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And everybody think I'm crazy. :) This is bizarre. Ever met somebody that couldn't get your drift? That special someone that won't go away, no matter how mean you get? This could go on for days. You know what would be real funny? Let's steer whats-her/his-name into one of the political threads. That would almost be as funny as wewus and the Armanians. :D
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[quote]Originally posted by LindseyR: [b]...please send her names of people who are as talented as she is vocally, instrumentally and compositionally. She should hear people who play better piano and sing at the same time.. here is her clip of the demo green tea... [url=http://www.marissamarchant.com/gt.mp3]www.marissamarchant.com/gt.mp3[/url] tori use samples.. [/b][/quote]¡¡ Ay no mames !! I decided to follow this asshole's suggestions and spent precious internet time to download this shitty piece of music. Actually, it makes sense now: ALL THIS IS A FUCKING JOKE. The girl sings in a so pathetic way I really found myself laughing after I realized it was a joke. Good one ! :thu: [quote]Originally posted by LindseyR: [b] This woman is the most high level singer/songwriter I know about.. [/b][/quote]My friend, you should really start to listen real world music. Marissa sucks big time and you should know the difference between real talent and just your favorite's piece of ass singing and torturing other people's ears.

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


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And she'll even fart in a jar for just $29.99. Limited edition authenticated jars signed by Melissa herself just $899.99 - 500 only. Place you orders now! :D Limit two per customer - NO RAIN CHECKS! AMEX, VISA , MASTERCARD accepted. Or secure online ordering thru 'Fart Art' enterprises. Take home a little bit of Melissa with YOU! :thu: What I want to know is if her shit don't stink how do you really know haven't paid $899.99 for a jar full of hot air? :confused:
"WARNING!" - this artificial fruit juice may contain traces of REAL FRUIT!!
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Lindsey, what I'd really like to know is, why $100 USD for a cd? What in her mind justifies that we have to pay $100 for a CD? I tell ya, there are more deserving folks that could ask for $100, but don't. The person who runs [url=http://www.the-underdogs.org]Home of the Underdogs[/url] certainly could use it but doesn't. Now that's a great example of a person who puts in a lot of time for a hobby she loves, and yet asks for very little in return. (Actually, she could use about $500 a month just for server storage and bandwidth alone.) Luckily, enough people donate, buy stuff from the online store, and click on the many popup ads that appear on the site. Can't she just go to work like the rest of us working stiffs/college students/HS students? If she does so, I guess you ought to tell her that asking for $100 is a bit much. At her level, her own money from other work should fund most of her projects. If people really do like it, then the good offers will come, but she should have to struggle for it just like the rest of us. Okay?
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[quote]Originally posted by LindseyR: [b]I am yawning. I am tired. Isn't it funny that this person named Doug Osborne couldn't name anyone with the skills and talent of marissa ...he couldn't prove what he is saying. he must be a sad case. people who can prove things are people that I love. I am like Maxfield Parrish. I am a great artist. I love to paint and look for exquisite artwork from around the world. Marisa and I met in new york, at a diner called cafe milano.[/b][/quote]Lindsey ... [img]http://www.wsbf.net/cowgod/crap/boards/arnold.jpeg[/img]
I really don't know what to put here.
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well now she will never be rich because i just uploaded all her songs onto my server for the whole world to enjoy her dreck (and it really is bad ya know, a lot of other people actually LEARNED RHYTHM at some point) anyhoo, its SO obvious that linsdsy writes in the same manner as merchant. give it up; you suck.
woof woof grr.
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[url=http://www.pornolize.com/cgi-bin/pornolize2/pornolize2.cgi?lang=en&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.marissamarchant.com%2Fmusic.html&submit=submit]MerChants RivaL weBsiTe[/url] QuoTe: " I'm in the fingerfucking screwing studio shafting the squirting other 3. You have the squirting option of fingerfucking a single with a thrusting ten dollar donation. Check (the bottom of page) for shopping cart (Pay "Up the Arse" Pal) and the titty fucking order page. There's a place to send a donation as well. " SouNdS liKE shE hasS an EqUaLL noW
woof woof grr.
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It must change every time you pull it up. Here's what the page said when I fired it up. "Listen to Marissa's music: 4 album set available for $300.00 and $100.00 for one cd. (since I am not plows plowed and mass deep throated, the browns have to go up) 1 Cd is complete, I'm in the spanking studio recording the muff sniffing other 3. You have the thrusting option of cuntlapping a fucking single with a ten dollar donation. Check (the bottom of page) for plowing cart (Pay "Motherfucker" Pal) and the smacking order page. There's a place to send a donation as well. (albums dripped "Cuntlicks of Miletus") Nothing imperfect will be on my cds. (the mp3 of that is up as well) El "Muffmuncher" Sol Que "Sniff-my-Ass" Tu Smacks was written by another writer. That song isn't for sale. I've written all the rest of my songs except El "Plugin" Sol. If you are smooching the plowing cd's from another country, you can pay the fomping same price in your own exchange. Green "Fannyfarmer" Tea ( just a demo) is done, it is a good performance with not so good sonic quality, I am doing it over. I have to get more mixing equipment. There are no off fingerfucks. I am in the jerking process of buying a high quality acoustic piano so I can donate my time to giving you free music. Yea, right. LOL All fucks (except El "Muffdiver" Sol) are copyrighted and written by, Marissa "Pimp Mastah" Marchant: Blows, Piano, Guitar. (and copyrighted, unlawful duplication of fists material will be subject to prosectution) For_You For "Bonebagger" You(streamable lo fi) For_You El "Muffdiver" Sol Que "Dickwad" Tu Eres Don't Make "Dickwad" Me Realize Nevermind Light "Assrush" Side of the unclefucking Moon Green "Give it to me" Tea Guitar "Muffminer" Slash Gameplayer Here in the night Emu Napolean's Complex Pageblue Mei "Ballbuffer" Fang Wu Albenia Under the Sky So "Cock Sucker" Far Farting "Spunksupper" Saucer Aardvarking "Dirk Diggler" Man Voyage a Blows Top of the Ride Fucks on the smooching Hill Out and Gone The fistfucking Blowing Chaser "Admiral Browning" Down Shafting that girl Alot like you Original "Fill me up" Thinker Under the fingering Sky University of the Vapid and Vacuous Thales of Charvers Will Pretty little Posers click here and you can download winamp etc. If you are having trouble downloading..download winamp for free. This software is a sure way of downloading mp3 cocksucks. Click on the gamahucheing wanking cart to order four cd's(Thales of Miletus (Volume I, II, III, and IV) at $300.00 Note: All shipping fingers and raunchs tax (8.25%) is squirted in the price. Click on the thrusting shopping cart to order Muff sniffs of Aardvarks (Volume I) at $100.00 Sucks of Deep throats (Volume II) $100.00 Cocksucks of Smoochs (Volume III) at $100.00 Spanks of Shafts (Volume IV) at $100.00 If you would like to make a creaming donation to Marissa "Bite Me" Marchant's website, feel free to do so. To order Marissa's Ballbusts, , please go to our order page."


