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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b] [quote]Originally posted by TinderArts: [b]If she charges $100 for a CD. how much does it cost to sleep with her?[/b][/quote]$10. :D [/b][/quote]Lee, you're on a roll tonight!! (See 'issues' post in another thread!) :D Gas :cool:
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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[quote]Originally posted by LindseyR: [b]Marissa thinks that she has more talent then anyone singersong writer that has ever been signed. if you can mention one artist who can sing as well as her, and play the piano as well...and then play the guitar this well too... please email her pronto. She needs humility. I have never heard of anyone...but if you know of someone that good at that many things..please contact their management... freakvox@yahoo.com Eres may not answer..but if you can mention a person who exceeds her..if may bring her down to earth.. if you can do that... I know for a fact that she doesn't have serious limitations like alot of artists in the mainstream industry.. read her bio. :p :D [/b][/quote]Here is a REAL Talent Lindely/Marissa....: [url=http://www.jonathabrooke.com]www.jonathabrooke.com[/url] Plays guitar and Piano, writes, and sings CIRCLES around Marissa.....BLATENTLY

Sean Michael Mormelo


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Why is it that sooooo many women, just by being average think they are soooooo "GREAT". Just because you have a new car, a cell phone, cigarettes, and new shoes - doesn't make you intelligent or good looking or talented or any of the other craaaaap that Helen Gurly-Brown has been selling you in "COSMO" for the last 20 freakin' years. GET BACK TO REALITY! YOU ARE NOT A PRINCESS! WE (guy's) STILL LOVE YOU! BUT YOU ARE GETTING WAY TOO CREEPY! Reality is coooooool!
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[quote]Originally posted by Marissa M/Lindsey Marchant/Eres-Head; translated by Evil Mushroom [b]Here, let me try too (this one is a literal translation)... [i](-Evil Mushroom)[/i] "Si vous pensez que je suis snob, excellent, tourne le canal." [b]If you think I am a snob, fine, change the channel.[/b][/b][/quote]Well, funny, I seem to remember our regularly scheduled programming being very rudely, pretentiously, and delusionally interrupted by a falsely identified bull$h!t "artist" engaged in promoting a heftily priced sales of CDs... kinda like having your party crashed, not at all like having one's choice of channels. By the way, as for dentists, someone who has WORKED HARD AND LONG to LEARN AND HONE their "craft", and can relieve me of a toothe-ache or potentially life-threatening ailment definitely deserves top-dollar. Someone who has stayed up too late a few nights to make a bad joke of a craft, and CAUSES me an earache, deserves little more than humoring, if that.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I could swear I wrote an exceedingly sarcastic post when the thread had it's original title and the initial post had its original text. Now I don't find it. :confused: Lindsey, to give you the benefit of the doubt for the time being, let's say you are not, in fact, Marissa Marchant. Do you realize how much damage you do her image by making a fool out of yourself on this board? You keep asking for music that is better than hers to "humble her". I for one haven't heard Marissa's music, so I can't very well participate in such an endeavor. But for one thing, quality is subjective. What one person thinks is phenomenal is crap to another. The issue is not how good or not good she is, it's the incredible ego. Most people are repelled by those who think so highly of themselves, even if it is deserved. For whatever reason, humility is the generally-accepted "preferred mode of choice" in our society. And, of course, insulting her colleagues (ie. the rest of the music industry) is a poor career choice. There is, in fact, plenty of music out there that is not "Burger King" music. Most of it just happens to not fall under the umbrellas of the big record companies. I could point you to my own favorite band, though they surely sound nothing like Marissa Marchant. [url=http://www.floatermusic.com]Floater[/url] . They are quite the opposite of "anti-talent". And they have been independant for their whole 10-year career. One last thing: stick by what you write. Don't edit a post and completely replace the text. No one's going to forget, and it just make people take you less seriously.

"And then you have these thoughts in the back of your mind like 'Why am I doing this? Or is this a figment of my imagination?'"


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Sventvkg gives an excellent recommendation. Jonatha is in a class by herself. If I may offer another suggestion: [url=http://www.bicrunga.com]www.bicrunga.com[/url] - Bic, Jonatha, and Kate form a sort of musical "Holy Trinity" to me. Actually, this post isn't for the benefit of the virus LindseyR... I'm just curious if there are any other Bic Runga fans on this board? :p
Brian Peet
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[b]Philter and Evil Mushroom-[/b] Thanks, Guys! :thu: EM really captured the emotional vacuum of Lindsey's writing! Philter really sounded like writers from the "Simpsons" trying to write a farce-translation of a Guitar Center commecial in Montreal! Those were great!
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[quote]Originally posted by Veracohr: [b]One last thing: stick by what you write. Don't edit a post and completely replace the text. No one's going to forget, and it just make people take you less seriously.[/b][/quote]Someone took Lindsey seriously?? :rolleyes: :eek: :bor: :p
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[quote]Originally posted by LindseyR: [b]lOOK AT THE FIRST PAGE..i EDITED THE ENTIRE THING.. :p [/b][/quote]Yeeee Ha!!! THAT MAKES IT ALL BETTER!! Get a life, fool! :cool:
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Hmmmmm I happened to stop and think about this (after swimming through 2 more pages of stupidity) and I came to this conclusion. I have hanging on my wall a lithograph of [i]Night Cafe[/i] by Vincent Van Gogh. This is art - debatable though it may be. I paid $20 for this framed litho. I equate this to the CD in question. My question to LindseyR/Marissa/whatever your name is: How much is the hard drive/2" tape/ADAT your album was recorded on being sold for at auction? Let me know. The last dozen or so Van Gogh originals sold for $300,000 - $21,000,000. When her original master sells for $100,000,000 I may consider buying this "collector's item" lithograph version (CD) for $100. :)
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What is this- bye yall shit? It's y'all, as in you all, you left out the apostrophe. That just proves what an idiot you are, you can't even pretend to be chummy, by writing a Southern colloquialism correctly. I've never been so insulted in my life.
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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b]Okay, I'll admit it. I have no idea what this thread is about. Are you all on drugs, or is it just me? :D [/b][/quote]Are you serious? You missed it?! Oh, poor you.[/b][/quote]I have a feeling that I haven't missed anything.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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I am sorry, but I am soooo tired tonight. I am not reading any messages that you are posting anymore..I am soooooo tired and I haven't slept for days.. goodnight everyone..good luck with your artwork.. remember...search, and you will find. :love:
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