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Live Shows...Who Does That? (Cap'n Cutthroat content)


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Yesterday I went to two shows. I haven't gone to a concert I wasn't playing since February. It was great fun but in my crustiness I forgot my earplugs. I'm still regretting that.


First up: I saw online on Friday night that Booty Vortex (the funk band I will soon audition for) was playing a free show for an hour yesterday afternoon in downtown Boston. I was SO there. I'm still blown away by this band even though I've seen them live before and even performed with them. They put on such a great show! The crowd grew from 30-40 milling about the booths that were set up for the "See New England" festival or somesuch to a couple hundred focused solely on the outdoor stage and not realizing there was an event going on around them. Watching crazy old white people dance like there's nobody watching was the highlight of my week.


Up next: I FINALLY got out to see Kevin and his band Captain Cutthroat! I'm not a huge fan of the local band scene here in Boston and the fact that the show's promoter (if I understood correctly) runs some "civil rights for weed"-type organization made for an interesting evening. I'll have to air out my clothes today. When my room mate and I first showed up (we skipped the first 3 or 4 bands), they had the Girls For Ganja up on the stage (which looked like a line of severely unattractive 14-year-olds...I'm not sure how they smuggled them in since I got carded at the door) and some guy yelling about how all of us helped pass a beautiful law last year so that pot's legal in MA! The bunch of degenerates don't realize that that's 100% incorrect. But that's another subject.


Having played many hardcore, metal, prog and other pretentious local band scenes down south, I had some idea of what to expect from the show as a whole but CC was a blast! The band before them had a pretty good stonerImeanbassplayer that looked a little like Steve Buscemi in Airheads but for the most part the band was devoid of anything resembling talent. Kevin is the only bass player I know who plays a 5-string bass onstage and makes it look like a guitar. I will say that CC owned the show and Kevin is a beast of a player. I really wish they had been in FL (or we had been up here) back when I was with my last band so we could have shared a stage. That is all.

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thanks again for coming dude. Hope you didn't get a contact high from the odor emanating from the (pardon the pun) "green room". lol! I had to stay out of there! I didn't get home til after 3 A.M. and I had to work at 7 A.M. driving a Portuguese band to their parade or festival or whatever they had. I don't think they would have been too comfy with bus driver that smelled like Bob Marley's dreads soaked in bong water!


The promoter is the organizer of a yearly event on Boston Common going on 20 some-odd years that is publicized as the "Freedom Rally" but is known simply as "Hempfest" to its supporters. "Civil rights for weed" about sums it up but I think they prefer "Fighting for the end of marijuana prohibition" or something to that effect. For those that don't know, last year possession of less than an ounce of the sticky icky was down-graded to only a civil offense in Massachusetts. Every year, Boston bands play to 15-20,000 people for free on Boston Common. I've seen the likes of Sam Black Church and Tree (anybody know 'em?) on several occasions going there when I was younger. I now have friends who have had and will have this year the privilege of playing on that stage. While my stoner daze are past me now, lol, playing on that stage would still be feckin' amazing! (btw thanks to the original creator of the term "feckin" in this forum, you are my favorite) AAAAAAND not for nothing, no one should be arrested for using a little greenery to brighten the scenery now and again. (hahaha I can't believe that came out like that!) Alcohol prohibition didn't work either.

Carvin Bunny Brunel Signature 5 String, ESP LTD 5 String, Ampeg SVT3, Ampeg 4x10 and 1x18




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I know Tree and Sam Black Church very well... played with both bands in Philly as well as Boston and other towns. Great bands!



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Alcohol prohibition didn't work either.


That depends on who you ask. A history professor I had back in college was part of research project on the Prohibition Era, and he said the stats for alcohol-related crime(domestic violence, automobile accidents, etc) and social problems(absenteeism at work, school truancy, public drunkeness, alcoholism) went down drastically after that amendment was passed, and went right back up to pre-prohibition stats after it was repealed. The real reason prohibition went away was the wrong people were getting rich off of it.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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It's all good! It was a most excellent time! I've never had a problem with cigarette smoke but I can't stand the smell of weed regardless of feelings on the subject. I doubt I'll be going to the Freedom Rally but I'd definitely be down for another show some time.
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Funny that! I absolutely hate the stench of cigarettes but the aromatics of bud is lovely to me. If they made cannabis-flavoured incense (imagine cannabis fabreze - LOL) I'd probably buy it.


Also, pot smoker doesn't equal degenerate either. Hell, most intoxicated folks that IME I see causing trouble are the drunk and stupid. The only thing that potheads fight over is what kind of pizza that they're going to order. Most smokers that I know are actively contributing (i.e. working) members of society. I object to prohibition on libertarian grounds and no, I don't smoke it regularly (or drink at all for that matter) either.


Nice to hear that CC killed though, nice. :thu:



Newf :)

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I didn't say pot smoker = degenerate. I said that crowd was a bunch of degenerates for the most part. Big difference. It was more of a comment on the fact that they think weed is now legal in MA just because they've removed the criminal penalties for possession of less than an ounce. While it's no longer criminal and one can no longer be arrested for it, it's now a civil offense and one can have it confiscated, be cited and fined $100. That's some expensive herb. Again, big difference. They also include having metabolized products in one's system under "possession."


I doubt that most who were there in their revelatory trance understood these things because "Hey! Pot's legal! WOOOOO!" I'm also positive that most of the smokers in the crowd that night were in possession of more than an ounce...


But, as my norm, I'm getting way off of my intended topic. Hey! CC rocked! WOOOOO! :D

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Awesome review!!!!!!


Its very hard to follow a torrid act like The Force that is, unless youre Captain Cutthroat. These guys segued perfectly from the formers funk insanity into a more proggy hard rock style, while keeping a similar Mike Patton experimental feel. Honestly though, its all but impossible to classify Captain Cutthroats music. Dont believe me? Go see one of their shows and tell me how youd do it. Seriously. Just try it. Sure theres prog, and theres rock but theres also some metal, some punk rock, some jazz, some lounge, some psychobilly, some funk get the idea? All these genres combined may seem a little over-the-top, and while its true that this might not necessarily be the most accessible music out there, when it comes together the way Captain Cutthroat does it, the sound is flat-out incredible. Each member of the band showed complete mastery over his instrument, ripping seamless riffs, solos, breaks, and bridges without missing a beat. On vocals, Phil DeSisto jumps from a maniacal croon to a raspy whisper to a speedy rant at a moments notice, exhibiting the perfect style for wherever the band was at in the song they were playing. Bassist Kevin Landry was certainly not content just keeping the rhythm - his bass was dominant at times, alternating between driving lines, intricate scales, and straight-up demented licks. Guitarist Craig McKeough was a standout, popping off frenetic guitar solos that complemented Casey Trombleys keys-induced rage ridiculously well. Drummer Adam Lentine was exceptional, managing the ridiculous stop-start action like the conductor of an orchestra. Ive yet to see another band that makes you want to headbang at one point, snap your fingers at another, and even bust out with a cheesily-named 50s style dance, all over the course of a single song! I could see these guys playing at a post-apocalyptic cabaret hall in the seventh ring of Hell but in the meantime I just hope they add a few more Boston dates before they start recording their new CD at Sharkbite Studios out in San Francisco.



link to full review of entire show: http://playgroundboston.com/2009/06/12/show-review-boston-freedom-rally-benefit/

Carvin Bunny Brunel Signature 5 String, ESP LTD 5 String, Ampeg SVT3, Ampeg 4x10 and 1x18




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