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A nice song, Steve, and you play very well as usual.

So when are we going to have the pleasure of hearing you with a human rhythm section? Those plastic samples really don't do justice to your playing. ;)


Also - I thought to link here my 'fast reharm' od "End of a Love Affair", as it didn't belong to the Wes Montgomery thread.


End of a Love Affair



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So when are we going to have the pleasure of hearing you with a human rhythm section?
I'd post some things from a CD that came out recently, but I can't since it's another person's project for sale and song downloads in iTunes.


PM me your address again and I'll send you my *COMPACT DISC* which is coming out this week. It's taken so long... good thing it's a retrospective anyway.


Good reharm on Love Affair.


Beautiful Bossa - haunting melody. Great playing as always, SK. Which piano is that - Galaxy? Sounds fantastic!
Roger, that's the East West QL Bosendorfer, thank you.
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I don't remember the name of it, Dave. I know the swing "Mitch" and the mutual friend he wrote it for, and some of Garvin's early tunes like "Early", "Whim", etc.


I wrote a very similar bossa in form/mood to this one about the same time, almost like companion pieces. Tom came over and learned mine and I learned his. Now I hardly remember mine, but it was recorded later by trombone player Scott Reeves and Kenny Werner, who played a ridiculously burning solo on it.

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Great idea on Reharm. If members in this thread don't mind, included with the discussions of the progression and chords of a song, please include LH/RH voicings for study. I'm harmony driven and for me the beauty of a song is in it's harmonic movement and the beauty of the movement is created by the voicings of the chords. So, in addition to stating what chord can you include possible voicings of the chord for study to work off of in relation to the song being harmonized. Please include passing/approach chords and subs in the above suggestion.
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  • 2 weeks later...

dm426jazz, welcome to the forum. Glad you like the thread and feel free to contribute something.


Some of us sometimes include charts and voicings, but your suggestion would require a classroom level effort... while the thread is mostly just for fast, free sharing of ideas. (Although I can imagine a sign: "Will Reharm For Food." :) )


For no reason other than I found it kind of interesting, here's an Orrin Keepnews interview about the Bill Evans/Scott LaFaro days:



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Some of us sometimes include charts and voicings, but your suggestion would require a classroom level effort... while the thread is mostly just for fast, free sharing of ideas. (Although I can imagine a sign: "Will Reharm For Food." :) )


Not just that, but there are actually separate threads buried somewhere on 'chord voicing of the day' and 'line of the day'. Not that posting anything in this thread is off limits.


I for one am long overdue to contribute something here, it's been a couple years. :P

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Beeboss, very nice playing on "You Don't Know..." and thanks for posting it. I always like that song.


Not sure if I posted this before, and not much of a reharm here either. A trio from a few years ago taking the song into some loose places. I remember playing a really 'out' solo on it, but the camcorder battery died just as I started into it... :freak:



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SK -

I could listen to the music from this session all day - really fantastic!


Beeboss: Love your version! (I left you a more detailed comment on the YouTube post of your performance here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgWQ_-suYw4) and to answer your question about a trio CD for SK - YES!! I'm sure he will provide details, but rumor has it that his CD will be available on CdBaby in a few days or so! ;-)

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So I tried another tune


A tribute for the 30th anniversary of Bill Evans, my attempt at Very early

What a tune, a masterpiece, but it is hard.


For the die hard Evans fans I include a rather out of context quote towards the end, so bonus points if anyone can spot it.




Thanks Roger for putting up the link to my last youtube effort. This one will be up there fairly shortly.



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Wow David; I loved it! Perhaps my favorite thing that I've heard from you! You kept my ear surprised. Unfortunately the Divshare player crashed on my iPhone before I got to your quote at the end. But thanks; I really enjoyed your approach. I love the playful humor in your improv.
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BeeBoss - Kudos on your version of Very Early. The phrasing on the head (a touch of Jarrett there) and the semi-stride groove had a witty, quasi-Monk feel. It never takes itself too seriously. Great playing.


Carlo, that's a rich harmonic version of that tune. As always, excellent playing.

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Thanks guys, if you like it it means I must be doing something right.


It is up on youtube now so if anyone wants to watch me waggle my fingers ....


