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Adventures in F'n Stuff Up!


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So Jimi and I talked about this, and so now the first "Adventures in F'n Stuff Up!" thread is called into session. Anyone got some pics or stories of gigs/projects/whatever of your situations where you "defended the [guitar] faith?" (Hilarious or otherwise)




I'll go first I guess. I got two pics here:


My friend needed a favor semi-recently. Turns out her dad was recording some stuff for a children's educational music video set. The name? Christopher Kazoo and Bongo Boo. Guess what? I'm in that video lawlz.




Yep that's me on the left -_-;;. Let the tomatoes fly!







For my 2nd, more serious, photo...




My school (Cal State University Fullerton) recently had some budget cuts, and the tenured faculty in the music department really threw everything on the guitar department. Really stupid crap. We had a guitar department of ~30 people, and now it's already sunk to about ~12. We used to have a guitar orchestra and now it's pretty much out of the question. Our guitar pedagogy, guitar fingerboard studies, and guitar literature classes were struck from the class list. All of this rather than mitigate the budget cuts amongst all of the departments (voice, orchestral instruments, composition, jazz, musical theater), just because we were the only department without a tenured teacher holding a chair.


*breathes in*


Anyway, so that pic is from a protest/rally we had outside the music building some months ago.

My Gear:


82 Gibson Explorer

Ibanez 03 JEM7VWH

PRS McCarty Soapbar

Diezel Herbert 2007


Peters '11 Brahms Guitar

Byers '01 Classical

Hippner 8-Str Classical

Taylor 614ce

Framus Texan


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oh man...i can see it coming...maybe we better see if we can add an ADULT ONLY part to the forum, cuz man...i got some stories that shouldn't be told near women, kids, plants, or any living thing other than crusty old guitar players...


but here's a clean one for ya.


so......... we're playing this room called the balloon saloon in merrow, ct about 1982.


our bass player, al, was leaving us for another band. so he set out to sabotage things.


well, one of the things he DIDn't plan on sabotaging was my black lpc.


he dropped a box of floodlights on it from about 15 feet overhead.


it, of course, couldn't miss my STRAT, which may have emerged relatively unscathed.


no, instead, it landed on the neck pickup. not only did it of course f' the strings up, it drove the pickup right into the body of the guitar.


someone got fired that nite.


but...from back in the day...here's a shot from that time period. can ya tell me which of us are the poseurs?


jimi, pre photon, slinging a tiesco del ray...1980, while blowing off my high school graduation to play for a rival school..




and the band? same bass guy i mentioned previously...he named it "iced heat". great name til ya say it out loud a couple times in a row. just after this gig, he got popped for being AWOL and all our gear was stolen by one of his friends. nice guy, with friends like that, who needs enemas?




also at that gig, a couple other classic rocknroll moments..


like the drum riser, constructed of plastic milk crates and plywood collapsing during the first song.


our other lead guitarist being so cocked that he went to jump on the afforementioned riser, and hit the rug over it...thereby sending him instead into an unintentional backflip where he ended up on his feet, almost broke the headstock off his vinage melody maker, and never missed a note cuz he thought he'd just caught a head rush from all the...ummm...vitamins we'd eaten/smoked/drunk/snorted over the course of the day...

finding a half lid of blow some poor fool lost behind the stage...snork..

and finally, a beautiful young blonde chiquita and me under the stage at the end of the nite, sharing an "organic experience" while listening to the band bitch how i always dissappeared when it was time to pack up...ahem...trying to keep it clean here, not always easy...


me in "rocker"...tho actually the pic of me is from "knightmessenger"...back in the lsd for breakfast days..





the "AVATAR" promo pic...wonder why we didn't get more gigs out of it!!! look at the scowel on the rhythm guitarist's face...and me, drunk AND trippin', projecting that "i am the lizard king" vibe...




next up, "servo drive"...named for our pa speakers. i can't make this crap up.




another pic of servodrive, playing at the state mental hospital..


have ya picked up on the common thread here other than me? yes, it's the bass player!!




so...who's the poseur? there's a few of them in these pics, and a lot of stories from the last 42 years on the road.. lol



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I expect to have some fresh "F'n stuff up" video to show off from the gig on Friday.


