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Amp question

sweet dissonance

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Is your Crate amp a Bass or Guitar amp? A bass amp sometimes sounds very good with guitar, but a guitar amp may not handle the low notes of a bass. Is that what you asked?


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If you had to, you could use the bass amp at low volumes, you can also use a bass through a guitar amp, the world has seen stranger things.


Small guitar combos are cheaper than bass combos. You can get yourself a new 15W guitar amp for around $60. Remember, bass wattage can not be compared side by side with guitar wattage. your 100W Crate might be equivalent to a 15-25W guitar amp.

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Yup, if your Crate is a 100w Bass amp, you can plug your electric guitar into it just fine.


Bass amps are voiced differently to guitar amps. You may not like the way it sounds, but it won't hurt the amp.


Having said that - I use a small bass combo for my guitar and love the way it sounds.


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In the 70's a friend liked to play his guitar thru a Fender Bassman and it had a very nice tone.

And one of the best tones I ever had for bass was thru a 100W Ampeg guitar head and a Bassman cabinet. Too bad it wasn't loud enough for anywhere but the practice room.

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If you want to play guitar through a bass amp, that's fine you won't hurt anything. (That's not true if you play bass through a guitar amp...you'd have a good chance of blowing the speakers.)


I would seriously recommend getting a distortion pedal and a reverb pedal. Guitarists generally have some reverb on all the time. I sold some very good guitars because they didn't sound good to me...there was nothing wrong with the guitars, it was that I was playing them through a bass amp.

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back in high school i was in this little garage band. carrying guitar rigs on the train was a pain in the ass so the guitar player and i just plugged into separate ins on my peavey/hartke setup. it was one of the best guitar sounds.


like has been said, bass amps voice differently because they're designed to sound different. the result is a bigger, meatier guitar tone. you're going to need to use more in the line of effects because bass amps are designed to reproduce (relatively) cleanly where as guitar amps more often are designed to overdrive and distort naturally.

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