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Thoughts Opinions Quick....


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This Girl is a 2006 reverse headstock oylmpic white MIM with SKB hard case, seller says no to barely any/if any, fret wear. The usual hardly used/sat in closet story. was in fleabay, but something went wrong. I was bidding on her but people were maxing me out and declining offers and this went on a few times then fleabay pulled the auction. So talking to the seller, but I don't want to pay to much for it as well.


Body style I've wanted, tunners I've wanted, colour and reverse headstock I've wanted as well. So this girl needs to come to me, but I don't want to be blinded by batting eyes and pay more then what shes' really worth. HELP as quickly as possible on what you think she's worth. Hopefully I can drive up and get her tonight if all goes well.











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Well it's worth $599.99 new. If he were to sell it to a used instrument shop they would give him around $200 for it and the resell it for around $400. The case might add another $20-$50. What is he asking?


I was going to say $400-$450 so arneyz & I are thinking the same way on this.

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"Work hard. Rock hard. Eat hard. Sleep hard. Grow big. Wear glasses if you need 'em."-The Webb Wilder Credo-

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Why is the rear pickup angled like that? If it was a true lefty wouldn't the body be reversed as well......I'm gettin' dislecsick (lol) looking at this thing...it all seems wrong!


That sucker seems bass ackwards.....shouldn't it look like this? Does it look like this? I need another drink....bartender, one Bourbon, one Scotch and one beer.




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LOL ok thank you everyone,


Yes I know 6 bills online states side, then looking at shipping and duties (sure I'd get nailed with those as well) So 6 billes, another say 75 shipping then another 150 duties. <--guess of course and goign by what some of the other duties are. then again if it's sent by ground as well.. then looking at brokage fees (YUK!). So would be looking say 850ish for it to come to the canuck side.


But for a 5 bills I'm head'n out in a few minutes to TO and bringing her home. she batted her eyes again while I was talking to him. Sooooo hopefully get her snuggled in tonight and see what language she speaks in the morning.

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I'm pretty sure that this guitar is available brand new on Musician's Friend for $599;




Regular headstock MIM Strats are going for between $200 and $275 or so these days, often with a gigbag.





"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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"Why is the rear pickup angled like that? ...That sucker seems bass ackwards....."


The idea is to impart some of the tone and maybe even a smidgeon o' the mojo associated with Jimi's and, to a lesser but tangible extent, Dick Dale's flipped-over righty Strats.


The reverse headstock affects harmonic-overtones; more on the bass-strings, fewer- and thus a stronger fundamental tone- on the treble strings. There's a little less overall tension on the trebles when bending, as well. The reverse-angled bridge-pickup imparts a fuller, rounder tone on the trebles and a twangier, crisper tone on the basses.


It's a lot more comy for a right-handed player than a flipped-over lefty would be, and yet it captures most of the essence of a flipped-over axe.


The reversed, larger CBS-era headstock, the color, the maple fretboard, and the reverse-angled bridge-pickup, all add a little nod to Jimi in appearance, as well.


"Create your own screaming "Star Spangled Banner" with this unique Strat!

A modified version of a famous Strat seen at Woodstock, the flipped headstock reverses the length of the strings, and combined with the reverse-slant bridge pickup, delivers feel and tone uniquely different from traditional Stratocasters."

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Yeah I know all the obvious stuff as to why, I was just being facetious....but the problem for me is that the body is oriented as a righty...so they have to use a righty pick guard....but they angled the rear pickup to mimic how it would be on a lefty flipped over... except that the body is not flipped over.....so it looks whacky to me.




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It sorta evokes a Mosrite flair for me- which makes a lot of sense, being as Semmie Mosely actually traced a flipped-over Strat to base his most prominent guitar models on! :D


So, Stamplicker, didja buy it, or at least go try it?


I hope you did; it's a no-brainer for either surf or Hendrix-y Trower-y blues-rock/psychedilica! :cool:


Plus, she's purty! :love::crazy::thu:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I have always wondered what a Strat must have felt like to Jimi, upside down and all....less cutaway on the bottom, the tension issue,the tremelo arm on top and the controls, the balance of it and also the rear pup being brighter on the low strings. I wouldn't mind having a true lefty myself...I see those Standards are about $400 and change.....seems like one could find a decent one.
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I just bought a closet mexi strat, an 01, and paid $290. It didn't have the Jimi options or the case so $400 seems reasonable to me.
Wonder what the new Linkin Park album would sound like if they didn't have Perfect Circle to steal from.
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Ok this bad boy is Super long winded, Pull up your geetar stool....