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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to be fair to linsay , I do know a guy that is named linsay, .. fellow engineering graduate, nice guy. OKAY 2 questions for lindsay 1) who do you think you are talking to here, .. do you realise who your audiance is in this forum? 2) what are you trying to accomplish here, want to you get out of this comunity. 2a) are you a guy or girl? Kevin Nemrava
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This is perhaps the most ridiculous thread yet and there have been plenty. Lindsay is correct when she comments about society loving trash, just look around this forum and peoples responses. We probably can all agree Sarah MacLachlan is an incredible talent. However, (like everything else), art is in the eyes of the beholder so all arguments mean shit. So why the mud flinging? Even if this is Spam. Why the anger? the disrespect? the name calling? I also think that its interesting how so many of us "artists" are so involved with this thread. It occurs to me that an artist would have much more important things to do than contribute to such a "discussion". Anyway, I`m out of here. Wish you all the best. Peace, Ernest
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But c'mon, Ernest. $100 for a CD from an artist I've never heard of? Simply ridiculous. Yeah, the name calling and the angry remarks are a bit much, but most of the comments are warranted IMHO. As for doubts that some of us spend more time here , hmm... well, as for myself, I still play my basses 3-4 times a week, along with some guitar action. And why am I up so late? Mostly reading through posts about the new, upcoming 2.6 kernel in Linux. If you didn't understand that last sentence, that's okay. That's just one of the small steps I'm taking for my eventual day gig as a programmer/tech writer/blablablabla...
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OK, I am not going to her site, however ... I will answer to the question about the $100 per CD price. Think about it ... she only has to sell one CD to most folks 10. This really is a marketing strategy that *could* work. Great artist (painters) know this strategy. If you price your work higher ... the percieved value escalates. DJ
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Why the anger, disrespect, name calling? This twit barged in and loudly crowned herself to be a genius and made rediculous claims, all through a shoddy subterfuge, pretending to be "LindseyM". And that drivel that she refers to as poetry? Calling out alleged fakirs like Kate Bush as undeserving of success and inferior to Her Travesty? Phwah! B.S.! Mud flinging? She brought all the mud needed herself, and was rollin' innit to begin with. If she didn't behave like a neurotic @$$, and was friendly herself, I could concede that [i]maybe[/i] she could get somewhere, with time, training, hard work, enough humility to have an honest perspective, and a lot of luck. But the most honest position to take would be to tell her to give it up and [i]stop wasting her, and everyone else's, time.[/i] Damnitt, [b]ernest828[/b], I came back to this stinky thread to see what my man [b]tazzola[/b] had posted, but your post got me irked enough to break my promise not to post here anymore! Forgive me, everybody... let's, uh, go listen to [i]Kind of Blue[/i] or spray Caig into our faders or somethin'...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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[quote]Originally posted by ernest828@aol.com: [b]Why the anger? the disrespect? the name calling? [/b][/quote]Ernest, you're one of the kings of anger, disrespect and name-calling around here. Remember the thread in which you called Tedster a "loser" a few weeks ago, for no good reason? And recently you accused our esteemed moderator of posting "bullshit." Twice. Are you trying to break the record for hypocrisy, or what??? :D :p ;)
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[quote]Originally posted by Bunny La Joya: [b] [quote]Originally posted by ernest828@aol.com: [b]Why the anger? the disrespect? the name calling? [/b][/quote]"Ernest... Remember the thread in which you called Tedster a "loser"... And recently you accused our esteemed moderator of posting "bullshit". Twice." [/b][/quote]Oh? :rolleyes: What a loser, posting bullshit like that! ;) :D

