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Lady Gaga

Eric Jx

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Somehow I am reminded of Renée Richards who it seems was able to play mixed doubles ... with himself.


The younger crowd will have to Google that. :)



No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Somehow I am reminded of Renée Richards who it seems was able to play mixed doubles ... with himself.


The younger crowd will have to Google that. :)


DH, I almost spit coffee on the KB. :laugh:


Hearing about that whole deal as a 9 year old was the weirdest sh*t.


Nowadays, it is par for the course or match point in this case. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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For some reason, I've always thought that there was some kind of real talent behind her sex doll "industrial" image.


I like her. I don't care in the least what she puts in her mouth behind closed doors. She's doing Madonna and pulling it off. And she's making a shitload of money.

I have serious doubts that early-stage Madonna could sing that good, let alone play the piano.



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Love her or hate her, she hooked up with the right producer (Red One) and they made a smashing album.


Lyrically the subject matter may be repulsive, but she has created an image and a character and she's doing very well with it. The songs are all masterful little studies in writing a modern electro pop song. Simple, clever, 8 second bridge.


My friend and I were having a philosophical discussion about her, and I ventured that she represents the TMZ / Paris Hilton lifestyle put into song and personified in an artist. Remember when Paris Hilton released a song several years ago? Her career came to nothing in that regard, and part of it may be because that song was a sweet love song. When the public thinks of Paris however, they think of Lady Gaga values, and that's what they would of liked to hear from her mouth and are hearing from Lady Gaga.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Rolling Stone carried a cover story on her a few issues ago, showing pictures of her as a young girl and some more recent shots.


Seriously, this is all sizzle and no steak. Good on her, she's getting over. Too bad that people buy this sgit, but there ya go, nobody ever went broke underestimating the American Public.

"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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As I listen and watch, I wonder what/who she really is. Is all this crazy image her idea? Is she trying to find herself by doing this? Will she grow out of it and go back to the original singer/musician? Or will the fame she has found by doing this keep her doing it?


I've never really heard her Lady Gaga songs (I think I FF thru them when she was on SNL, or I just blanked the performances out) and the whole schtick isn't working for me. If she was doing what she does in the video above, I might be paying attention. I'm sure she misses me. :laugh:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I don't listen to much pop-ular radio, but I've heard Poker Face a number of times.


I'll admit it: it's kind of clever in a Steven Tyler "Walk This ..." way.


She knows whats up on all counts. I saw an interview with her in print where she talked about seeing a hilarious spoof called "Butter Face". I don't find her nearly as offensive as most...say...Rihanna.

Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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Chris Daughtry does a version of Pokerface on some German radio station. Do a search on Youtube.

Proof that you can polish a turd. :thu:


Enlighten me: which one's the turd? Or the bigger turd?


Apologies Tony, I didn't realize your standards were quite so stratospheric.

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


Yamaha Montage M7, Nord Electro 6D, Hammond XK1c, Dave Smith PolyEvolver & Rack, Moog Voyager,  Modal Cobalt 8X, Univox MiniKorg.


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Chris Daughtry does a version of Pokerface on some German radio station. Do a search on Youtube.

Proof that you can polish a turd. :thu:


Enlighten me: which one's the turd? Or the bigger turd?


Apologies Tony, I didn't realize your standards were quite so stratospheric.


Its not that my standards are so stratospheric; but its confusing when you reference McDonalds and Burger King in the same sentence and allude to one being better than the other. *(Especially since we're talking about Daughtry covering Gaga.) It might be that your standards are so subterranean? (I dont hate Daughtry, in fact, Im completely ambivalent about him; I bought his first cd, the first/only AI album Ive ever purchased, and wont make that mistake again.) To me, Gaga and Daughtry are both Royales With Cheeselots of it. Theyre both very proletariat.


Youre right: Im a stratospheric snob. But I ask again: which ones the turd?


Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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Youre right: Im a stratospheric snob. But I ask again: which ones the turd?



