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Aphex 1401 on my ABG

Kramer Ferrington III.

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Thanks to Max Valentino's wise counsel, I finally decided to get an Aphex 1401 Acoustic Exciter for my birthday. It finally arrived today.


And it's great! :D I must admit I was a bit disappointed at first, because I'm used to more obvious pedals, like a phaser or whatever... and this didn't go "whoosh whoosh" all over the place. But the sound is so much BIGGER!


It really does add a lot. I've always wanted a big, golden, grand-piano sound (yeah, and I'm a bass player, go figure)Between the Aphex and some new phosphor-bronzes, I'm getting there. I haven't got any mikes, otherwise I'd make some clips, but it's quite an improvement on my usual sound.


Thanks, Max! :thu:

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Glad it worked out for you, Mr. Ferrington. Next you might want to partner it with an Aphex Punch Factory compressor....


So, I have been meaning to ask....is it that you want a Kramer Ferrington, play a Kramer Ferrington...or is that your real name? (in such case you might have some trademark litigation pending against a defunct corp. Well, that sorta thing happens all the time out here in California where someone actually sued Taco Bell for being both racist and defamatory against his surname....)



...it's not the arrow, it's the Indian.
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So, I have been meaning to ask....is it that you want a Kramer Ferrington, play a Kramer Ferrington...or is that your real name?


LOL!!! Oh, God no, they're the most hideous looking guitars! :eek: My name is Vince and I've never really hidden that.


What happened was that someone in the GP forum, years ago, was asking about these guitars. I'd never heard of them before, but I loved the name, because it's like somebody in a very silly musical comedy, or some character out of The Love Boat. :D So I just HAD to be Kramer Ferrington The Third.



out here in California where someone actually sued Taco Bell for being both racist and defamatory against his surname....)


My mother was a lawyer and she had a similar case once. A guy came to her claiming a song was using his name which was something like "Luis Profumo", IIRC, and sure enough, for some bizarre reason, the song DID say "Luis Profumo" so they sued and he made some money.


But it sort of went to his head and he went quite insane, trying to sue everybody for using his name in songs.

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