sounds and those programs will remain until you turn off the VR-09 OR you select a registration. Whatever registration you choose will now change the selected piano or synth sound to the sounds that you had selected at the time you saved the registration!


So for example if you always want to have the default piano be the "rock Piano" just make sure that you have that sound loaded up in piano mode and when you save a registration the "rock Piano" sound we become the default piano sound in that registration. SO rather than having to select the sounds you want every time you power up.. why don't you just set the VR-09 up the way you want it, and then save this as your 1-1 registration.. so all you have to do is press the 1 registration button when you power up and the defaults you want will be loaded up..?


Hope this further explains things and provides a tip that saves you a bit of time.



Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Hi Craig,

LOL. Looks like we were not talking about the same thing at all. I was referring to the 12 large black buttons (brass, strings etc)! it was these which I wished to save one of each of.........Seems blindingly obvious to me that this is what people would want to do ...... However, as I cannot I can live with reselecting them each time (I will have to!)


The blue Mode buttons are a bit confusing because it seems that if you are in (for example), an edited organ registration, if you then press the "organ" button, it takes you out of your registration.


Just to clarify what I mean: what I did was -


1. Press piano mode button and select EP

2. Press Synth mode button and select SFX sic-fi

3. select rock organ. Change the level to 12, add distortion as MFX

4. Save as a registration.

5. Select my new registration.

6. Try pressing the buttons. Piano gives me the EP. :-). Synth gives me the sic fi. :-) Organ gives me Rock organ with a level of 10 and ring modulator as MFX.... :-(

I guess the way round it is to repress the registration button each time, but it all just seems a bit counter-intuitive to me.....


It seems crazy to me that all three mode buttons cannot be used together for each registration........or am I missing something?



"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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Just to clarify what I mean: what I did was -


1. Press piano mode button and select EP

2. Press Synth mode button and select SFX sic-fi

3. select rock organ. Change the level to 12, add distortion as MFX

4. Save as a registration.

5. Select my new registration.

6. Try pressing the buttons. Piano gives me the EP. :-). Synth gives me the sic fi. :-) Organ gives me Rock organ with a level of 10 and ring modulator as MFX.... :-(



I did this and it worked perfectly.. the thing you need to be careful about is which MODE you are in when you save the registration.. it will only save the MFX change from the mode that you are in at the time.. So if you follow the steps you stated and the last thing you do is adjust the organ parameters, and you save while in ORGAN mode, the registration will save this perfectly.. However, if you follow all these steps and then you double check the piano and synth modes and you save the registration from one of these other modes the Organ changes will not be saved..


So go back and try these same steps, start by changing the synth selection, then change the piano selection and then edit your organ, and DO NOT LEAVE ORGAN MODE!! Save from organ mode, and your organ edits should be there when you select that registration.. I've done it, it works.

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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I don't know if this was mentioned, but...how does the organ tone of the VR-09 compare with the Kurzweil PC3LE6 when run in KB3 mode? I'm less concerned with drawbar control vs known control, and more interested in the raw tone, and/or the leslie simulator in each keyboard.

You thoughts?


Nord Electro 5D, Modal Cobalt 8, Yamaha upright piano, numerous plug-ins...

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I will give you my quick thoughts on this question but I would/should defer to those who may have owned and had the opportunity to tweak a Kurzweil with the newest version of KB3 mode, as well as the VR-09.. (hopefully there are a couple of those that will chime in). The last Kurzweil I owned with KB3 mode was a K2661, and I honestly didn't like KB3 mode.. it would be passable for a jam or maybe a rehearsal but I would not have used it live (unless in an emergency)..


however the newest update is a significant improvement (I hear) although I've tried it briefly (at a music store) and I didn't really like it much better.. (which actually made me wonder if the salesman was right when he said the keyboard had the newest update)..


So, I'm not a fan of the KB3 engine (some are), but neither am I really a fan of the Roland engine, both seem just a little off to me. That said, the VR09 seems much easier to tweak, especially with the iPad editor.. although you dont' really need it because it's easy to tweak using the built in menus as well.


I would say that from a raw tone standpoint they are comparable.. but I prefer the ease of editing and the new Roland Leslie sim. However that is based on limited knowledge of the newest KB3 update.. As I say repeatedly here on this thread, if you haven't owned a VR-09 and had the opportunity to work with it and tweak it to your liking.. you really shouldn't criticise.. that applies to the Kuzweil KB3 mode as well .


Hopefully others with KB3 experience will chime in.



Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Craig, I am sorry to be a nuisance, but I just can't get it to work. :-( I followed the steps above exactly, saved while in organ mode. When I select that registration, the blue organ mode button is lit and the red registration button is lit. As soon as I press any of the three mode buttons, the red registration button goes off. The organ reverts to ring modulator, level 10. The piano and synth mode sounds remain as the ones saved. What can I be doing wrong?
"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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I think it's that behaviour that happens IN a registration that is messing things up... IN a registration you can have live effects on one mode (the one you save the registration from) but as soon as you change modes, within a registration, the MFX and other settings are lost.. so in this case if you leave organ mode you can't go back and expect the MFX or other change to be there.. if you want to go back to organ mode WITH those edits.. just hit the registration button again.


Sorry that's just the way this quirky machine works. Hope that makes sense.. you can save MFX and editable parameters in whatever mode you're saving from, and when you select that registration you'll have those edits.. but if you change modes those edits disappear until you hit the registration button again..

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Thanks very much Craig!! It is a relief to know that I am not somehow messing it up. Ok. As long as I know that is how it is, I can get used to it. Just seems exactly what I wouldn't expect......but never mind. Really appreciate all the help you have given me with this. :-) Best wishes.
"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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Some days I wish I had time to build the magic MIDI box I have envisioned in my head for 10 years. It would let you write scripts for transforming MIDI messages on the fly, and run off flash memory..about the size of a pack of smokes. You could build your own appliances with it. (To heck with laptops, I hate them on stage)





Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I did own a K2661, and presently own PC3(s). The KB3 emulation on the 2661 or on the PC2 series is no where near that of the PC3. Also, more recent operating systems released for the PC3 improved the emulation considerably. I do NOT have experience with the LE version - but the nine sliders on my PC3 and the various other controls give me the ability to vary tone very much like on a real B3 (I've worked on hundreds of them).


The KB3 emulation on the PC3 is quite good - there are a few places where I haven't gotten it quite like I want, and I am debating turning off the Leslie emulation and using either a Vent or Burn with the PC3. Fast Leslie is one of the areas, I still don't have it edited quite like I want. An area that I cannot control is that the emulation puts vibrato and/or chorus on the percussion - that is not true to live. However, I almost always play with vibrato/chorus turned off.


I had a Nord Electro 3 for about a year. The Leslie emulation was slightly better than that of the PC3, especially at high speed. However, patch selection and the drawbuttons, plus the fact that (at least IMHO) it was difficult to get any real change in sound if most of the drawbars were out to any extent resulted in my selling the E3. I have been considering buying either a SK1 or XK1c just for the Hammond sounds.


I have no contrasting opinion on the VR-09 - I have not seen nor played one.


Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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Jumping in here, back to the expression pedal discussion from page 73...I found my poor old forsaken Morley EV5-VC, twiddled the knob a bit and WOW! I now have actual expression control with acceptable swell capabilities on the VR09! Just to be sure I wasn't swayed by nostalgia, tested side by side with M-Audio EX-P and Roland EV-5...the Morely has way more control that utilizes a much longer area of the throw. Both the others have such a tiny adjustment area that actually does anything between open and closed, the EX-P and EV-5 are really only good for switching from very soft to full on 11. The Morely is still not nearly as sweet as my old Hammond M-111, but very useable for gigging.


Still curious: has anyone tried the Ashby adapter for Yamaha's FC-7 or the Moog expression pedal?

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Got a VR-09 and used it last night on a gig with my classic rock band. It replaces a Yamaha MM6 which I use on top of a CP-33 stage piano. Whereas the Hammond organ and tone wheel sounded good, I had a hard time getting the Transistor Organ or the synth voices (especially dual layered voices) to punch through over my usually loud guitar players. BTW, the EV-5 expression pedal is worthless. I am ordering an adapter so I can use my Yamaha FC7 pedal instead. Not completely dissatisfied with the VR-09, and I can't afford a Nord Electro. Might try the new Yamaha MOXF6 instead before my return period runs out on the VR-09. Anyone have any experience using the MOXF on stage?
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The Yammies are tempting, and the organs sound fairly good...until the Leslie sim kicks in. Roland has way better rotary. Also the draw faders get tons of use at gigs on my VR09. But I've only dinked around on the MOXF in the music store.


True that the transistors are pretty enimic in Roland's bird. My band does a Doors tune so I have to make the best of it. Have to tweak the compressor; about 9 o'clock. And you gots to crank up that overdrive nearly half way to give a semblance of any balls. It's not authentic, but the Leslie sim can help give the transistor a little more girth, too. Definatey get that C/V button lit up, too. I like the tone at about 1 or 2 o'clock on nearly every sound, but that is certainly a matter of personal taste. I hear others like it twisted the other direction. However, I find that the settings that get the organ sounding best, tend to sound terrible with anything layered.