You bought the 'album'


That's right. Thus I feel qualified to ask you the distinction "which is the turd" or "bigger turd". You offered Daughtry's version of "Pokerface" as evidence that you can polish a turd. So tell me...are you going to answer that question, or continue to condemn me for asking it?

Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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I like Daughtry.


Bought both his albums, in fact, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.


Sure, his music is formulaic, but he writes good hooks and catchy pop rock songs. That's not a crime in my book.


And I dig his version of Poker Face more than Lady Gaga's, although both have a certain appeal.





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Haven't heard Daughtry's version of "Poker Face" but Lady GaGa's is a kind of pop classic already with it's signature opening synth line and Volga Boatmen male chant.


It will be remembered, for better or worse, along with "Boom Boom Pow" as the defining pop songs of the year.



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Youre right: Im a stratospheric snob. But I ask again: which ones the turd?



You bought the 'album'


That's right. Thus I feel qualified to ask you the distinction "which is the turd" or "bigger turd". You offered Daughtry's version of "Pokerface" as evidence that you can polish a turd. So tell me...are you going to answer that question, or continue to condemn me for asking it?


I'll condemn the amount of coffee you have in your system this morning.

The lesser turd is the Daughtry version, in my subterranean opinion.

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


Yamaha Montage M7, Nord Electro 6D, Hammond XK1c, Dave Smith PolyEvolver & Rack, Moog Voyager,  Modal Cobalt 8X, Univox MiniKorg.


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I'll condemn the amount of coffee you have in your system this morning.


First LOL of the day, thanks Dan.


I'd like to use that line, can I license it from you or something? :D Most appropriate for my day job...




Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


My Funk/Jam originals project: http://www.thefunkery.com/


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I'll condemn the amount of coffee you have in your system this morning.


First LOL of the day, thanks Dan.


I'd like to use that line, can I license it from you or something? :D Most appropriate for my day job...




It's on the net, it belongs to everybody!

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


Yamaha Montage M7, Nord Electro 6D, Hammond XK1c, Dave Smith PolyEvolver & Rack, Moog Voyager,  Modal Cobalt 8X, Univox MiniKorg.


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I'll condemn the amount of coffee you have in your system this morning.

The lesser turd is the Daughtry version, in my subterranean opinion.


Just to recap: Gaga's song is a turd; Daughtry polishes it, and it is no longer a turd; I question that, and am informed I have stratospheric standards; I question whether mine are so stratospheric or whether your's are subterranean when discussing alleged turd polishing, and I'm the one who has had too much coffee.



Glad we could keep this good natured. Thank god we weren't talking about REAL music. :thu:

Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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I have serious doubts that early-stage Madonna could sing that good, let alone play the piano.

Even late-stage Madonna couldn't get near this kind of singing. :D




Somehow I am reminded of Renée Richards who it seems was able to play mixed doubles ... with himself.


The younger crowd will have to Google that. :)

Wasn't that once Martina's squeeze? Damn, she certainly can't be accused of having had much luck in the romance department. :D

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You can't argue with success. If she stuck with the "girl at the piano" schtick she probably would have never hit it big.


It's funny how Tori Amos went the other way. Started out over the top, and retreated back to just her and the piano.


Get a load of her first video:




Kudos if you can watch for more than a minute.

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The funny thing for me about the whole "turd" debate between Tony and Dan is that Dan is subbing for me on a corporate gig next week. Guess what song got added to the repertoire recently that Dan will have to cover?


Irony? Or just poetic justice? :D

Ian Benhamou



[url:https://www.facebook.com/OfficialTheMusicalBox/]The Musical Box[/url]

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At 3:02, I finally could take it NO LONGER! No amount of buffing by Daughtry, Gaga, Dali or Turtle Wax is going to reshape this one.


Although, Im glad to see the one-legged-flamingo pose: One would guess theres a cross-marketing opportunity for Victorias Secret there.


Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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