The audio sounds much better on divshare though, I dont know what youtube does to the sound but I don't like it.


If you guys didn't get the quote that probably means it is un-gettable which I quite like really. It is amazing how playing notes out of context can render them completely unrecognizable. I think I may experiment some more with that idea. I have always liked the idea of hiding some structure in a piece.


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  • 5 weeks later...
Do you have a trio album out?
to answer your question about a trio CD for SK - YES!! I'm sure he will provide details, but rumor has it that his CD will be available on CdBaby in a few days or so!

Yep, it's out now, and shamefully/shamelessly plugged in the Shameless Plugs section:




Beeboss, the same trio in the video of "You don't know what love is" plays "It's You Or No One" on the CD.


When I recorded these things, I think my main hope was to provide a different perspective, than the usual pianistic showcase or traditional 'I play jazz too' recording. So for better or worse, I'm playing on the edge a lot and in the cracks, avoiding the normal comfort zone. (man, I just had to get that one last disclaimer in, didn't I?)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not a reherm by myself, but I think it's worth. The story:

I was searching YouTube for versions of one of my overall favorite pieces of music, "Retrato en Branco e Preto", by Tom Jobim e Chico Buarque. I thought to maybe post one in the "Recharging Room" thread... but among several other gems, I found this really incredible one, by Brazilian singer Ana Carolina. Not only she changed the overall rhythmic feel of the song, but she rehermonized it in a *rock* fashion, too! Now, to me that's a bit like trying to reharmonize "Lush Life" in a rock way - an impossible task. But her changes work very well with her rhythmic concept.

On top of that, he played it live with just voice and *electric guitar*! Now that's a bold move.

So I considered that The Reharm Room was a more appropriate place to post this unusual little masterwork.


Note: It starts with a spoken intro. If you don't understand Portuguese, skip to 1:13, and enjoy.





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  • 4 weeks later...

I've always been bummed that I don't have time to write and record and share stuff in the reharm room! Today I had the piano miced up for a different purpose, so I decided to seize the opportunity to share a version of 'Chelsea Bridge'. It's by no means perfect, etc. etc. etc.



Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Nice Bobby! :thu:



What did you use for the piano sound? Was it an external sound module? ;)


Seriously, your ax sounded great too.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I liked your voicings in a few spots on the bridge, bar 3 on the F#m chords and the next movement to F7 or B7 alt.?


Playing drop 2 voicings of A Maj 7 over the F# in the bass, then playing drop 2 voicings of Ab Maj 7 over F for a bit of a tritone sub. So yep.


That sounds like Db/A or AMaj. 7 +5 on bar 5 of the bridge, good.
A Maj 7+5, yes!


What's that movement you're doing on the G Maj. 7 chord in bar 6 ? That was a nice sound.
I don't remember! I think I went into it thinking it would also be a Maj 7 +5 chord. I might have moved between the 6, +5 and 5 for some voice leading.


You picked that "ambiguous Strayhorn tune" as I like to call it. I've played it BbmMaj. 7 to AbmMaj.7 and the way you played it here--the Eb7+11 to Db7+11. I've heard many recordings of this and there is no definitive way of doing it.


Man, I know! I love this song. Incredible Billy Strayhorn. The essence of Melodic Minor in the first 2 chords. I have heard both +11s and Minor/Majors, and I go back and forth between the two. Make sense to play it one way for the first two As, then another for the third A.


Your analysis is spot on Dave, you have a sharp ear. I wish I had known you when I was just starting out in Jazz! Thanks for the comments. Glad to revive the thread with one of my own for a change.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Seriously, your ax sounded great too.
Thanks man! Yeah, I am happy I blew the budget 5 years ago and go the nicer NICER piano.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Good to hear you, Bobby. :thu: Thanks for posting that. You have a very nice feel on that song, and the piano sounds really good too.


Most of the obvious chords for it have been covered in your playing and Dave's suggestions. There's nothing more I could suggest, until a new version comes out (like "Dream Theater Does Strayhorn.") :)

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There's nothing more I could suggest, until a new version comes out (like "Dream Theater Does Strayhorn.") :)


It's a perfect tune for it no doubt. :sick:

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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