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Best 4x10 Cab for 5-Strings


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I'm still new so forgive me if there have been previous posts. I'm looking to downsize my rig. My current rig uses home-made cabs that have served me well for many years. The low frequency response just doesn't quite cut it for me.

I'm looking for a 4 x 10 cabinet to use with my 5 string basses.

So in your opinion, what's a good reasonably priced cab.


Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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I can only recommend the cab I use, and that's an Ampeg SVT410HLF (450W @4 ohms if I recall). I think even ampeg's description states it has a good low frequency response that's good for 5-string basses.

[Carvin] XB76WF - All Walnut 6-string fretless

[schecter] Stiletto Studio 5 Fretless | Stiletto Elite 5

[Ampeg] SVT3-Pro | SVT-410HLF


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I don't know what you mean by reasonably priced, but you might check out the Peavey cabs -- they usually provide a good value.


Personally, if I was looking for a 4x10, I'd be looking at the Eden cabs -- probably the D410XST for five-string, but I'd probably try out the D410XLT as well.

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Personally I like the idea of have two cabinets for portabiliy, weight, size and adaptability to the venue. Maybe two 2x10's or one 2x10 and a 1x15. Some 2x12's have had great reviews. Whatever you choose consider the new Neo lightweight systems, they are very lightweight. Good used equipment is always attractable. As I said earlier, what is your budget?


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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if you are trying to down size, there's some great 2x10 on the market, acme, accugroove etc...




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Thanks for the help, folks!

I'm thinking around $400.

I do like Eden stuff. I use a used Nemesis NC200 for small gigs.

New Eden stuff is so darn expensive. At least for me.

2 2x10's isn't a bad idea! I use an old Peavey Megabass that has

2 210 watt amps built in. They will both get exercise then. Peavey cabs tho always seemed a little barky for me. maybe some of the new stuff is better. Once again Thanks.

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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Between lower priced options new and the used market, $400 should give you some reasonable choices. $500 might do you a bit better.


Most 4x10 cabs that do not use neodymium speakers will weigh in at 90 lbs or more. The SWR Goliath works well. As do the Eden cabs. I like the Ampeg 410HE (sealed cab) better than the HLF ones, but different strokes for different folks. All of these options will be 90+ lbs.


It would be worth trying something like the ~ 75 lbs. Peavey Tour 410 and I wouldn't rule out either the Acme Low B2 (2x10) or Low B4 (4x10). The Low B2 new is close to your price point. Both of the Acme cabs will be glorious for the low B string.


The idea of two 2x10 cabs is a great one. Perhaps you could find a used Eden 210XST or XLT. If you find an efficient 2x10, you could start with one, and then when you have more cash, add another one or a 1x15 or whatever.


I like AccuGroove cabs, but I think even on the used market they will be too expensive. As will many choice from Epifani. However, I did play through an Epifani Performance Series 4x10 that I thought was killer. Not sure the price on these new, and not sure if there are many that have hit the used market yet.


I definitely would consider the used market for sure to find some good bargains.


Are there shops near you where you can try a bunch of cabs. Can you get to a place like Low Down Sound, which is near Detroit? (Is that right, that it's near Detroit?)


Good luck!





PS: Are you playing a Guild Pilot 5 string? The Pilot basses were quite underrated in my opinion. Nice body shape, nice sound.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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A local dealer wants to get rid of a new Eden D410XLT 4 ohm and says if I come pick it up now they will give it to me for 650. I think I should be starting my truck.
"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know" by Me
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I left for the Eden but came home with this for the same price of $650. usd. http://www.ampeg.com/products/pro/pr410hlf/index.html


I did not know what to do when they offered either brand new for the same price.


Since i play classic rock, rock, blues ,etc. I opted for the Ampeg due to the good deal and the fact that it is built like a tank.

"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know" by Me
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I left for the Eden but came home with this for the same price of $650. usd. Ampeg due to the good deal and the fact that it is built like a tank.



Ouch ! 128lbs. I assume you are young and strong. Congratulations, It's probably a great cabinet.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Holy s**t!!!!!!!


You got that for $650??????????......



If I send you the money, will you buy one for me??


That cab freaking rocks!!!!!!


Lucky b*st*rd!!!!!!!



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

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Yeah $650. and now a sore back. I did not think it was heavy until I woke up this morning.


I got it at a local Ampeg dealer. It appears as though that cab was discontinued. It is a great cab built like a tank with great sound and even better growl.


The Eden guys on another forum are all making me 2nd guess myself. I was really torn in the store and did not know what to do. They both sound great.

"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know" by Me
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I've had good luck with a Peavey 410 TVX. Heavy, but sounds great and goes nice and low.


I've also had decent luck with the newer Avatar stuff. I gigged a Neo 210 recently and like it much better than the older Avatar 210 I had. I'd be interested in checking out the Avatar 210 with maybe a 15 or a 212 added to it.

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Sounds like it's heavy to move. At least it has casters, but I'd plan on enlisting help if you're going up stairs.


Hope this works out for you. If not, ship it to Tenstrum and buy the Eden :)




Acoustic Color


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Well never mind, I just pulled the trigger on an SVT-4x10HLF for $480 from MF.....


I'm such a sucker.....



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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I will be playing the new Ampeg cab this weekend with a band for the first time so I will be able to tell if I am 2nd guessing myself for a reason.



"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know" by Me
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Still though, if you decide that you don't want that Ampeg cabinet, definitely give me a shout. It would go really nice with my other HLF. :)


GAS GAS and more GAS!!!!



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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