If you use a lot of organ tones but don't need drawbars, perhaps Roland's FA's might be worth a look?

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Got a VR-09 and used it last night on a gig with my classic rock band. It replaces a Yamaha MM6 which I use on top of a CP-33 stage piano. Whereas the Hammond organ and tone wheel sounded good, I had a hard time getting the Transistor Organ or the synth voices (especially dual layered voices) to punch through over my usually loud guitar players. BTW, the EV-5 expression pedal is worthless. I am ordering an adapter so I can use my Yamaha FC7 pedal instead. Not completely dissatisfied with the VR-09, and I can't afford a Nord Electro. Might try the new Yamaha MOXF6 instead before my return period runs out on the VR-09. Anyone have any experience using the MOXF on stage?


The transistor organs are crappy... no doubt, and I absolutely agree they dont cut!! However, there is no reason why the synth tones shouldn't be cutting.. and there are lots of ways to EQ them, increase the volume and/or adjust the tone..

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Thanks for your response, Craig. I may just need to learn how to use the VR-09 better. I am still playing around with all the tweaks and volume adjustments. When I go from say a heavily distorted organ to soft strings, I need to really crank it up. The EV-5 expression pedal isn't much help. Not used to adjusting the volume knob when trying to play with both hands. Guess it's all about learning curve.
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Thanks, Brenner13, for your sharing your experience and advice. I will try what you suggested re transistor organ sound. This is helpful since our band plays tons of stuff from the British invasion era when the Vox Continental was all the rage. That was one reason why I bought the VR-09 because it offered a transistor organ sound with drawbar adjustment. I'm not totally disappointed since I can still get it to sound better than anything else I've tried. Even so, I still find it very difficult to duplicate the original Vox sound.
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A few people are mentioning issues with the EV5 on this board- is it something specific with 09? I've used an EV5 on my S70XS and now my FA08 and it works well. The pedal doesn't have a lot of throw and you have to be "gentle" with it since a small push can cover a lot of ground controller wise, but the sweep covers the full range of 0-127.

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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Got a VR-09 and used it last night on a gig with my classic rock band. It replaces a Yamaha MM6 which I use on top of a CP-33 stage piano. Whereas the Hammond organ and tone wheel sounded good, I had a hard time getting the Transistor Organ or the synth voices (especially dual layered voices) to punch through over my usually loud guitar players. BTW, the EV-5 expression pedal is worthless. I am ordering an adapter so I can use my Yamaha FC7 pedal instead. Not completely dissatisfied with the VR-09, and I can't afford a Nord Electro. Might try the new Yamaha MOXF6 instead before my return period runs out on the VR-09. Anyone have any experience using the MOXF on stage?


MOXF here. Pianos and EPs are great, the Flash Board allows more waves to be added. Layers, splits, and editing easy ONCE you get the hang of Yamahas OS.


MOX Organs, thats where it fails and crashes.The rotary FX just doesn't cut it for one. You can assign the organs hard right and use a vent/burn etc but you have to disable the system and master FX because they default to stereo only and some of the LH panned voices will bleed through the FX into the organ output.


Also a lot of the voicings have percussion built into the wave with no way to edit them.


The VR09 is the choice for B3 even with the percussion going thru the C/V

SpaceStation V3,


KronosX-73,MS Pro145,Ventilator,OB DB1,Lester K

Toys: RIP died in the flood of 8/16 1930 Hammond AV, 1970s Leslie 145, 1974 Rhodes Stage


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Again, I don't know much about combo organs but I've spent a bit of time with the transistor program and here are a few tips that you can try along with Brenner13's suggestions..


Volume - First, turn the volume up to 12 (from the default of 10)!! Every little bit of volume helps..


Compressor - I find that with the compressor on (or up near 9 as Brenner suggested) the overall sound/volume fades in and out depending on whether you're playing bass notes, and this is just a major distraction for me, so I set the compressor to zero


Tone - For me I think the transistor organ needs to be way brighter so I turn the tone right up to the top, all the way clockwise.. this gives me the brightest tone that I can get out of the VR-09 (at least through my QSC K10's).


Vibrato - select V3 vibrato because the vibrato on the Vox Continental is very prounounced. In the mix with a band, I think it's OK to overemphasize an effect like this so that it's heard in the mix.


Sparkle - Rather than using the leslie to give it "girth" (as Brenner did), I use the Chorus MFX and dial it up to about 12:00. To me, this gives the transistor organs a bit of sparkle that I don't hear in the basic samples.