Awesome sitch - bass player and singer are quitting (they're lovebirds) but they're playing these last 2 gigs. I found a replacement (dramatic upgrade, I might add) bassist, but she won't do the shows without him, so I have to suffer through wondering whether he's actually going to hit the chord changes just so I don't piss the drummer off by bailing on the whole disaster.


I wonder how Slash's solo on "Night Train" will sound over an A minor chord progression instead of F# minor... :freak:

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I've noticed that you've often used the almighty as your LD.


I know, I know, he works for free, is disease free, won't chase your girl and totes his own light rig. But, who supplies the speed? LDs always have the best stuff...



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almighty whassis? i don't do any human deity bro, i'm a nature boy only.


if ya mean the acid thing...well...i'll just say me and mescalito got pretty close and leave it at that.


must admit .... what? lol not following ya this time, t!!

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From hearing how you guys speak on this thread and others, as well as refer to some of the craziest experiences, I cant help but wonder if I'm the youngest one here. I'm 23...

My Gear:


82 Gibson Explorer

Ibanez 03 JEM7VWH

PRS McCarty Soapbar

Diezel Herbert 2007


Peters '11 Brahms Guitar

Byers '01 Classical

Hippner 8-Str Classical

Taylor 614ce

Framus Texan


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Hey, Jimi...LOVED the pics! They say the camera adds ten pounds, so I gotta ask...


...just HOW MANY cameras were on you guys?


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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almighty whassis? i don't do any human deity bro, i'm a nature boy only.


if ya mean the acid thing...well...i'll just say me and mescalito got pretty close and leave it at that.


must admit .... what? lol not following ya this time, t!!


LD = "Light Guy"

Almighty = Outdoor no lights daylight gigs


Every light guy I've known, and working for a touring company in college I knew a lot of em, were total tweakers. So, if you wanted a pick me up, you'd just seek out the LD and he'd hook you up...

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I'm 61 and holding Grey...


Sweet! That's experience right there. :D

My Gear:


82 Gibson Explorer

Ibanez 03 JEM7VWH

PRS McCarty Soapbar

Diezel Herbert 2007


Peters '11 Brahms Guitar

Byers '01 Classical

Hippner 8-Str Classical

Taylor 614ce

Framus Texan


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bass player and singer are quitting (they're lovebirds)


When she realizes he's a loser, send her to St. Louis - I saw the pics :love:



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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well, remember i told ya about scummy bandleader dirtbag screwing us by taking 40% of the take at a gig a couple weeks ago?


it gets worse. not only did he use the bread to pay for his PRIVATE webhosting, the boneyard buddies site, and the reverbnation and gigmasters sites, we were supposed to do the last two shows and call it quits.


last show was supposed to be july 9....wellp, now he's doing it with the NEW BAND, still calling it our name, advertising it with our images and demo, the whole 9. what a scuzzbucket!


so to return the favor, i scuttled the boneyard buddies facebook page. since i owned it, i removed his administration rights, and then removed myself...making it orphaned.


nicest thing i could do for his scuzzy ass.

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From hearing how you guys speak on this thread and others, as well as refer to some of the craziest experiences, I cant help but wonder if I'm the youngest one here. I'm 23...


I'm 36 but I still act like I'm 12.


I'm 37 (38 in less than 2 months) but still act like I'm 8. Nyah nyah, I win! :freak::rimshot::D

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In human years, I'm 56 - although my liver might have a few years on me, we've been getting along pretty well for a while. Little absinthe never killed anyone . . . well, maybe, but there are worse things.


Live long enough, and you can either have too much fun, or too little. I've had my too much fun, now I'm just trying to be sure not to have too little - so far, it's working out.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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