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Yes, she does think highly of herself. She sounds like a frustrated artist to me. Someone who has tried via conventional means to get noticed with no success. So now she's going in a new direction and probably obsessing too much. But being obsessive is often part of what it is to be creative. It's okay! I think she should come out of the closet and admit that Lindsay is really Marissa, and become ONE OF US. Just let it all out! Come clean! It's okay, Marissa... It's okay! We don't care. We'll still love you. We're like family here. Come on, Marissa. Join us. Join our little society.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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I hain't agreed with nada she has to, BARELY rite. ahahaha! please girly girl read more. I HAVE NOT listened to anything she has done. I did not go to her site. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them sam I am. I do not like hunnerd dollar ceedees and I would not buy one iffen' you said purty please. I ain't a sucker nor a chicken to be plucked and if she makes a cent then I'll be mother fucked. but NOT from MY mother no that would be a crimeOH that girly girl is familiar i thank I seen her one timeo. now this ain't the end nor will it ever be but I'm done rappin' bout this whack C-note ceedee. :bor:

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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[quote]Originally posted by ernest828@aol.com: [b]This is perhaps the most ridiculous thread yet and there have been plenty. Lindsay is correct when she comments about society loving trash, just look around this forum and peoples responses. We probably can all agree Sarah MacLachlan is an incredible talent. However, (like everything else), art is in the eyes of the beholder so all arguments mean shit. So why the mud flinging? Even if this is Spam. Why the anger? the disrespect? the name calling? I also think that its interesting how so many of us "artists" are so involved with this thread. It occurs to me that an artist would have much more important things to do than contribute to such a "discussion". Anyway, I`m out of here. Wish you all the best. Peace, Ernest[/b][/quote]ernest: Are you LindseyR? You've got the same out of touch with reality, elitist attitude. The value of music, IS a very valid topic and obviously one that people are interested in, and that raises their passions. For you to come on and discount what every one else says is very flippant, and arrogant. You must really identify with LindseyR or be LindseyR. The world just doesn't understand you, do they? If only we were all as smart, and proper, and only posted on, and started appropriate threads like you, this forum and the world would be a perfect little place, wouldn't it? I don't think you even come back and read the responses to some of the threads you create. Remember [url=http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=014260]THIS.[/url] . First, I corrected you on the name of the program, which you never acknowledged. Then I answered your question very well, I think, and you never acknowledged that either.
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[quote]Originally posted by djarrett: [b]OK, I am not going to her site, however ... I will answer to the question about the $100 per CD price. Think about it ... she only has to sell one CD to most folks 10. This really is a marketing strategy that *could* work. Great artist (painters) know this strategy. If you price your work higher ... the percieved value escalates. DJ[/b][/quote]DJ, you're right but in most cases that doesn't usually happen until an artist develops a reputation among peers, critics, and fans. In most cases, that takes years.
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[quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b]I corrected you on the name of the program, which you never acknowledged. Then I answered your question very well, I think, and you never acknowledged that either.[/b][/quote]Yeah, Ernest - ya jerkass! Throw the Wewus a fish every now and then when he helps you out! Everybody has feelings.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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please listen to green tea ..the demo..and nevermind..to hear her instrumental abilities on two instruments..wow..and her singing...wow...please send Marissa a email to humble her, if you can name a person who is that good at that many things..humble her if you can. I am not her, so you won't be humbling me if you post here. but write her management Eres ..freakvox@yahoo.com if you can name someone is better then her at this many things..please do so..She needs humbling. :p
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