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My make over amp update 2 with pic


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every week i will try to show you tje evolution of my 43 years old amp make over with pic.

for some people they read my post is my lifco amp. i decide to re-tolex my amp.

today i just start to remove the old tolex from my amp and i can tell you. the guy who did this like the glue and when i say he like the glue very much. is the reason the tolex didn't stay in place. too much glue is not good.


it took me 3 hrs to remove the glue and sand the wood to get nice and clean wood

tommorow i will show you the result with pic


first part i almost finish my sanding on the wood


here another piece of the head cab(this part go in the back) and you can see how much glue the guy put when he put the tolex and this part was not the worse one. the head cab was more horrible


now the hole the last owner did to remove the tube(he was not very bright) i bought a piece of wood and i will cut to fit the hole and finish with some woodfilling stuff


and now i fix the hole i put cement glue and the rest is a paste filling wood to cover the rest of the hole and this piece of wood stay in place and it won't move now


and the last one is the front cover of the head i need you help for that. do i leave like this or i use my black tolex i will use yo cover my head amp or live like this or change the color


and i forgot to tell you is my first time i play with wood. he will cost me cheaper to do it my self but it will take longer probably 1 month but i will safe over 250$ if i send to the guy in my town.

sorry for my english i'm a french Canadien


fender 65 Twin Reverb reissue

Fender Stratocaster 1999 MIA

Fender Stratocaster 2013 MIA

Godin Artisan ST-5

Godin LG Signature

Seagull S6

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i know at the end of the days i will start to put some pic

i finish to remove all the glue on the head cab and now i almost finish to sand the wood(is a good think now because my head amp don't smell anymore the .... cigarette smoke)

sorry for my english i'm a french Canadien


fender 65 Twin Reverb reissue

Fender Stratocaster 1999 MIA

Fender Stratocaster 2013 MIA

Godin Artisan ST-5

Godin LG Signature

Seagull S6

Yes I love Godin guitar

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here my first part with pic

sorry for my english i'm a french Canadien


fender 65 Twin Reverb reissue

Fender Stratocaster 1999 MIA

Fender Stratocaster 2013 MIA

Godin Artisan ST-5

Godin LG Signature

Seagull S6

Yes I love Godin guitar

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That adhesive really is a bear to remove. Looks like you did a really good job on it.


I don't think I'd leave the wood bare and varnish it. It's plywood, and not really all that pretty or interesting to look at. So, I'd probably cover it with tolex or thin leather(not suede, it'll look awful by the end of the first year), but maybe I'd look around for a color other than black. White might be nice, or orange, or red, or a light brown like Fender used on their amps when they quit using tweed, or maybe even tweed. I think all of those would match up nicely with the grill cloth covering on the front piece of the head. The pictures make it look kind of brown, is that right?


Or, you could get a different color grill cloth and recover it to match some other color of tolex.


Or, you could do what I saw a guy do once, and coat it with that spray-on truck bed liner some guys use on their pickup truck beds. It's tougher than tolex, protects the wood really well, and is a lot easier to apply than tolex. It costs a lot less, too. One can of it ought to cover that head, and to spare. I've only seen it in black, but if you were going to use black tolex anyway, that's probably not an issue.


By the way, if you use tweed, make sure you coat coat it heavily with lacquer. It keeps the tweed from getting ripped or fraying, and it's so much easier to keep clean. When Fender started using tweed on their reissue stuff in the early 90's, they didn't lacquer it like the original stuff, and all those amps, cases, etc, look pretty awful nowadays.


Keep on posting pictures of your progress, mon ami, it's cool stuff to see. Bon chance!

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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hey for the color i just realize after i bought the black tolex another color will be good. but the tolex cost me 30$, because my GC can only order from yorkville and the minimum is 3'L X 54"W i can do 2 time my head cab with this tolex. now i just cover the hole with a piece of wood glued with ciment glue and patch the rest with filling paste for wood, is just because i was not able to do the same design.

sorry for my english i'm a french Canadien


fender 65 Twin Reverb reissue

Fender Stratocaster 1999 MIA

Fender Stratocaster 2013 MIA

Godin Artisan ST-5

Godin LG Signature

Seagull S6

Yes I love Godin guitar

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Update 2

sorry for my english i'm a french Canadien


fender 65 Twin Reverb reissue

Fender Stratocaster 1999 MIA

Fender Stratocaster 2013 MIA

Godin Artisan ST-5

Godin LG Signature

Seagull S6

Yes I love Godin guitar

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my head cab is almost finish new pic to come

sorry for my english i'm a french Canadien


fender 65 Twin Reverb reissue

Fender Stratocaster 1999 MIA

Fender Stratocaster 2013 MIA

Godin Artisan ST-5

Godin LG Signature

Seagull S6

Yes I love Godin guitar

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