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Phil W

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So that's you just playing guitar and singing? No bass? Cool. It's interesting and the rhythm is good but I felt as if some spots were rushed. I'm guessing this is free time and not played to a click or drum machine. You want it so people listening can tap their foot. Nice job, but I feel it'd work better if the tempo were more definite. Easy enough to fix.

JAZZ UN-STANDARDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vE4FoJ4Cr4&feature=related


DON'T FEAR...THE REVERB! 60's Instrumentals with MORE BASS!





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Thanks. I agree. I do tend to rush things and have to constantly put the brakes on. About a quarter of the tunes in my book have bright marker at the top saying, "Slower than you think". Often after practicing a tune and playing it out a bunch of times, I'll hear the original. And oh, baby do I speed it up. Practicing with a click would be good thing for me.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Thanks. I agree. I do tend to rush things and have to constantly put the brakes on. About a quarter of the tunes in my book have bright marker at the top saying, "Slower than you think". Often after practicing a tune and playing it out a bunch of times, I'll hear the original. And oh, baby do I speed it up. Practicing with a click would be good thing for me.


Sometimes it isn't even a matter of practice or speed, but getting used to things a certain way.


This is a song I used to do and decided to record. Once I did, I realized the time was all messed up, so on this recording I played it to a drum machine, then just erased the drum machine. At first it seemed stiff, (I wanted it to feel loose) but now I'm USED to it hearing it in perfect time and THAT made all the difference.


JAZZ UN-STANDARDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vE4FoJ4Cr4&feature=related


DON'T FEAR...THE REVERB! 60's Instrumentals with MORE BASS!





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I will try one, for a change. This is a quick, unmastered mix (and not the final one) of a John Mayall tune we recorded for demo purposes. The bass/guitar intro was corrected for timing (my mom says it never sounds so tight live) and some of the solo's are cut'n'paste from two takes:


Dead City


Not sure if the final (mastered) mix will make the demo cut, but I always have fun with this tune. Feedback is welcome!

Eddie I really enjoyed this. Bass tone is great and the solo section (right around 2:11) has some nice work on your part.


On a side note, I didn't know you could link to dropbox like that. Will have to check that out.

"Of all the world's bassists, I'm one of them!" - Lug
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Eddie I really enjoyed this. Bass tone is great and the solo section (right around 2:11) has some nice work on your part.


Thanks! The original has a more straightforward bass line (I think - been playing it like this for so long I am used to it this way) but I had fun putting this pentatonic riff together. Still working on some variations to change it up.


On a side note, I didn't know you could link to dropbox like that. Will have to check that out.


Yep, copy a file to your "Public" folder, then right click "Dropbox" and "Copy Public Link" and you are good to go!

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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I will try one, for a change. This is a quick, unmastered mix (and not the final one) of a John Mayall tune we recorded for demo purposes. The bass/guitar intro was corrected for timing (my mom says it never sounds so tight live) and some of the solo's are cut'n'paste from two takes:


Dead City


Not sure if the final (mastered) mix will make the demo cut, but I always have fun with this tune. Feedback is welcome!


That is great! Great playing, and nice sounding band!


But as has been said before, if it is a demo, you are better off with four one minute songs than one four minute one.


Most people just jump to the next song quickly when listening to demos.

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Here I am playing with myself.


.???....wait a minute. That didn't sound right. Actually, it's kind of like time travel. Ah, this explains it.


This is the confusion I was talking about. Without a specific thread title, no one knows what we're talking about at any time. I think that's why after 4 months there are only a handful of posts. It's like this is the one topic where traffic is discouraged! lol Oh well. Responses are still appreciated and personally, I like hearing what other people are doing so I'll keep checking in.

JAZZ UN-STANDARDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vE4FoJ4Cr4&feature=related


DON'T FEAR...THE REVERB! 60's Instrumentals with MORE BASS!





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There are now 14 pages of postings on this thread. There have been 20989 views of the various pages and 130 replies.


I would say that this method is working fine.