This is how the past few days/weeks have went on. Been watching and looking and going to shops for the past few weeks. Scouring everything and anything. I Needed Maple fretboard and was Bound to get it, but of course at a price within reason. So I've seen a few on fleabay some in kijijiijijijijijiji and some in brick and mortar shops. The only one that caught my eye in the shops was that Lite Ash Strat, but, they wanted 8Bills for it here, of course I would have talked and smoozed them and could have brought it down to about 7ish with HD case tossed in. It still didn't have me completely won over though. So back to the auction game. Found 2 and bid'd like mad that past couple weeks, but to no avail. One was a Squire II pearl white body with maple neck. Was sweet, no reverse headstock , but still cheap and would curve my maple appetite. Waited... waited... waited.. bid bid bid bid bid GONE .. DAMN! Maple depression here I come again. Next on the block was a mexie with black body maple neck. Neck looked nice but wasn't keen on black body, but figured.. heck with it, lets haggle , worst case I get it cheap and sell it. Well haggl'n stopped, (no response from his end). Oh well, wasn't overly concerned.


Then BamMMmm, out of nowhere, She emerges.

How Did I not see her? Where was she hiding???


I see her. Chakita,


Maple neck, reverse head stock, old style tuners, Olympic White Body, flipped bridge pickup on rightie body. (Sorry Fumbles, just avoid looking at her rear end). That was her, She needed to come home. 4 Days till auction ends, Damn it! So I sit and watch, bid's at $119. Peanuts for her beauty, delightful batting eyes and sensual curves. That sweet, sweet sleek maple neck waiting to be held and gently stroked and fingered.


2days to go and rounding midnight, BOOM, Someone bids, Shoot's her up to $345..

NOoooooooooooooooooo I slap my bid in, not max but high enough to dieter anyone, $475. Nooo My bid wasnt enough, still blows me out of the water, Noooooooooooooooo!! I try to catch, but still at $520 I look and figure shes gone, I digress and go to sleep.


Morning comes and Ill I can think of was the misfortune of last nights bidding, I check my e-mail and I see the shmuck retracted all his Bids, My eyes light up, YES!!!!! I'm in the lead at $350 and 1 day to go... Mid day still good, less then 24 hours now.. Evening rounds, excellent, still going strong. Then Boom, bid comes in 3 times and shoot's me up to $380. No worries, still good, still going, deep breath, still leading, her head up high waiting for me.



Midnight approaches, slight anxiety emerges and BAM!!! One quick Swoooop like deer in headlights, She hit's $525. Nooooooooooooooooooo, UnUnnn not my Chakita Buster, this isn't going to happen without a Fight, not this time!!!! $550, outbid, $575 OutBid, $590 OUTbid!, $602 OUTBID!! Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!


I digress again, thinking she's gone, without numbers in front of me, I didn't want to guess on what was affordable, All I knew was that she was meant to be with me, but at the moment she'd be thought as someone elses.


Morning and there she is staring at me with $607 looming over her head. She bat's her eyes at me with a sly "save me". Hell with it, I slap $625 in, Boom I'm leading YES!!!! Hope is alive. All is well! Know one in their right mind, (accept me), would bid higher then that.


Then, coming in the last stetch, few hours to go, Still in the clear. 30 minutes left on the clock, Nothing. 10 minutes to go and the sweat starts to emerge, who bid Higher then that, it was at an absurd price already, but she sure is purty as all hell. 5 Minutes to go..



Boom $640! Nooooooooooo, I'll be damned!!!!!!!!!! $650 OUTBID... OMG'd NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

Depression slowly rears her ugly head and I'm cursing, lost, frustrated, antsy, aggravated, pissed off, once again, that sweet neck I've been so eagerly anticipating is swooooped out from under me.


Minute to spare, GF says go for it, we'll figure it out later, go get her!


I start Bidding!!!


Less then a minute to spare:


$675 OUTBID, $685 OUTBID!!! Enough time for one more, $698.87!! Insane!! Auction has ended!


Chakita IS GONE!!!!!! And I'm back into depression. Hell with it, FL**K-IT, I'll Just buy a damn Maple neck and slap it in something and never think about it again. But my mind wanders and I start searching frantically. Nothing, option is to get something online, pay through the ying-yang to get it here and then have to buy a hard case still. Piss on it, Im off to go do some work and Ill worry about it after I calm down.


I get back and check e-mails, What the Hell! Is someone playing a cruel joke on me? What did I do!!! I rub my eyes and check again! This cant be!

