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What is an electronic press kit?

Ross Brown

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What is an electronic press pack/kit? We have a press kit. It consists of a demo disk, pictures, venues played, set list and a description of the band and band members and contact info. Sometimes includes pricing.

Our web site has all of this too expect pricing.


Sometimes I see that venues want an electronic press kit sent to them via e mail. To me that would be our web link. Sometimes they ask for the electronic press kit and the web site link....



"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I guess it would be an email (relativley small in size) with most of your info and just direct links to exactly what you want them to see. This way they don't have to try to find what they are looking for on a million poorly designed web pages.


I know nothing but that's my guess.

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They probably are referring to this here thang.


They offer an "EPK," which stands for "Electronic Press Kit."


I generally find these things to be sorta laughable in this day and age of MySpace, etc., but some venues think the SonicBids name carries some kind of weight. God only knows why.



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When I get these kinds of requests, I usually send an email worded more or less like a cover letter that includes direct links to things like pictures, videos, songlist, schedule, as well as our homepage.


I DO have high resolution images (our 8x10's) online that aren't readily apparent on the web site because I don't want people clickiing a page and waiting for a 5MB image to load. So I do direct links to these with a description. I actually just recently put together a page with thumbnails and links to these files that I sent to booking agents. I'm going to pretty it up a bit still - I just wanted to get it out there, but here it is:




However, a lot of that is really geared more towards clients who need images, logos, etc. to promote upcoming events - posters/flyers in newspapers, magazines, signage, etc.


I'm finding that really the only people wanting "press packs" these days are potential corporate clients and some other private parties. The bars all know who we are, and most people who are interested in hiring us for a wedding or private party will just come check us out somewhere. Corporate clients don't want to go check you out, they want to sit around and review press packs with their "committee" and discuss the options and come to a decision without leaving the office.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I generally find these things to be sorta laughable in this day and age of MySpace, etc., but some venues think the SonicBids name carries some kind of weight. God only knows why.

Yeah, that's exactly what came to mind when I read "EPK".


I know of at least a couple of venues who insist on SonicBids EPKs. As far as I can figure they think if a band is willing to shell out money to get on there they must be more than some fly-by-night outfit who won't be around in 6 months when the gig is scheduled.


As already suggested, just send a quick teaser email with a link to demos, pics, vids, etc. Put yourself in their place. Do you really want an email with a slew of mp3s and JPEGs attached? (Well, I wouldn't. You'd stuff my mailbox.) If you had 30 seconds to decide whether or not to even consider hiring a band, what would you want to read? What would make you want to click on the link to hear the demos? See the pics?


Keep it professional and keep it brief.

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I don't want people clickiing a page and waiting for a 5MB image to load.

Good point. I'm coming across more and more MySpace pages that take a year to load because of all the crap people put on them. Keep it simple.


Yep - that's why God invented Thumbnails (the electronic kind, not the ones that HE actually invented... but I digress) - let them see what's there and if they want the full monty, they can click it.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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  • 1 year later...

Funny, I have been thinking of putting some kind of electronic press kit together. Right now the singer and one of our guitarists send out mails, but I do not know if that is the way to go forward.


I was thinking of a single A4-size sheet, containing our logo, quick band bio with a few pictures, an example set-list, the sole review we got online and perhaps the one or two places we have played so far. We are also going to record a few tracks "live at rehearsal" to use for promotional needs.


If anyone has any examples of press kits, I would appreciate it. And please remember I live on a different continent, so the game is played differently here :)

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


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I have a few different EPKs up on my server. I send a specific link to a person depending on if they are a club owner, agent, or press person. In addition to the files below, the EPK for the press person contains all of the tracks to my latest CD. Here's what's on my EPK.

Press Release Files:

Album Press Release.pdf

My Biography - Long.pdf

My Biography - Short.pdf

Interview.pdf (Interview about release + more)



Trio.jpg (press foto of trio)

various musician/band shots:






You can adjust this format to fit your needs. Basically, if a club owner needs to see your band, then you can upload a video, a few mp3 tracks, and your band bio or poster. They might need hi-res photos for a poster or ad, and they might need a bio from either you or your band (or both) to send out to the press.


I put all of the files for my EPK in one folder on my computer, and then compress the files into one zip file. I upload the zip file to my server and there it stays . . . my EPK. You can use a server for big files, like sendspace.com yousendit.com or largefilesasap.com


You can put a link on your website for your EPK that links to the file on your server. The zip file with all of the photos, videos, and mp3s might be 100mb or more, so you need an external server to host the file, rather than trying to send it by email.


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I generally find these things to be sorta laughable in this day and age of MySpace, etc., but some venues think the SonicBids name carries some kind of weight. God only knows why.


There was a place couple of hours down the road that would book based upon the number of listens that your Myspace page had on your music. Not a bad idea theoretically, but quantity doesn't necessarily translate to quality.



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

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