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keys lost touch and always play at max velocity


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Hello the Keyboard Magazine community, love the wealth of solid info and gas here.


I got a little problem here. I have a Korg TR61 with 3 or 4 keys only playing at max velocity regardless of touch, almost rendering the keyboard useless. Imagine your playing a beautiful jazz ballad and doing a nice upward line and end on a max velocity key, and the wrong one at that a half step up, ughhh.


Not to mention I also have a Yamaha MO6 with 1 key at max hit.


What is happening!!!? and what steps can I take to rejuv my keys, thanx in advance!


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It sounds like you have dirty contacts under those keys. This is a common problem that can often be cured by opening the board and cleaning the contact, or sometimes by blowing across the contact with contact cleaner or compressed air. If you do a search you should be able to find other threads here on this topic with more info. I don't know the specifics of your boards but I'm sure someone else here will.


Good luck and welcome to the forum, dnasty!

Instrumentation is meaningless - a song either stands on its own merit, or it requires bells and whistles to cover its lack of adequacy, much less quality. - kanker
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Dirty contacts. Take better care of your gear so that particles (dust, crumbs, small household pets) don't get into the inner workings via the gaps between the keys, and avoid smoking environments when at all possible to help prevent this from happening.


Welcome to the forum. :)

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First try a hard reset, being sure to save your custom set-ups, etc. before hand so you can re-load them after the reset. Check you manuals for instructions on performing a reset on your specific instruments.


Second, if the reset doesn't work, then the problem is most likely dirty/faulty contacts. Dirt, liquid, smoke or other foreign matter can get under the rubber cup contacts inside the keybed and cause this to happen. On the underside of these rubber cups is a metal impregnated protrusion that when pressed down onto the key contact circuit board, touches two tracing completing the circuit and triggering the note. There are two contact per key that trigger consecutively. The delay between when the first contact close and second contact closing determines the velocity value that is sent to the synth engine. Depending on which contact has the problem the result can be no sound or full velocity sound with nothing in between. Sometimes it is possible to clean the contacts and tracing on the key contact circuit board but really, if you are going to that trouble, you may as well just replace the contacts and be done with it. This of course means a trip to your favorite keyboard service tech unless you are handy with a screwdriver and have a way to get the parts yourself.


Good luck,



Wm. David McMahan

I Play, Therefore I Am


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Thanks for all the good info, glad to know it probably is contacts and not physical broken damage. I will try a hard reset and if need be I'm ready to dig in and clean. If all else fails, new contacts, again thanks.


Ill keep the thread posted with the results.

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Now that you've gotten your sound advice, I'll derail this thread by stating that it's been my experience that more often it's guitars that lose touch and play at max velocity.


Welcome to the Forum!






Here for the gear.

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