Subject: eBay Listing 190193*****8 Cancelled Results Null and Void

From: eBay


Dear myname (my@email.com),


The listing in which you were a bidding participant:




has been ended by eBay. Since the listing was ended by eBay, for the transaction itself is null and void.


To protect the privacy of all eBay members, we can't discuss the details of the listing removal. We hope this assures you that your account information will also remain private.


If the seller relists the item, you are welcome to bid on it again.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Thank you for your understanding.




Customer Support (Trust and Safety Department)


I message right away, thankfully I had messaged and asked questions earlier so I had his ebay name, and asked him if he still selling it? Relisting it? I noticed he had a buy it now, but I had missed it cause bidding had started so had no clue what the buy it now was. With pictures in tow I uploaded them as quick as I could and posted this message here in the forums to get an overview, opinion, thoughts and so fourth.


He messaged back, I sent him my number to call me and we hashed it out quickly, told him Id head up to his city right there and then if he wanted to sell it privately instead of going through the hassle of relisting and waiting again. So I headed up, 9:30 last night she was in my hands and he dropped the price another $50 as well as tossed in a vintage patch cable.


Chakita was on her way home with me. How does she sound? Youll know soon. Right now its honeymoon time.


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LOL you got it man....I can't believe that...yeah the first and last time I bid on E Bay I thought I was going to have a heart attack...LOL That is so cool. Yup, better get some sound files up!!!!



Cool! The rear pup bothers me less the more I look at it......I want a full on lefty now!!

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Nice! I was checking these bad boys out in a music store over here a few weeks back... I nearly bought one there and then. Awesome playing and sounding! Glad I didnt buy one mind you, as they were marked up at about £350 ($700US).


The black one is really cool, with the aged pups n chit.


Fumbles.. You dont want a left handed guitar, dude! That would just be silly! :-) :-) But nahh... I was seriously thinking of getting a lefty til I saw these.. It gives you the sound qualities of a lefty flipped over but the ease of playing like a righty... They make sense dude! :-) Plus if you had a Lefty flipped over, people would always be like "Man, WTF is up with your guitar?!?!" "Oh its a lefty I have setup to play right handed" "Why the hell didn't you just buy a righty?!?!" "Well the reason is.. blah blah blah blah" That's gotta be a conversation that would get pretty damn boring pretty damn quick.

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I've been thinkin' on this type o' model lately meself.


If I was to get a strat right now, this reverse headstock and reverse angle pickup type setup are definitely what I'd want. Just plainly, clearly makes more sense for tone production IMO, looks be damned!


Cavean's insights are as always right on ze money, and I for one will also will be interested in the resident strat afficionado Zuben McZubester's take on this whole reversaroni thang. :D



Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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OK that clinches it.


Zuben, Ellwood, Mdrs, and all you other multiple strat owners, your collections are incomplete without a reverse headstock/reverse bridge pickup angle model!! :D

Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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Although I would love one....


Even my fiance... Who is not particularly interested in anything with more than 4 strings, said "Shouldn't it at least have the bar thing at the top of the bridge" Which I think would be a very cool thing. It does look so much easier to use with tthe bar at the top, although I think if you weren't going to use it, it would get in the way. Didn't SRV have a left handed trem?

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"(Sorry Fumbles, just avoid looking at her rear end)"


That's OK, his line of sight will be blocked since your hand will be on it most of the time... :thu::D

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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"(Sorry Fumbles, just avoid looking at her rear end)"


That's OK, his line of sight will be blocked since your hand will be on it most of the time... :thu::D


:thu: very true!!


"Didn't SRV have a left handed trem?"....... He sure did and they put them on the SRV signature model also.




Stamp....if I might be so bold as to ask, what did you pay for it?? Did I miss where you mentioned what you paid???



Yup up at the top, $500 can. (Chakita, case, vintage looking patch cable) and that includes my gas to get from here and back as well. Seller was Super friendly and has more items up for sale on ebay as well. He's a 20 year player, and by the condition of Chakita, looks after all his girls perfectly.

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Ohhhh never explained what happened to why the auction was canceled by ebay. The reason I was fighting so hard with the last bidder, was that the bidding account was hacked and multiple random bids were being tossed out to this item and every other item in the users watch list, hence why they killed the auction.
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Hey, Stamp, that sounds like a great deal. Congrats!!


So, it's love at first bassackwards glance??? LOL


How does it sound? Can you hear a difference, compared to a standard Strat? Inquiring minds want to know.....



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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