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Overpriced Jazz Bass 24


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I walked into a small local guitar shop today, mostly just to kill some time. They had a Fender Jazz Bass 24 that looked nice so I picked it up and played around on it for a while. The bass felt, played and sounded really good, but then I looked at the tag... $1099!! I looked at the back of the headstock and it had a "Made in Korea" sticker and the word "used" was stamped on it. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't these basses sell new for $700 - $800 before being discontinued?


I asked the store owner why he was asking $1099 when they sold for much less new, he didn't answer at first but turned to his computer and started looking up information. After about 5 minutes he told me that the retail price on the Jazz 24 is $999 and he has it priced with a case. I said it has "used" stamped on the back, he told me that the bass is actually new, he gets all his Fender instruments from a surplus distributor and they stamp "used" on the back just to void the warranty and that he would warranty the instrument himself. He said he deals with this distributor so he does not have to deal with Fender.


A whole flood of responses popped into my head but since I was not a serious buyer, I decided to just let it go. I then looked at the back of the body and I saw scuff marks on the control plate and the finish, nothing deal breaking at a reasonable price but I find it really hard to believe the bass was not used. While I was looking he said he could discount the bass by 20%, did a quick calculation then told me he could let me have it for $879 with case. I told him I will pass on that deal. I put the bass down, thanked him for his time and left.


It is a shame, it is a really screamin' bass and I would have no problem laying down $500 or maybe even $600 if I had more assurance that it wasn't used, but not one penny more. Am I way off bass with this or what?

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Take into consideration that this is a small independant shop that cannot buy from Fender. He can charge any price that he feels is best for him. We so often get so accusomed to seeing the prices from the gigantic box stores and the online dealers that when we see a small independant dealer charging "His" price that we get offended. Most of the used Jazz 24 that I have seen sell have gone for $500 - $600. I have seen basses advertised as used buy online superstores and they have the stamp on the back of the headstock and they do not have a warranty. Your can probably buy one off of Ebay that is in new condition that won't have the "used" stamp. But, the Jazz 24 is a very nice bass.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

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Becoming a Fender dealer takes a SUBSTANTIAL financial committment from any MI dealer. It really sucks for the small dealers because many of them just can't raise the capital to take in that much inventory, or they don't have a large enough clientele to turn over that much stock.


This guy sounds like he's trying to stock some Fender instruments but can't commit to the order numbers that Fender requires in order for a store to become a Fender dealer. So he's worked out this "arrangement". It sounds dodgy to me, too. Most other shops that can't afford to be a Fender dealer will usually just have some regular Fender used stock on hand. As for this bass you're talking about? Do some shopping around. You might be able to find one elsewhere.

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Wait 6 month or a year. If he still has it, and at that price with a used stamp on it he probably will, you'll be able to pick it up for $500.

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$1099 for a Korean jazz bass? I would have laughed in his face.

I have a feeling that bass will be there a while. Then walk in and name your price.

Then again to be fair to the shop owner I have heard that Fender can be real bastards to folks wanting to carry a few of their items. But still...

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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I bought the 5 string version on ebay for about US$650. Same deal with the USED stamp and everything. Absolutely love the thing. I put it in to get setup on a PLEK machine and the truss was threaded apparently. AUS$500 later and I have my favourite bass I've ever played.

Status 6 String

Fender Jazz V 24

Fender Jazz Deluxe V (Mex)

Trace Elliot RAH400SMX

Gallien Kreuger MB2

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I tell you what, if I were in the market for an inexpensive four string and didn't just buy an MM SR5 less than a year ago, that J24 would make a fine addition to my arsenal. If I had been a serious buyer I would have pushed the issue much further, something tells me though that he wasn't going to come down any lower than $879.


BTW, he also has a few New York Pro P-bass copies that played and sounded quite nice and were priced at $250. I thought that wasn't a bad deal until I got home and looked them up on the Internet and found them readily available for under $150. I'm not "offended" by his prices, just surprised that in this day and age where the Internet is so readily available he can manage to stay in business with those prices.

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I think the price is too high at $879, but I can sympathize with what the small dealers have to go through. On the other hand I would buy from a mega dealer in a minute if they had what I wanted at a better price.

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We are all concerned about our manufacturing leaving the US and going overseas. Yet, we enjoy good products at a cheap price. I am as guilty as anyone. I prefer to buy "Made in USA" unfortunatly, I can't afford our products.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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