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My first Mesa cab.


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Probably not. But, then again, since I've never actually consumed beer, I'm probably not the best person to ask.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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I was turned off by beer as a little kid, and I still can't stomach the smell or taste of it. There's a story.


Let me preface this story by saying that my dad is a great guy and not even remotely an alcoholic--if he drinks six beers in a whole summer, that is a lot.


One summer day when I was about six or seven years old, my dad was drinking a beer one in our backyard, and I asked him what he was drinking, as he rarely drank things from bottles. He told me he was drinking a beer (Rolling Rock, as I recall), and I asked him if I could try it. My dad, being a pretty open-minded dude, gave me the bottle, snickered and said, "Sure--go to town."


I thought, "Wow, my dad is cool" and took a giant swig, which was immediately followed by spitting, sputtering and a big "Yeeeech!" from me as my dad laughed his ass off.


So yeah, I don't like beer.


Let me preface this story by saying that my mom is a great lady and no longer a smoker.


Similarly, I asked my mom if I could have a cigarette around the same era. Same thing happened--she let me have a cigarette, which was followed by a lot of wheezing and coughing. She has been smoke-free for about 20 years now.


I never wanted to smoke after that first drag.


As a result, I don't smoke, drink or use drugs of any kind--unless they're prescribed by a doctor. Surprised?



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Of course not. That's not a drug--it's a holy sacrament. I thought everyone knew that.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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I love beer all types but alas I despise hangovers and as I am approaching 36 plus used the proverbial flamethrower on my party candle when I was younger my hangovers plus paranoia last 4 - 5 days. Its just not worth it, do love beer though.


On topic I'd really love to try out a Mesa Bass rig but in these parts they don't exist. Health to play!!

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As a result, I don't smoke, drink or use drugs of any kind--unless they're prescribed by a doctor. Surprised?


My life immediately following high school was so alcohol and drug addled that I'm always surpized when I find someone who didn't try to get into it. But I am glad for you that you don't indulge in "recreational" drug &/or alcohol use. Yuh ain't missin' nuthin' but a bad time.


MY childhood experiences were a bit different from yours. Back in the 50's, my great-grandfather chewed Twist tobacco. I was probably 3 or 4 when I asked him for some, and I could get Great-Grampa to do about anything. I figured it would be like chewing gum. He cut me a little plug and I proceeded to chew and swallow, which any tobacco chewer or snuff-taker will tell you is the WRONG thing to do. It was maybe 15 seconds later that I was running to the bathroom, puking my guts out. I never had the desire to chew tobacco again, although I took to smoking cigarettes, cigars and pipes like a fish to water. Go figure.


As far as beer goes, my dad gave me beer twice when I was a kid, once when I was about 4(it was an eventful year for me, substance-wise), and the other when I was 9. Both times, it was in a small glass, and only one. To me, it was a very special treat. I think my enjoyment of the taste of beer dates back to that. I still love the taste, although I haven't had anything stronger than O'Doul's since 1990.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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What's on the diplomas?

Ink and a foil seal.

Masters degree and national criminal justice honor society. Various other paper with seals on the wall that aren't making me any more money....


Nice how the dimensions worked out so well.





The mesa is a bit deeper, but not by much. It sounds ferocious.

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