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Editor Boy

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A quick announcement. More info will be available soon at www.guitarplayer.com/superstar2010.


The 2010 GUITAR PLAYER's GUITAR SUPERSTAR finalists are Eric Clemenzi, Angel Vivaldi, Dan Kumar, Jodee Frawlee, Karim Khorsheed, Don Alder, Kevin Zugschwert, Chris Delis, Ignacio Di Salvo, Val Kostadinov. Congrats to all!

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Thanks for even having a contest for all us guitar players again.

Next time, though, please, list the finalist right on the hope page for all us to see!

Even folks like me who did not get in, wanted a clear answer. I tried ALL day to get the list from the GPM

home page twitter link, but only got the old red "contest is closed page"

I did finally find the answer on GP Facebook, and then here but it first didn't work either, but there was NO reference on the GPM website to check the GPM Facebook


Thanks again for the chance.

Have a good contest!


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i agree with a few of the finalists picked but i must say i am surprised at some that did not get picked. not sure what gp was looking for but some of the finalists are just so boring, no passion at all. i think there were others in this contest who would have been a lot better as contenders.
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Seems like Michael and the GPM gang were looking for speed medal players.

5 out of the 10 guitarist picked seem to fit that bill, and the other 3 were from the school of "Tapping", + token acoustic pro player thrown in there. Not sure why are more varied style of guitar player was not represented. I would have expected this result from "Guitar World Magazine" but not Guitar Player. Luke Thomas not funky enough for you?..Conrad Schwartz surf tunes had depth and feeling and technique..not enough reverb??, Steve Cunninham, his LapSteel & Guitar blew me away..not enough tap for ya??. Come on MM! When did you guys get so one sided?? Tapping is not hardest thing to do technically on guitar..Strap on a slide or try classical finger style... I know It's a thankless job being a judge, and very subjective... but come-on!..I hope the contest turns out to be what you want, and that it inspires players. Seems like you had and agenda vs. actually finding the best players.



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All great players and the final selections are well deserved. However, I do have to agree with some of the comments above regarding the lack of diversity overall. Respectfully, one of the main reasons GP differentiates itself from other publications is that it's stuck to it's guns in promoting great guitar playing of all styles. Having said that, this contest is still one of the only opportunities for players to express themselves in a public forum. Looking forward to seeing this continue for many years to come!
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that acoustic guy was fantastic - i dont even know if he made it ? I'm not into shred but I looked up one of the shredders and he blew me away with some scoustic stuff on Youtube. A lot of great playing and a good time for all ! I do respect GP magazinr in the my videos did stink - the playing was ok but the videos were terrible


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Hi gang...


The finalists were selected by the GP staff (Art, Barry, and Matt) along with myself and GPGS musical director Jonathan Herrera.


The "public vote" winner was Eric Clemenzi.


We have some shredders, some melodic rock players, two country pickers, and a solo acoustic artist -- I think that's a fair representation. I disagree that the ten 2010 finalists are predominantly speed-metal players. (And, by the way, no outright, 100-percent shredder has yet become a GPGS champion.)


It IS interesting, however, that not many blues and jazz players have entered the competition the past six years. Why do you think this is the case?


Of course, why some players got picked and some didn't is all a matter of subjectivity. If some forum members were in the room along with the staff to champion THEIR picks, the finalist list may have changed a little -- or not. Hard to say. There is a lot of back and forth and spirited debate during these selection processes -- minds get changed, some editors stand their ground, and so on. We try to pick a stylistically diverse team, and we do mark players down for clams, tentativeness, over-familiar licks, unimaginative or slow-to-evolve arrangement and composition, lack or fire/soul/heart, etc. We're mostly searching for players that we feel will blow the judges minds and entertain the audience at the venue. Obviously, we'll never make everyone happy with OUR selections, but please trust that we at least batter each other mercilessly until we feel we're 90 percent in agreement with all the picks as a group. And the selection process takes days to complete.


I wish we could tell those who didn't make it WHY they didn't make it, but that would simply take too much time, and I'm not sure our assessments would make anyone feel better (or worse) as they're just our opinions. Talented and ambitious guitarists will do just fine whether we pick them for GPGS or not.


I hope this all helps somewhat.


Please feel free to ping me here or at mmolenda@musicplayer.com if you have more questions.


Best to all,


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  • 2 weeks later...

did i hit a clam ! LOL - ill be back (arnold) for 2011 !!!

I said it before somewhere - i thought my entries were crap - I can give a better performance and will next time - as you said Mike "slow-to-evolve arrangement and composition" explains my 2 jams !! LOL > I just watched the 10 finalists videos and really like some of them - did hear a clam though? 2015 - Rick Danner - cover of GP !!!!

Hey Mike Im still caring for Ma 24/7 with my brother - its really getting tough but I have to stay strong - really no time to practice guitar but I get my licks in ! Nice post on the explaination thing.

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I'm curious if any blues guitarists submitted demos for the contest. I wondered if that style was represented. I'll grant the shredders are more impressive technically, but the guitar is so historically linked to the blues, it seems to me there ought to be some kind of inclusion.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Your reply did help. Glad to know you all "batter each other mercilessly" to pick the contestants. As to why not many Blues & Jazz contestants enter the contest, your guess is as good as mine... Partly it might be, that the Jazz Blues players figure what's the point trying, because from the past, it looks like Blues Jazzer are shut out of the competition. Interesting that the Nov.GP issue out now is about "RED HOT METAL...I still think you all were slanted to metal.

Thanks again though, for even offering a competition., I get it that you can't please everyone, like me. You don't have to offer a contest but YOU DO!

So, no matter what I or anyone else says...Thanks! GP is still the best guitar rag only second to Vintage Guitar.


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shred fest - im dissapointed - not becasue I didnt make it because Gp is the new guitar world . I hate metal and shred. I cansee some articles on it but mybe Im just getting old. I have to be honest I saw where Molenda said he was looking for the winners songs to go somewhere - shred never goes anywhere for me. Im old I guess (51).
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Okay. I'm not one to complain normally and this isn't necessarily a complaint. I just noticed from looking at the GS site that it clearly states that Don Alder is from Vancouver British Columbia.....Canada. According to the rules, don't you have to be a U.S. Resident? All the power to Don. He's a great player and as I understand it he was a viewers choice. Still. I think there are quite a few people from the "northern state" that would have loved to enter had they know it was admissible. :confused:
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shred fest - im dissapointed - not becasue I didnt make it because Gp is the new guitar world . I hate metal and shred. I cansee some articles on it but mybe Im just getting old. I have to be honest I saw where Molenda said he was looking for the winners songs to go somewhere - shred never goes anywhere for me. Im old I guess (51).
Don Alder is not a shredder and there's some pretty wicked country chicken pickin' going on there too a la Chris Dellis.
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I just checked out the profile of contestants this year and Ignacio Di Salvo was NOT in the Bio profile..Charlie Crowe was instead..Is this a mistake or could Ignacio not make the contest..Or was it because he was Italian??..Charlie the runner up??

Anyway, just curious...

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