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advice on hard/ATA/custom keyboard cases


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For what it is worth, for about $15. you can get a fiberglass boat repair kit from the hardware store to patch the SKB. the Rock'N'Roll GirlFriend has a pottery wheel with a plastic splashpan that had cracked and it worked great on that.

"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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Anyone looking for a new cae, there is no shortage of case companies all cutting each others throats for the business. My favorite is Get Off Of My Case... they have a cool snakeskin laminate option that guitar players love.


Hey all, I'm going to bump a thread of mine NOT to re-open the Pandora's box discussion about keyboard cases, but to ask a specific question:


Has anyone had any experience with the case vendor that dominates eBay search results? New York Case Company?


Like Bill said awhile ago, there are tons of companies. I bet some are awesome, some make cheap pieces of crap. I was just curious about this particular one.


I suppose I can't expect an entirely closed discussion about this particular question. So if we really were going to start in on all of this I'd say something like

"blah blah blah SKB, blah blah not enough good keyboard stand designs, blah blah custom pedalboard, blah blah minivan"


and I might as well throw in a "blah blah Kronos" for good measure.


have a good one!



CP4, Stage EX 73, Ableton

Me The Beast Orquesta GarDel


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I've considered their cases as well. Their feedback from customers seems pretty mixed when I checked last year. The general gist I got was that the cases are 'good enough' for local gigging or van\bus travel but not for airline.


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I have bought a number of cases from them (Island Cases EBay account seems to be the same vendor, since they are at the same address). As long as I measured the instrument to be sure it would fit, they have worked for my personal application. I transport my gear myself, loading on a RcokNRoller cart, putting it in a van; and I take care of my equipment. I have heard of problems with some of their cases when used for larger racks, that the case would come apart. Have not had any of those problems. I bought one single case of the basic variety, and did not like the exposed hardware, so all the cases since then have had the "ATA Upgrade) - which really means recessed hardware for keeping it closed.


Following cases: Kurzweil K2000VP (first and only without the upgrade), PC2 (this was the older one listed for the PC2, it was considerably too large, and I had to buy some foam to go inside it to surround the instrument - the one I bought later for the PC3 was the correct size - they don't list a PC3 one or PC3X one, but the boards are same size as PC2 and PC2X). One for K2661 - I bought the K2000 case, it was a couple of inches longer, so I could carry a couple of sustain pedals inside.


Currently have PC2X, PC3, PC3X, and Electro 3-73 cases. The 88 key boards usually stay at home and in my studio, but occasionally get carried. the PC3 and E3 get used a lot more frequently.


If I were travelling by air, having to ship by freight, or havind roadies loading, I would probably spend more and get a heavier built case. These turned out to be the best value for the amount of money. I've had most of them for several years now (E3 is newest, under a year) - had no problems. I do use small bits of foam to fill in any empty space so the board doesn't bounce around any, also have enough room for power cables, audio cables, etc.


On the Island Case/New York Case issue - seems like the product mix offered has been slightly different. I'm just guessing that both names are same company, since they ship out from same address.


Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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My Yamaha S-90 XS has a custom case that I got built from Bristol Cases. I had one of these for my S-80 and should have never given it away. This has casters on it. The problem with it is it is a little long but the protection I have is great. The extra rivets and craftsmanship in these cases is great for what I need.








"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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The best case for the Stage Compact/Electro/Lead/Wave is the Pelican1750/1720/1700....waterproof,crushproof


pm me and I'll tell you where I found the best prices.


I have no affiliation with any of these companies



I have a Pelican 1750 with no foam liner for shipping my Electro by air. The Nord gig bag acts as a liner, and it's convenient to have it on hand at destination.


I've also bought another Electro bag which fits my SP4-7 like a glove, so depending on the backline situation, I can fly with either keyboard.






Here for the gear.

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What I would like to see in one of the more expensive "anvil" type cases is a better internal back panel. This should be more supportive at the ends as often there are buttons, inputs, outputs, and switches on the back of the keyboard that should be protected when the case is set on its back (like a suitcase).
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