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I agree with what she has to say about music and how what the record industry has passed as "art" has cheapened the overall music we all make. Sad and true. This is the reason I no longer play my music to someone who asks unless I know they understand what I`m all about. I give CDs to people when they ask about my music. This way it saves them from saying, "This is great." when they might not mean it and it also saves me the scrutiny of sitting there waiting for them to say, "This is great" Anyway, where was I going with that?.... Peace, Ernest
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posted by: [quote]"I am also suprised that people buy all this "so called" entertainment. Why can't they entertain themselves and interact with others? All this impersonal spying and voyerismic obsession is a sign that people can't cope with relationships. They are not strong enough to love other people? They are shallow" [/quote]I so agree with that. People suck and should give me all their money.
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You guys see this pic at her site yet? http://marissamarchant.com/slide_show.html?show=Slide_Show&picture=picture16.jpg Huh. What she's wearing must be some sort of *statement*. I think she's saying: "My grandmother died & left me her gardening clothes." Or maybe: "I'm 35, live with my mother and we enjoy shopping at Wal Mart when my kids are with their drunken, asshole father." Those shoes look a bit small for her. Perhaps another *statement*? Just some observations, of course. :thu:
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[quote]Originally posted by ernest828@aol.com: [b]I agree with what she has to say about music and how what the record industry has passed as "art" has cheapened the overall music we all make. Sad and true. This is the reason I no longer play my music to someone who asks unless I know they understand what I`m all about. I give CDs to people when they ask about my music. This way it saves them from saying, "This is great." when they might not mean it and it also saves me the scrutiny of sitting there waiting for them to say, "This is great" Anyway, where was I going with that?.... Peace, Ernest[/b][/quote]Man, I hope that was a joke...
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[quote]Originally posted by dayvel: [b]To get back to the original topic- Marissa is completely insane.[/b][/quote]Or at the very least, a bit self absorbed.



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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:p :wave: thanks for your input. I like what she says on her gig section. I am not joking. From listening to songs like For you, and Green Tea it appears that she puts alot of work into her music and wants respect. Do you think that musicians are getting the respect they deserve? I don't hear people as good as this on the radio. Maybe she is a snob, but she has a point. Do I respect art? or my just money?? Go question everyone. Do you respect name brand artists because they are rich? Most people do., and for no other reason. She probably makes some people feel bad, but then this Maxfield Parrish dude puts most artists to shame. Did he sell his prints for ten bucks. Maxfield Parrish is on her gig section. :D
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I think what it is, is that they lump all these musicians in the same box, and sell all the music at basically the same very low price. But who sings like this and writes music on both guitar and piano like this? No one. No one that I know. She is better then all the people that are signed. I gave her a donation. She might be a snob and think that she is great., but then shouldn't artists have self esteem, or should they walk around with their heads down and look like something the cat dragged in? I thought about this last evening, I don't think that she is crazy. I think that the world of commericalism is crazy. :p Listen to Green Tea, and then listen to nevermind and El Sol Que tu Eres, No one is as good as this who is signed. They sign junk. That is why they sell it at such a low price. Her voice is obviously better then paula cole, alanis, sarah, tori, kate bush, norah jones etc.. She has much more quality and depth to her writing. They can't play numbers of instruments and sing like this. I wonder what else she can do. Some people are sleeping? I am not one of them.
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LindseyR (aka Marissa): Well, one person who comes to mind immediately as a singer/songwriter who plays piano and guitar better than you, has a much better voice, and is an infinitely better songwriter would be Sarah McLachlan...check out her stuff sometime. But keep at it...I admire your marketing saavy, if not your musical/poetic talents. Later, kc
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This is my last post on the subject. Some people gourmet food. Some people like burger king. Major Labels are Burger King specials in high priced studios and they rely on all kinds of things to cover up their lack of talent. Most people love Burger King and the majors know that.
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My bottom line...Lind...er, Marissa's stuff is nice. I see no need to slam her, nor do I see a need to pay 100 bucks for her CD. There are a lot of CDs that I need for considerably less. But, more power to her. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to send a check to this General Ndogo Mbubwe in Nigeria...he says he's got a lot of money for me.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I was grilling a steak last night out on the veranda, and this cicada hit my buddies arm and freaked the shite out of him. The bug then started buzzing along the floor towards him and he was jumping up and down like a school girl trying to get away. I spent $7 on the t-bone. The way I see it, I could eat 14.2857 t-bones for $100. I didn't think about Marissa at all last night. What am I doing in this thread? :freak:

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


Yamaha Montage M7, Nord Electro 6D, Hammond XK1c, Dave Smith PolyEvolver & Rack, Moog Voyager,  Modal Cobalt 8X, Univox MiniKorg.


