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No Cd is worth that kind of money. Would you buy a painting painted on recycled newspaper? A scuplture made from plaster of paris? Do real photographers take their film to fotomat? Cd is an inferior format. It is vastly exceeded by SACD, DVD audio and Vinyl. You are trying to sell a Daewoo for the price of a mercedes. It doesn't matter about content, I don't care how good you think she is. P.S. why personally attack Doug?

Reach out and grab a clue.


Something Vicious

My solo crap

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[quote]Doug couldn't even mention one person with all the skills of the musician that I have mentioned. [/quote]Maybe this will shut you up 1. Kate Bush 2. Sarah MacLachlan 3. Tori Amos 4. Jonatha Brooke 5. Joni Mitchell 6. Carly Simon (Maybe she was writing about you in "You're So Vain") 7. Annie Lennox 8. Jeffrey Gaines 9. Peter Gabriel 10. Jeff Buckley (Even dead, he's better than Marissa :wave: ) That's 7 proven female artists, and 3 male. With CDs people buy. And gigs. Now STOP WHINING.
"You can't enjoy yourself unless you're having fun."
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Prince plays a ton of instruments, so does Stevie Wonder. All better than that trash I heard. And they sing a whole lot better too. There are too many great artist who play multiple instruments well and sing as well. What about Paul MaCartney, and Lionel Richie? We could go on forever.
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Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal" Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of it, as a final resting place for those who died here, that the nation might live. This we may, in all propriety do. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow, this ground -- The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have hallowed it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here; while it can never forget what they did here. It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that, from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here, gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people by the people for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
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Lindsey, are you Tron, his drunken alter-ego, or just somehow related to him? If not, you two would hit it off swimmingly. :love: Logic even has a dongle. Someone's gotta have a dongle in every relationship...

Current live rig: Roland RD700SX, Hammond XK-3 with Leslie System 21, and Muse Receptor. Also a Nord Stage 76 other times instead. And a Roland FP-7 for jazz gigs.

HOME: Kawai MP8 + a bunch of VI's.

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<> ------------------------------------------------ MAN! LindsayR posts are like car accidents, .. never pretty, but you just can't look away. I have a few thoughs on the matter: first off there has been an over sight on the musicians frount with the exclusion of Sara Brightman, .. killer voice, was originaly opera singer. next After reading all of Mrs "R"'s post I would like to point out the following: first we may be on the wrong track, in fact I am now confident that see is not marrissa, but in fact her manager. she has asked many time to e-mail "better artistis" """"to Eres Garcia at freakvox@yahoo.com """ - maybe Mrs "R" is a manager looking for more cliant, or working for eres garcia? Also if you look very closy at the structure of language used. you will notice it is very chopy, lacks flow, repeditive, and lacks solid logicial fomdation. from this I conclude that lindsay is possible of young age, uneducated, or english in not the first langage. Finally she posts about only this (or spin off) topics, and as such I personally think that we promote a high class of people to our little internet world. -we need to up our tatics.- I sugest this... we SHOULD start emailing Eres Garcia at freakvox@yahoo.com telling her what a bit off poo marrissa is, and how ther is SOOOO much bad publicity on the internet about her. (quoteing a few sites) Oh and I will be the first to start the romours 1) marissa has multipule personallity disorder. 2) she has a cocain problem 3) she is gay 4) may or may not have been abducted by alains at age 14 5) has had a boob job 6) uses autotune!!!! :) later all Kevin out! Kevin Nemrava
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If you sell 5 morons for $100 you earn ... If you sell 200 morons for $10 you earn ... The question is how many people would pay $100 for a moron and how many would pay $10. The trick is knowing the market. Hint: Not many people would pay $100 for a moron if they can get one for $10. I could have set this example with apples, bananas, ice creams or whatever. Morons somehow was the first thing that came to my mind. I've been searching kazaa for this Marchant character. Seems nobody ever heard of her. I read the poems on her website and must confess I wasn't touched or moved by any of it. Also I can't imagine any valid reason for trying to sell cd's for $100 even if the music is supposedly beyond brilliant. What puzzles me is how did you decide she is so special that it makes her better then most other artists on this planet. There is no way any sane person could have a valid reason for saying so. There's 2 other options though: (1) You're her agent. (2) You're a fan of hers and therefor not objective. I'm a big fan of both Jeff Buckley and Chris Whitley who are/were brilliant artists IN MY OPINION. I wouldn't buy a cd with their music for $100 though simply because I don't like being conned. Now go advertise somewhere else please, mp3.com should be a good start.
Stirring shit up since 1968
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I dont understand why jeolous people not understand the genius of marissa marchant that easily worth 1000 a cd. she has big bosom and hit hi e flat like nobodies business -- who else working so hard today can do that? you say i troll but how much you hit high eb and how big your bosom? she so nice i produce her ever since she agrees to let me touch large bosom nicer than bosom of any signed artist working so hard today. she is real artist she is type of artist and who better to understand true artist than Eris Garcia who, as true artist hiself, recognize true artistry and touch large bosomry of others. why dont others recognize this fact? why others need to LIE about unusual rare talent that mixes performance, singing, and songwriting with largest working bosom in music industry today? is it that they are part of system that excludes people with special abilities and very very large bosoms? How much is it worth for a CD of true artist with unusual talent? How much is it worth to spend one hour in room with artist and get to see large bosoms close up, and maybe touch bosoms? 100 dollars? 1000 dollars? You give names of other artist who cannot do all that Marissa Marchant can do and have small bosoms you cannot touch even for 1000 dollars. Even Doug Osborne would have to agree that to hear true artist and touch huge bosoms is worth 200 dollars an hour and to email freekvox@yahoo.com will not be disapointed.
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[quote] From LindseyR...Doug couldn't even mention one person with all the skills of the musician that I have mentioned.... [/quote]Hey, I'm really good at BREAKING THINGS! That's a skill. I'll bet, I'm better at it than that melissa marchant. In Doug's defense, he may not have known that. Michael Oster [url=http://www.F7sound.com]F7 Sound and Vision[/url]
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[quote]Originally posted by TinderArts: [b]Here's how we settle this - [b]Marissa Marchant vs. Bralalalalala on [i]Fox Celebrity Boxing[/i][/b] :eek: :eek: :eek: Now I'd pay $100 for that.[/b][/quote]Who said any of them are celebrities?? :confused:

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

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[quote]Originally posted by Brittanylips: [b]I dont understand why jeolous people not understand the genius of marissa marchant that easily worth 1000 a cd. she has big bosom and hit hi e flat like nobodies business -- who else working so hard today can do that? you say i troll but how much you hit high eb and how big your bosom? she so nice i produce her ever since she agrees to let me touch large bosom nicer than bosom of any signed artist working so hard today. she is real artist she is type of artist and who better to understand true artist than Eris Garcia who, as true artist hiself, recognize true artistry and touch large bosomry of others. why dont others recognize this fact? why others need to LIE about unusual rare talent that mixes performance, singing, and songwriting with largest working bosom in music industry today? is it that they are part of system that excludes people with special abilities and very very large bosoms? How much is it worth for a CD of true artist with unusual talent? How much is it worth to spend one hour in room with artist and get to see large bosoms close up, and maybe touch bosoms? 100 dollars? 1000 dollars? You give names of other artist who cannot do all that Marissa Marchant can do and have small bosoms you cannot touch even for 1000 dollars. Even Doug Osborne would have to agree that to hear true artist and touch huge bosoms is worth 200 dollars an hour and to email freekvox@yahoo.com will not be disapointed.[/b][/quote]You're cracking me up Blips. I don't think I've seen you do satire. You're not LindseyR are you?
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Sorry, Lindsey, but I feel compelled to send someone to a torture chamber...now whom should it be...? [img][/img] [img]http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/ruinkai/evilgrinblack.gif[/img] [img]http://www.greatkat.com/video2.gif[/img] I see nothing in your post that proves your point. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! You see, the industry in which we choose to participate is a tough one. You say that people don't like independent artists? Nothing could be further from the truth. See the next paragraph. Two forum posters I like very much sell their own CD's, perform live, and have day jobs. Do they ever complain about the hardship? Yeah, sure, but they learn from it and improve upon it. The Poster Known As CMDN (a.k.a. Erik) frequently pontificates on his many happenings on the road. (Wish I had a few to add in that dept., but I don't for now.) I mean, goodness, people even tell jokes around here, and laugh at each other in good fun! How's that for a concept? Also, many people here contribute by talking about gear problems, personal problems, how to play songs, etc. I realize I seem to be in a losing battle here, but you can be sure we'll be on your trail until you shape up. Otherwise, I suggest you ship out, as your posts are nothing but bad tasting SPAM. Capice?
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I am not Marissa Marchant. I found her music sometime last year, and I don't get on tons of message boards. I am too busy to read anymore messages here. I was turned off. I decided not to read anymore. I have not read one message on this thread. This Doug Osborne person sounds arrogant. He said quote on quote, that he claimed that I am Marissa and that I don't know the value of a dollar. It sounds like Doug only values the dollar. The value of the dollar is far less then love, clean air, great art, and beauty. Remember that the value of the dollar is meaningless to people who love art. but an independent artist needs to eat, just like a plummer. How does doug know that Marissa has no income? alot of weirdos out their who like to claim that :love: that they know her when they don't. she is better then what I hear on the radio or grammys., the radio, right now..She has a better voice. I make a bet this is just the beginning. her songs are Very special. she has real skill.
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I am not reading the messages here. if you can name someone with this kind of talent. Please send an email to freakvox@yahoo.com I am their friend. I am very supportive of Marissa. please email them and let them know of someone this talented at so many things. I have never heard of anyone. don't see them at the grammys. Haven't ever heard anyone that was signed who is this good. Ever. I have a great ear, I can tell from listening to her voice, songs, and instrumental ability on two instruments, that Marissa is a better singer songwriter then anyone who has ever been signed on a major label. Much better. She has alot more talent. :love:
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