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Semi O/T Mac Computer


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Who has Sonar or other recording platforms on Windows? Do changes from XP to Vista involve new software from these developers?


I use Sonar on Windows. OS upgrades don't seem to effect it.


Same here. I have an old version of Cakewalk Homestudio I ran on Windows ME that works fine under Vista. Sonar 7 seems to like Vista a bit better than XP, at least it eats fewer CPU cycles.

So far I've been unable to crash, Vista (on a $399 computer no less!) even running a 24 track project with multiple plug-ins.


What will $399 get you with Apple? :rimshot:

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What will $399 get you with Apple?


Something very used, or almost a Mac Mini. They have established their brand specifically as NOT the budget, cut rate brand. You don't buy Apple because it's the cheapest. You buy it because you like the way it works. A Gibson costs more than a Yamaha, but a lot of us here are still going to go for the Gibson, price notwithstanding.


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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Good comparison there Scott!


I'm a DOS/Windows user, have been for dang near 30 years (ouch!).


I would love to try the Mac OS, but the cost of them just seem so high compared to what I can build to run Vista or XP. I always imagine what the computing world would be like today if Apple would have low-balled the price on their products, i.e beat IBM/Microsoft to the desktop PC.


Here's something I'm not sure about: Is the Mac OS 64 bit? I know you can run a 64 bit version of Vista even though there is not much software out there now that takes advantadge of that processing power...

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Excerpt from Mac Pro specifications.


4MB of shared L2 cache per processor (8MB total)

128-bit SSE3 vector engine

64-bit data paths and registers

Energy efficiency optimization

1.33GHz, 64-bit dual independent frontside buses


Yeah Craig I think Windows seems to go longer between OS upgrades, especially the in between upgrades like v 10.4 to 10.4.1 to 10.4.6 etc etc which Apple does a lot. I don't really pay attention to what's new most of the time. It seems some has to do with security issues and minor improvements or bug fixes. iPhoto, iTunes and Quicktime often get upgraded. Windows seems to absorb the software developers upgrades so much easier and better.


I have learned to live with it...it seems it happens every couple three months sometimes....truth be told it is the main thing I find annoying with all platforms...the constant upgrading to new versions. The nature of the beast I suppose?

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I haven't had any problems using software update so far.


I think we are going to see a lot less major upgrades from Apple since 10.5 Leopard came out. Should just be tweaks for a while to come.

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I think we are going to see a lot less major upgrades from Apple since 10.5 Leopard came out. Should just be tweaks for a while to come.


They seem to be on about a two year cycle between major upgrades these days. And from the looks of it, I'd say they're running low on new ideas. Leopard just doesn't do anything I need doing at the moment. I'm sticking with Tiger until my software outstrips it.


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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I haven't had any problems using software update so far


Well maybe it is just a Digidesign specific issue...this from their site.......


"Please Note: As detailed on the Digidesign website, Software Update should not be used to update your Mac OS, always use the Combo Update"


I figure that even though it is probably Digi specific, if it affects their software it may affect others...so it seems safer to me to rather than let Software Update do it, to just click a couple extra links and go get the Combo Updater from Apple.



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In looking at Apple's site for the 10.4.11 download the regular 10.4.11 Update is 128 MB and the 10.4.11 Combo Update is 321 MB....it seems it may be more comprehensive. When I checked Software update it says it is the Combined Update at 330 MB....but I still will not take a chance.


Maybe after all the issues Digidesign got Apple to put the Combo Updater on Software update now instead of the smaller download, because now that I think of it, on the previous one I noticed it said Combined update.


It is just a thought.


I like to eliminate any grey area's as far as possible problematic stuff with regards to my audio computer.

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