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SK-1 and 2 Tips, Tricks and Other Cool Stuff.


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My video of the SK2 has been getting a lot of attention. For those that havent' seen it:




Many have asked if that's the Ventilator or the internal sim. It is the internal sim, straight to ProTools.


Many have also asked for my Leslie settings. Here they be:



Slow: 36

Fast: 375

Lev: -2

Rise: 2.2

Fall: 1.4

Brak: 5

Char: Deep



Slow: 36

Fast: 393

Lev: 0

Rise: 7

Fall: 5

Brak: 10


Mic angle: 150

Distance: 1.5m


I also turned the Overdrive circuit on with the TUBE model set to around 45 or so. No EQ.


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Many thanks for the settings! I'll dial them in on my SK1 tonight.

Gigs: Nord 5D 73, Kurz PC4-7 & SP4-7, Hammond SK1, Yamaha CK88, MX88, & P121, Numa Compact 2x, Casio CGP700, QSC K12, Yamaha DBR10, JBL515xt(2). Alto TS310(2)



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Thanks for posting this! Gonna try that on a gig next week, left the vent at home for a gig yesterday and played with the sim again and I like it, I'm gonna revisit the overdrive as well, the sound of your recording was very encouraging. I'm using some Mackie Thumps and feeling like I might need to finally break down and invest in some QSC's to get a truer sound of the instrument live...
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An adapter can be made for the 8 pin Leslie connector that can separate the signals though. It isn't available commercially in the US. I think Thomann(sp?) sells one in Europe.


I have built an adaptor to allow me to get the organ signal out of the 8-pin Leslie jack & EV sounds out of the 1/4" jack...however....the organ signal does not have the Leslie simulator in it. Has anyone found a way to split organ with internal Leslie sim & EV on 2 different outputs for SK1/SK2?

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hey, I was showing my musician friends my new sk1, they asked me

"what artist do use this?"


the only think I was able to answer was: "Well, most artist just use the vintage hammonds, like the b-3, but I don't know wich use this one"



It wasn't what they were specting, so, what do you recommend me to answer next time? What artist do use this keyboard?

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An adapter can be made for the 8 pin Leslie connector that can separate the signals though. It isn't available commercially in the US. I think Thomann(sp?) sells one in Europe.


I have built an adaptor to allow me to get the organ signal out of the 8-pin Leslie jack & EV sounds out of the 1/4" jack...however....the organ signal does not have the Leslie simulator in it. Has anyone found a way to split organ with internal Leslie sim & EV on 2 different outputs for SK1/SK2?


I PM'd you, but I believe the answer is buried somewhere in this thread. I think Pin 2 is the "leslie detect" pin, so if that is grounded the SK1 will think there is an external leslie and disable the internal sim. So I think if you don't ground that pin it should use the internal sim.


Haven't tried this myself though...

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An adapter can be made for the 8 pin Leslie connector that can separate the signals though. It isn't available commercially in the US. I think Thomann(sp?) sells one in Europe.


I have built an adaptor to allow me to get the organ signal out of the 8-pin Leslie jack & EV sounds out of the 1/4" jack...however....the organ signal does not have the Leslie simulator in it. Has anyone found a way to split organ with internal Leslie sim & EV on 2 different outputs for SK1/SK2?


I PM'd you, but I believe the answer is buried somewhere in this thread. I think Pin 2 is the "leslie detect" pin, so if that is grounded the SK1 will think there is an external leslie and disable the internal sim. So I think if you don't ground that pin it should use the internal sim.


Haven't tried this myself though...



Thanks. I have tried grounding pin 2 with no effect; still no Leslie sim on 8-pin connector signal. It may not be possible to get the sim signal out of the 8-pin Leslie connector due to SK logic (signal flow may bypass sim on Leslie connector). I am still looking to see if anyone has had success splitting signals for EV & organ-with-internal-Leslie-Sim on SK1/SK2. I'd be perfectly happy using the internal SK Leslie sim however I have to use a Vent if I want to split EV & organ signals.


Also, I PM'd you regarding inexpensive source for 8-pin din cable.

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The organ and EV's cannot be separated at the 1/4" outputs. They can only be separated via the 8 pin adapter and there can be no digital Leslie there.


Thanks, this confirms my findings. It seems unlikey (but certainly welcome) that this feature could be added via software release (independant organ-with-Leslie-sim & EV channel ouput). Perhaps HS would consider this on a future hardware version. It seems to me that the ability to use different amplifiers & EQ systems for piano & organ (with sim) is a desirable function and reasonable expectation.



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The organ and EV's cannot be separated at the 1/4" outputs. They can only be separated via the 8 pin adapter and there can be no digital Leslie there.


