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OT - Do you want some fries with that?

duff beer

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Back in the day, I'd have gone for it. There's a place here in DC that does something similar to that, but it's only 9 pounds. Lightweights!

Reminds me of John Candy in "The Great Outdoors", eating the Babe The Blue Ox steak.. fat & gristle, too.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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My ex stepfather-in-law once ate a 49 oz steak in under 30 minutes. He set the record for that restuarant, got a free t-shirt (it didn't fit. Are you surprised?), got his name on a plaque, and had to pay for the steak anyway. He said he'd have shaved another couple minutes off his time if he'd only have ordered the applesauce instead of the cajun corn for the side dishes. It was like a trainwreck to watch. I dunno if he's still alive, as I've thankfully lost track of that chapter in my life.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Sounds good! When I was younger I used to be able to put away some food... not sure if I could do that in the time alotted though.


I do have a friend that puts me to shame in the eating department, and he's probably 40lbs lighter than me, and I'm a small guy.

[Carvin] XB76WF - All Walnut 6-string fretless

[schecter] Stiletto Studio 5 Fretless | Stiletto Elite 5

[Ampeg] SVT3-Pro | SVT-410HLF


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in here there is a place people call "The hunger street", which is a street on the outskirts of the city, in which were parked several food-vending trailers on a row (well, at least in the beginning, afterwards these units were progressively changing into bigger brick-built kiosk units), with several small tables nearby. They all serve the same thing: Hot dogs(*), Hamburgers of several variants, sliced roasted meat (they say is "barbecue", well...) and beverages.


Among their Hamburgers varieties, there is one of these places which baptized theirs with ammo and guns names. Grenade, Bomb, Bazooka, Dynamite, and so.


One of them, the "Triple Bomb", is some sort of monster which has hamburger meat, chicken meat, the sliced "barbecue" meat they also sell separately, pork chop, sausage, cheese, tomato, lettuce, and the usual seasonings (mayo, mustard, ketchup, and whatever else is available that you would want to add up to). The clerk says if anyone eats three of them in a row, they go for free. I have brought several big-eating friends there with such a challenge, and none of them could achieve it (therefore they had to pay all their food, and mine by the way, was part of the challenge ;) )


Once me and my beloved one went to a barbecue place, and asked for the "big one". After half an hour, we had to call on another friend for help. Then another time we went shopping and wanted to buy a barbecue grill for ourselves. So we went to a big department store and after choosing (we're both kinda geeky, we cannot buy even a barbecue grill without considering every tech detail) between about 8 models, we finally ended up buying a BIG, round one. Then we moved into another dept. of the store to buy something to make its debut. So after the charcoal, we started putting into the cart some beef meat, then some chicken, then "Aren't we going to put some sausages?", afterwards "Hey, there is some pork loin, that is delicious". Then "What about some salad for the side dishes?", and "WHat about some relish?"... So we ended up with a FULL cart, and off we went to our friend's house, to made the grill's premiere at her backyard.


Couple hours after, my lovely one was still fighting with the grill while I was with our friend seasoning the meats and making the salad and the relish, and of course, the drinks... When we finally started cooking, we were almost drunk, had so much meat both on the grill and waiting raw on the bowl, we had to call for reinforcement again. We called my good friend Aquiles (The same one with the AWESOME collection of basses I've posted before), which is a BIG man with a big appetite, and still the three of us, my friend Aquiles, and a couple relatives of our friend's were absolutely full, unable to move any further, still watching at a delicious, juicy, tasty smelling piece of pork loin that was still over the grill. We only could sigh in loud voice "Oh... the big chunk!" , without being able at all to eat it.. heck, we were unable even to reach it!.


Needless to say, we all had some meat for sandwiches for about a couple days after that...




(*): Had to correct the typo. I originally wrote "Hot Gods", and all of a sudden felt something was not quite right, as in some sort of Greek Mythology Orgy.... :P

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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(*): Had to correct the typo. I originally wrote "Hot Gods", and all of a sudden felt something was not quite right, as in some sort of Greek Mythology Orgy.... :P


That would be an excellent name for a band :grin:


Oh, and you're a Greek Mythology Orgy :P

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


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