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Doc and Doc, you guys would have a good take on this as Fumbles and others.( Actually everyone :) )


About once a year, I do a major cleanup on my guitars. You guys know my guitars get pretty road weary even though they are handles with mucho care.


I use Maguire's Polish / Cleaner and a hand held small buffer to take out bad belt marks (although I learned a log time ago about no belts and out of the pants shirt tails.


I do this very carefully as there is only so much finish on the guitar. If it doesn't need it, it doesn't get it. It is also great on chrome. (Not on gold plate as it is normally way too thin)


Mineral oil on my rosewood fretboards after a good cleaning.


My Martins are done by hand only.


Now this is only on guitars that have been touring and need it.


What do you use for upkeep of your instruments? (Ellwood, does the aluminum Strat get oxidized? :laugh:)


Anything exotic? manufacturers products or products earned for years of trying things?



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Mine don't get played enough to get too dirty. I just use pure lemon oil (.5 oz bottle from health food store) on the fretboard after asking 3-4 guitar companies what they recommend.
Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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For unfinished wood i use a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. 2 parts oil to 1 part juice. Shines it right up.


For finished things avoid anything with silicone in it. Silicone + guitars = nasty.

I go to the site, see "NEW FOR 2008" I'm all "OH GOODY!" and i click it and it's all "ALL NEW AMERICAN STANDARD SERIES!" and I'm like..."what?"
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I have the Dunlop "65" Polish & Cleaner on a regular basis. I have a cleaning cloth that's been impregnated with it fairly well, and I just wipe down after playing...sometimes I'll spray a little more polish/cleaner if the guitar has a lot of smudges/prints.


Once in awhile I use the Dunlop "65" Cream of Carnauba wax to really buff out the finish...especially if there's any fine scratches.


I do the rosewood fretboards with Wilbert Lemon Oil only rarely, when I see that they look kinda' dry.


miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Mine don't get too much wear, but I give the shiny wood a polish with a decent car polish sparingly - I know it's abrasive. It's done occasionally.


I have an old can of Liquid Gold in which the volatiles have long evaporated, leaving the heavier essential oils. I use this sparingly on the rosewood/ebony fretboards.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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Yep, once a year I put lemon oil on my rosewood & ebony necks after a good cleaning.

You have to get all the FUNK off right next to the frets first though. :D


After that, windex on a Q-tip for all the metal parts.

Then, a damn good quality polish on the entire guitar buffed to a fine finish. :D


When I buy a new guitar....I call it Randyizing it. :D

Of course...that includes a complete set up. :D



"Just play!"
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Up until I left the studio I sent them all out to Mike Pellow once a year. Now that I have less than half as many guitars and I'm only really playing a couple of them, they tend to get ignored. I do try to change the strings at least once a year (unless I'm doing a recording project or sitting in live) and I prefer lemon oil on the fretboard. As to the rest, a light dusting is all I've done. I don't like to use waxes as they hold dirt. And the car finish on the Fenders doesn't seem to care.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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I like the Guitar Honey stuff for the fretboards, and it's done wonders for some other wood pieces I have too.


I solved the belt thing by moving the buckle one loop to the left after I noticed another teacher where I work doing that.

Wonder what the new Linkin Park album would sound like if they didn't have Perfect Circle to steal from.
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Lemon oil on the fretboards on occassion; general wipe downs after playing and if I have some guiltar polish (Martin, Dunlop- no brand loyalty) I'll use that on the funky spots. Always wipe down the chrome/metal parts, too.


Question for gold plated parts: How do you guys get rid of greening tarnish? One of the bridge rollers on my Kahler tremelo is getting green. Don't want to ruin it; but I certainly don't want to leave it there, either! Will silver polish work?

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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thats brass, Brasso.


A bridge roller wouldn't be gold plated. I don't think that turns green, it just comes off.

Wonder what the new Linkin Park album would sound like if they didn't have Perfect Circle to steal from.
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I use Maguire's Polish / Cleaner and a hand held small buffer to take out bad belt marks (although I learned a log time ago about no belts and out of the pants shirt tails.


In checking the used guitar market, primarily on Craigslist, I'm astonished at the the degree to which people accept, or at least do nothing to avoid, inducing damage to fine musical instruments via belt buckles. Guys, this was figured out a long time ago. In high school in the 60's it was actually a mark of coolness to wear one's belt one notch to the left to indicate membership in the guitar community. Has this bit of collective wisdom from the past been entirely forgotten?


BTW, lemon or orange oil furniture polish on rosewood, nothing on lacquered maple.


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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I solved the belt thing by moving the buckle one loop to the left after I noticed another teacher where I work doing that.


Excellent idea, smirk! I never thought of that. Thanks! :thu:


Avoid playing the amplifier at a volume setting high enough to produce a distorted sound through the speaker-Fender Guitar Course-1966



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I admit, I don't do as much upkeep as far as cleaning as I should. Every now and then I wipe them down with an old T shirt and use a QTip on all chrome and hard-to-reach areas. I need to get some lemon oil for my fretboards, tho. Now that this has been brought up, I know that my Strat's board needs it. Thanks for the reminder!

Avoid playing the amplifier at a volume setting high enough to produce a distorted sound through the speaker-Fender Guitar Course-1966



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I always wear the shirt on the outside, and the buckle to one side. The belt I usually gig with has no buckle - some cinch/harness through a vertical and horizontal slit in the leather - a hippie throwback from the 60's.
Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Yet another good reason to wear all-in-one Spandex jump suits! I like the ones with the built in footsies the best!! :)

LOL! Please DO NOT post pictures of your band!!! :freak:


OK!! but there is nothing wrong with a Devo tribute band is there?? :eek::D

So you really think that's where the big money is? :D:idea::D

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Yet another good reason to wear all-in-one Spandex jump suits! I like the ones with the built in footsies the best!! :)

LOL! Please DO NOT post pictures of your band!!! :freak:


OK!! but there is nothing wrong with a Devo tribute band is there?? :eek::D

So you really think that's where the big money is? :D:idea::D


WELL YEAH!!! I mean how else could we begin to afford those jump suits? I mean those hot puppies don't grow on trees!!!! :eek:

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