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OT Support Portugal in the Euro 2008


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Aparently the referee was trying to be the star of the game like in the last game of Portugal.


I think we have good chances to win against Germany fingers crossed.


Today i'm supporting Romenia with all my heart. It would be awsome to see italy and france going home. Sorry Getz.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Why does everyone want to blame the referees. I'm glad took action against the managers - although I missed what they did 9I was watching the other match). They think they are above the referees. They (the German and Austrian managers) were congratulating each other in the interval (publicly) for getting sent off later. Normally, a one match touchline ban is the result. Why should it be different for Low?


Every week, in the amateur game, referees are insulted and abused and it's actually causing a shortage.


I miss the old days of Clough when the referee was supported when when he was wrong.



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I DVR'd the game and just watched it. I am happy with the result.


Toni could have (should have) had 3 or 4 that game.


Pirlo will be missed more than Gattuso. Luckily for Italy supporters, there is not a lack of capable midfield players on that squad.


It is shaping up to be a nice quarterfinal.

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I didn't watch the game...unfortunately. But i'm happy that france got sent home. Germany seems to be in a war of words with the portuguese players...namely Lemhan and Balack but I beleive we can beat them. Half a goal would be enough...




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Lehman is crazy. I am an Arsenal supporter, and he went from crazy to crazy-go-nuts in his last season. He always talks, so that is not surprising. When he is on, though, he can be a fantastic keeper.


It should be a great match to watch. I think it comes down to Deco. If he has a good game, Portugal wins. He can provide the service. If he fades like he did during La Liga... the Germans will march on.


Who will stop Holland at this point, though? They have won the games against tentative Italy and France and abused Romania who were pushing to win. Offense = Defensive for the Dutch at this point.

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I just got in from a big event for the launch of the London Festival of Architecture. I can't believe Germany's winning . . . though in some ways it's inevitable.


Every tournament Germany are unexceptional and still manage to make the semi-final or final. Why? I think it must be psychology.


Yes, Portugal just scored . . . come on Portugal - last minute equaliser please!



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I'm jealous.

I wish I was German.



I'm happy though - my school team played great tonight. My B team won 7-3 (they scored late goals after we played around with substitutions) and then my A team won 6-1.

I had to referee and had a difficult time as the other school were very physical and fouled my team a lot early on and I had to give a lot of free-kicks which angered some of the opposing parents. I had to warn one of my players for retaliating and one of theirs for hitting one of my players on the back as they went for the ball. I've never seen a school age player sent off but it was a close thing tonight.

I think I did OK though. My team played some lovely passing football and even engineered a goal for a defender who'd never scored before the final whistle.

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Phil, I got sent off in youth football as a 7-year-old. A defender whacked me in the groin when the referee wasn't looking (I had scored just before), so I punched him in the face. Guess which one the referee saw. :D


The Germans are clinical. There were much the same in WC 2006. They got away with some pushing in the box, too.


Portugal was unlucky. Combine that with Ricardo, who was exposed as a mediocre keeper. Ferreira is a horrible back. I watched him a lot this year in the EPL with Chelsea. Rolando was poor and responsible for the second goal. I do not feel with Ricardo in goal, though, they would not have been able to win three games in a row.


The football has been good, but the officiating has been poor this tournament.

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We made silly mistakes that costs us the european. When a team wants to win they need to be aware that good footballers don't make it on their own. Portugal is lacking a decent keeper and a left foot on the back. 2010 lets see...




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I hate to credit the Germans but the first goal was sublime. They can soak a lot of pressure and never really look hurried. I thought that was the best German performance I've seen in quite a while.


Bad luck Portugal. Bring on the Dutch.



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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Arrgghhh. We missed a striker tonight. If only Eduardo was fit!

Who'd have believed Turkey would do that. They were dire for 90 minutes and then 1 down in extra time when the final whistle should have already gone.

Ah well, that's one for my Turkish friends. Pity they'll have half a team left against the Germans who'll probably be in the final again! Interesting that the two teams with less flair but more resilience and teamwork should have gone through.

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Wow I wasn't expecting Russia to play that well. I guess the coach has something to do with it. As I watch Italy-Spain go towards penalties, so many of these quarter-final games have gone opposite to my expectations. I guess the difference in quality between the best and worst teams qualifying for the tournament is not very great. Pretty much anyone can beat anyone. I hope Turkey can beat Germany - but I doubt it with so many injuries and suspensions.
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Italy were fairly negative, I was cheering for them but I had a soft spot for Spain by the end.


OK. Now I'm cheering for Spain (or Turkey).

I don't want Germany to win again and I don't want Russia to win to bostler rampant Russian nationalism either.


Sad to hear of the violence in Bosnia. The Bosnian Croats (supporting Croatia) fought with the Bosnian Muslims supporting Turkey (why?). Maybe just supporting anybody but Croatia! ;)

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Wow - that was exciting - what a bizarre match!


Exactly how poor can Germany be and still make the final?


Turkey did great for having half a fit team. Germany sucked but took their chances brilliantly.


I was cheering for Turkey so I was a little disappointed by the result. I guess I'm cheering for Spain now. I don't know - every team I cheer for loses!


It was very funny when Germany had that blatant penalty appeal ignored - kind an ironic reward for all their play-acting, diving and simulation in previous years. I don't know how the referee missed that.


The problem with having the bookings amnesty after the semi-final rather than the qualifying stage was that there was very little deterrent to getting a booking last night - although it was hard to predict what the referee was going to do anyway.


I expect Spain to tear the leaky German defence apart - but, now I've said that, Germany are all set for a lucky last minute winner in the final!

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I missed most of the final as I was on the train back from Paris. I arrived home for the last 25 minutes. From the looks of it, Spain did tear Germany apart and hammered them by one goal - if that makes sense.


It was great to see a team playing beautiful, positive football winning a tournament. Very nice to watch. Hopefully it has an influence on how others play the game - especially the kids I coach at school.


They (Spain) will probably go down as a one of the finer teams to win a European Championships. This makes the World Cup in 2010 an interesting prospect. I heard that FIFA are reconsidering the suitability both of South Africa as a venue for 2010 and Ukraine for Euro 2012. Hmmmmmm.....



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Germany were lucky they didn't loose by 3 or 4




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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