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Welcome to ATL, "d"

d  halfnote

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I recently took a big step.

Quit my job in Lexington, KY, & relocated to Marietta, a suburb of Atlanta, with no job lined up in advance. :freak:

Chas Chandler was not part of my sponsorship team :) but I know a couple folks here & had actually lived here briefly abt a decade ago.


Good news: not as cold today as a lotta folks further north.

Bad news: tough job scene, like most of the USA.


Anyone know anyone in this area ?

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Good for you d, your old job must've sucked royally. Not only are you warmer down yonder but you got further away from Mikey Brown and his Bengirls. Wish I could do the same. I wish you luck in your new life sir.


I was born at night but I wasn't born last night...
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I see you took the advice my dad gave me everytime I complained about work but worried about leaving, "You were looking for a job when you found this one!"


Good luck with the job search. Jobs are out there (always are for good, hard working people) you just have to be somewhat flexible and open minded. I don't have the juevos to do something like that.

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Breakaleg, Half'. Lee Flier lives thereabouts, too, doesn't she?


Thanks, Caev! I was trying to remember her name. Like to have drove me nuts! Anyone out there who knows her, tell her to come back to the forum, please?

Whitefang PS Oh, and best of luck, d.

I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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