Now this is important.. to help the transistor organ, sound more authentic and cut better, you have to back off the 16' and 8' drawbars a bit.. If you listen to the Vox Continental demo here you'll see that the basic tone is pretty close but the real Vox is just way brighter:



So after I've done all of this, I do one last thing and that is to turn up the highs on the VR channel in my mixer to achieve that piercing brightness that the original Vox Continental has that the VR-09 seems to be missing. So turn the treble up in your amp or your monitor this will help the overall tone sound more authentic AND help it cut. This is a bit of a pain because adding brightness to your amp/mixer will affect your other sounds as well.. but if it's not convenient to adjust this during a performance, you can turn it up and simply eq out some of the highs on your other sounds/registrations..


If you watch the demo closely and follow it on the VR you will notice that there are a couple of distinct differences between the VR design and the Vox Continental.. eg. on the VR one of the tones is "folded back" on the lowest octaves) but now that I've spent some time with it, I think that it's possible to get a pretty good approximation of the Vox Continental tone. Hopefully you will find my suggested tweaks helpful, but it's not perfect by any means.. hopefully this gives you a place to start to come up with a Vox sound that you're reasonably happy with!!


If anyone from Roland is reading this.. updating the Transistor organ with brighter tones would make this a much better sounding combo organ!!

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Got a VR-09 and used it last night on a gig with my classic rock band. It replaces a Yamaha MM6 which I use on top of a CP-33 stage piano. Whereas the Hammond organ and tone wheel sounded good, I had a hard time getting the Transistor Organ or the synth voices (especially dual layered voices) to punch through over my usually loud guitar players. BTW, the EV-5 expression pedal is worthless. I am ordering an adapter so I can use my Yamaha FC7 pedal instead. Not completely dissatisfied with the VR-09, and I can't afford a Nord Electro. Might try the new Yamaha MOXF6 instead before my return period runs out on the VR-09. Anyone have any experience using the MOXF on stage?


MOXF here. Pianos and EPs are great, the Flash Board allows more waves to be added. Layers, splits, and editing easy ONCE you get the hang of Yamahas OS.


MOX Organs, thats where it fails and crashes.The rotary FX just doesn't cut it for one. You can assign the organs hard right and use a vent/burn etc but you have to disable the system and master FX because they default to stereo only and some of the LH panned voices will bleed through the FX into the organ output.


Also a lot of the voicings have percussion built into the wave with no way to edit them.


The VR09 is the choice for B3 even with the percussion going thru the C/V


+1 on this..


and if you try the tweaks that have been provided by Brenner13 and myself, I think you'll find that you can get the transistor organ sounding not to bad and cutting a lot better!!

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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DanL ... in another post someone suggested that the VR-09 uses midii cc to control expression and does not have a built in swell function. That may be it or it could be I just am not used to it yet. I still like the construction of my Yamaha FC7 better so I ordered the inexpensive adapter from Ashby so I can use it instead. Won't know if this will have any effect on the action but at least it will allow me to use the pedal I already own and like. I will post results after I get it. Thanks.
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Thanks so much Craig for this awesome advice. Never thought to adjust the treble on my amp... I will definitely try this. Also appreciate the video link. I think it will get me as close as possible to the Vox Continental, which was a classic in it's time. I did notice that the sound set Roland created on Axiel has a Rising Sun sample which wasn't too bad IMO. My band mates think I'm being anal ... but what do they know about keyboard players :-))
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Got a VR-09 and used it last night on a gig with my classic rock band. It replaces a Yamaha MM6 which I use on top of a CP-33 stage piano. Whereas the Hammond organ and tone wheel sounded good, I had a hard time getting the Transistor Organ or the synth voices (especially dual layered voices) to punch through over my usually loud guitar players. BTW, the EV-5 expression pedal is worthless. I am ordering an adapter so I can use my Yamaha FC7 pedal instead. Not completely dissatisfied with the VR-09, and I can't afford a Nord Electro. Might try the new Yamaha MOXF6 instead before my return period runs out on the VR-09. Anyone have any experience using the MOXF on stage?


MOXF here. Pianos and EPs are great, the Flash Board allows more waves to be added. Layers, splits, and editing easy ONCE you get the hang of Yamahas OS.


MOX Organs, thats where it fails and crashes.The rotary FX just doesn't cut it for one. You can assign the organs hard right and use a vent/burn etc but you have to disable the system and master FX because they default to stereo only and some of the LH panned voices will bleed through the FX into the organ output.


Also a lot of the voicings have percussion built into the wave with no way to edit them.


The VR09 is the choice for B3 even with the percussion going thru the C/V


Appreciate the feedback on MOXF. I think I will stay with VR-09 since it was the Hammond clone and twin roatary that I wanted most, along with transistor organ / drawbars. Thanks.

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