If we had a separate thread for each song, each thread still would drop off the bottom of the page in a day or two.



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There are now 14 pages of postings on this thread. There have been 20989 views of the various pages and 130 replies.


I would say that this method is working fine.


If we had a separate thread for each song, each thread still would drop off the bottom of the page in a day or two.



Well, those that didn't generate interest would drop and those that did would remain. Natural order. Survival of the fittest. lol Anyway, it's more about the confusion. I had to go back to find out what someone was talking about, but apparently I'm in the minority. It's fine. Moving on....

JAZZ UN-STANDARDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vE4FoJ4Cr4&feature=related


DON'T FEAR...THE REVERB! 60's Instrumentals with MORE BASS!





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Another one from the same demo sessions, but this time it is a video clip!


as performed by Dusty Dollar.


This is the only track for which I used my Squier Classic Vibe '50s Precision. The producer took the bass track that started with me playing a mistake :rolleyes: Listening back to it, however, I think I may actually start the song off that way from now on :grin:


Got a text from the singer saying the producer apologized for not really having much usable footage of me playing. I replied saying: "I am the bass player! If there was more footage of me, I would be insulted!" ;)

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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It's a little bright on soundcloud, but wasn't so in my studio.

Screw it. It is what it is.


Paul, I really like your guitar playing but I am a total fan of your voice! It reminds me of someone but I cannot put my finger on it. Very cool! If you were to release something officially, I would definitely buy it. Heck, I may download your tracks and burn me a cd for the car :grin: Very cool stuff! :thu:

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Got a text from the singer saying the producer apologized for not really having much usable footage of me playing. I replied saying: "I am the bass player! If there was more footage of me, I would be insulted!" ;)


Well, you already know what I think of that. Otherwise, I really enjoyed this. Multiple cameras and angles keep the interest. I think this will work well for you.


Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Regarding Steely Dan. I'm not their biggest fan, but some of their stuff is fun to play. First track: Kid Charlamagne.


Well it IS Chuck Rainey! Nice work!

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Why not...for whomever may stumble upon it. My evenings work. All vox, all instruments. A little big for me. hell, it's too big for everybody. But I always liked this song. First track.

JAZZ UN-STANDARDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vE4FoJ4Cr4&feature=related


DON'T FEAR...THE REVERB! 60's Instrumentals with MORE BASS!





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I am subbing for this band currently..... This was last Saturday evening....




Makes me want to grab a beer and party! Did you steal BenLoy's bass?

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Now you sound like me..... This band can make any song sound different than it has ever been played before.... this is not a good thing...


This band is about to go through some changes that may make it better....

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I am subbing for this band currently..... This was last Saturday evening....


Don't know the original track, to be honest. This still the same singer as a while back? Based on his stage presence I would say yes?


Video lacks bottom end through my speakers, which makes it sound a little thin in places. Not sure how it comes across live? I like your stage presence, Ross :thu:

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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I've got subwoofers for my computer. The bass sounds great.


Sounding different than any other version is a good thing.


Here's the original:



And here's the Rolling Stones version, pretty much a straight cover:



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I am subbing for this band currently..... This was last Saturday evening....


Don't know the original track, to be honest. This still the same singer as a while back? Based on his stage presence I would say yes?


Video lacks bottom end through my speakers, which makes it sound a little thin in places. Not sure how it comes across live? I like your stage presence, Ross :thu:


Same guy.... flunked showmanship class.... I like to interact with the musicians on stage. He doesn't get that he doesn't and he blocks me from getting over to the guitarist.... oh well... when playing with the band my wife sings with I get plentty of interaction. We try to look like we are having fun...

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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The worlds sappiest song -- but for some reason, women seem to love it. So...


I injected a bit of testosterone to it. And surprisingly, it's a nice vehicle for the bass. I had fun with this one.


JAZZ UN-STANDARDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vE4FoJ4Cr4&feature=related


DON'T FEAR...THE REVERB! 60's Instrumentals with MORE BASS!





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