Thanks, this confirms my findings. It seems unlikey (but certainly welcome) that this feature could be added via software release (independant organ-with-Leslie-sim & EV channel ouput). Perhaps HS would consider this on a future hardware version. It seems to me that the ability to use different amplifiers & EQ systems for piano & organ (with sim) is a desirable function and reasonable expectation.



Agreed. I guess I'm not the only one (though perhaps in the minority) who sees that as a pretty important feature on which Nord has staked its claim. And frankly, even having to piece together a custom cable just to separate out the organ & EV's is a major disadvantage for most in that respect.

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The organ and EV's cannot be separated at the 1/4" outputs. They can only be separated via the 8 pin adapter and there can be no digital Leslie there.


Thanks, this confirms my findings. It seems unlikey (but certainly welcome) that this feature could be added via software release (independant organ-with-Leslie-sim & EV channel ouput). Perhaps HS would consider this on a future hardware version. It seems to me that the ability to use different amplifiers & EQ systems for piano & organ (with sim) is a desirable function and reasonable expectation.


They probably think most people would prefer to be able to send one set of stereo lines to a mixer or amp or two that sounds good for everything (the 2121 does IMO).



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Two new MIDI in modes have been added to the MIDI In menu (Pg. 110 #2). Check that setting.


From the readme file:

"- Two new modes have been added to the "MIDI IN" menu: "UPPER" and "UPP+PED" These modes allow the use of the Sk-1 keyboard as the LOWER part and an external MIDI keyboard as the UPPER or UPPER+PEDAL part."




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Check your display at power up. Does it say SK-1 or SK-2?


An issue that popped up about a year ago was sometimes people would press the wrong buttons to start the update. The buttons they held tell the SK which model it is since the same software is used in both. If your SK-1 thinks it is an SK-2 splits and things no longer work.


Press and hold these buttons on power up:


SK-1: Upper + Pedal

SK-2: Pedal + Lower


Good Luck.

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Re firmware update (to rev6)...

How does one pull up the "installed" version on the SK1 (ie, what menu, comb of buttons etc. to see installed version #) ?


"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."
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Thanks..... I was figuring it would be somewhere at the START of the manual.... (actually I should not have assumed that... after working with Jewish engineers for awhile on a geothermal project, after I was told Hebrew is read right to left, a lot of their technical descriptions made a LOT more sense)...:)
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."
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Re: expression pedals.. (those who are fortunate enough to own the real "Hammond" Brand).... Anyone ever took an ohmmeter to it? (like, whats the ohm spread say at 0 / 25 /50 /75 /100 % of travel).

My CX3 pedal, is (around) 45K ohms @ 0%, 30K @ 25%, 18K @50%, 10K@ 75% and then drops rapidly down to around 500 ohms wide open.

The pedal works (sort of) on the SK1, but full volume is achieved at about 75% of pedal travel. Note... the Berringer pedal is about the same... so obviously Hammond has made something in there non standard... tnx


"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."
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Re: expression pedals.. (those who are fortunate enough to own the real "Hammond" Brand).... Anyone ever took an ohmmeter to it? (like, whats the ohm spread say at 0 / 25 /50 /75 /100 % of travel).

My CX3 pedal, is (around) 45K ohms @ 0%, 30K @ 25%, 18K @50%, 10K@ 75% and then drops rapidly down to around 500 ohms wide open.

The pedal works (sort of) on the SK1, but full volume is achieved at about 75% of pedal travel. Note... the Berringer pedal is about the same... so obviously Hammond has made something in there non standard... tnx



The Expression gain setting (Pg. 78 and 79 #9) will help with reaching full volume before the pedal is maxed out. Try lowering it. The curve (#10) will also have an effect on how the volume/expression (along with the OD if you set it to (Pg. 88 #2)) acts.


Also, you might try the EPAmp (#3) type overdrive for the organ. It has a more "growly" tone (IMO).

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Man I love you guys up here on the forum. I KNEW there had to be a curve (somewhere)... but damm'd if I could find it. I really like the SK!, but (maybe its just me) While the external controls are intuitive... going through the menus is like pulling teeth

Thanks again...

"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."
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Just got an SK2 last week and I'm going through the learning curve to get all the patches I need located or set up for our songlist, and to get it worked into my stage setup.


Wow - the manual has a *lot* of translation problems. Sure makes it difficult to figure out the menuing system. You'd think they'd have a US player test it out and make sure the manual makes sense before they printed it up.


Loving the board so far though. Big step up from what I've been using.


There seems to be a huge difference between the the volume levels for the Extra Voices and the organ section. Even with the EV volume knob all the way up, it's no where near that of the organ section, especially in headphones. Anyone else seeing this? Any suggestions to balance them out?





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