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I didn't think about Marissa Last evening either. I was with my girlfriend. what is your point? I wasn't even on this board or on the computer. Some people do nothing on this planet except leave their trash behind. Not everyone is leaving something beautiful. Most people love trash. ..burgur king and cheap thrills. Haven't you noticed how crappy everything is getting in this country. Everything is crap and made of crap. Im sick of it too. Anyway now, I am spending time with my son, and I am thinking about music. But I love music and art, and without it, the world is ugly. I am sick of the commerical world spreading their ugliness across the world. I guess ugly people like ugliness. bye. :p
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I love it!! You all try to bust her balls but most of you visited her site and even listned to her music. Good on you girl. I manage to resist the temptation to click on any link on on this thread :D However, I do feel the same - if I get people to hear our music they will buy it.

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

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So, you come here, try to sell music CDs in a 100 bucks and since none of us purchased a copy... you call us "ugly people" and "full of crap" ? :wave:

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


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On the other hand... I guess we all think our music deserves to be sold at a better price. Wake up and smell the coffee. You can NOT set prices. This is an open market. It depends on a whole universe. It's not "I am better than Prince, so I have to ask for more money on each CD". Of course, you can, I can, ask for a million bucks to get a copy of our music. That's how luxury articles are sold... but then you have to wait to find someone to actually think your music is worth the price. Believe me, you will not get rich, specially with this attitude. BTW... talking about Ugliness... your legs, lady, are ugly. :p ... sorry, I meant, your friend's legs...

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

Facebook: Lozada - Música y Tecnología



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I think that no one has any standards about anything. Art is very cheap and often disgusting garbage. I don't give my money to them. I don't know if you noticed how dumb the american public is getting? I have. I agree with her 99 percent.
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Well I came back for a little while. I am a lover of phenomenal vocals. I listen to everything. I listen to music from all over the world. I listen to some oldies too. I am impressed with people who have phenomenal vocal mainly. full bands are great. but if someone can sound great alone that means they have serious talent. These people need so much behind them to impress people. I look for lush beauty. When I listen to music, I look for a fantastic voice. Sometimes I will look for a fantastic instrumentalist. but the human voice can be very moving. None of the singers they are promoting has lush beauty. None of them. Streisand, Vaughn, Rondstandt sometimes, these singers had lush rich and gorgeous voices. Marissa is a rare find. None of these women right now, or in the last twenty years have a voice this good. Where are the great singers? these singers sound like nothing special. the most impressive thing about musicians is their special quality. I am not impressed with the garbage singers of today. they don't have beauty in their voices. Yes, she is pretty too, but that isn't what I was looking at. My girlfriend is my true love, not Marissa. I love guitarists, unusual instrumentalist from across the globe, but vocals are something that really moves me. Especially the female voice.
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[quote]Originally posted by LindseyR: [QB]......... My girlfriend is my true love, not Marissa..... QB][/quote]So you are an unhappy lesbian??? Keep posting we love you


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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[quote]Originally posted by DC: [b]What I like is the fact that she'll let you order the complete set of four for three bills, but they aren't recorded yet?! :eek: :confused: Is this like vapor ware or something...[/b][/quote]Maybe. It goes right along with having no gigs listed on your gig link.? :confused:



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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Ok...I listened to a few (apparently only a few of the links are real, and the rest generate 404 errors). Nice voice, nothing that special. Bum notes? Oh yeah. Check out "Green Tea" - granted, it's supposedly a demo, but it's kinda 'all over the place' IMHO. "El Sol Que tu Eres" is nice, but whover mixed it should get a real job - her vocal is mixed WAY up, drowning out the solo guitar & the male harmony. How hard is it to fuck up a song with 3 parts? I don't know how we made the jump to Lindsay being Marissa herself, but if she is then let me offer a bit of advice: Change the name of the Gigs page until you actually have one. If I want to see you play, I don't want to read a long rant about why you don't. Put your opinions of the biz on a page so labeled, so folks have an idea of what they're getting. Don't enable links to files that don't exist - it's annoying, and it makes you look like an amateur web designer. (If someone is doing this for you, perhaps they are an amateur? Tell them to fix it.) Since you moved away from NY, try taking the "New York City" off of the pages. Nobody outside of New York [i]really[/i] cares if you're a New Yorker - and since you're not at the moment, try telling people where you live. If you want to reach people, don't call them stupid. Even if they are, no one wants to think so. If you are Lindsey, stop trolling under another name and be real. You might get somewhere with people if you're honest. Also - I know you're self-taught, but that doesn't mean you can't study the art of proper vibrato. Sometimes you sound like you are singing through a Leslie cabinet. That's all for now. :wave:
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr Darling: [b]I love it!! You all try to bust her balls but most of you visited her site and even listned to her music. Good on you girl. I manage to resist the temptation to click on any link on on this thread :D However, I do feel the same - if I get people to hear our music they will buy it.[/b][/quote]That was my point...although I didn't try to bust her bal...uh, ovaries (that I know of). I mentioned that regardless of whatever anyone thought of a 100 dollar CD...everyone listened to it. It's a hilariously effective way of getting someone to listen. I think her stuff is nice. I also think Nanette Malher is phenomenal. If you like that type of stuff, go to her site and download "The Timber Cries". http://www.nanettemalher.com I listened to that song quite by accident and bought the CD immediately. And no, I don't know Nanette. She sent me a nice email thanking me for buying her CD, though. Party on, Lindsarissa! :D
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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