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What do you think of these guys?

Kramer Ferrington III.

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I think it may be a cousin to shoegazing, but I think shoegazing was more song driven. (IIRC, the term was "shoegazing" was invented by the British rock press because the bands used so many effects that they seemed to be gazing at their shoes all the time).


According to good ole Wiki, these guys are post-rock




and here's a write up on "post-rock"




though, as the article points out, Explosions In The Sky might even be *a sort* of prog rock, given the nature of the music and the length of their pieces.

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Thanks for the clarification on Shoegazing! I totally get it now, where as before I saw the word in musicians wanted ads and didn't get it. I see why Lush got that label now.


I also like the whole "post-rock" concept.


This whole thread is like an eye-opener or a mini-education for me. Very cool, thanks! I'll be listening to more of these guys, probably having mixed feelings the whole time but in the end glad I heard it.

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My Unitarian Jihad Name: Brother Broadsword of Enlightened Compassion.

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  • 2 months later...

I like these guys a lot better than Explosions In The Sky. For one thing, their music is a lot more textured, and more melodic. Check out the track entitled "Science".


And best of all, they are a local band and quite nice people! :D



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Great! Reminds me somehow on 65daysofstatic meets coldpay,I know that you would't thik so,but for me is that.I like it.


I'm listening to the stuff on 65 Days Of Static's MySpace now. Yeah, I quite like them! Thanks for the suggestion. :thu::)





Powerhouse drummer, eh? :)




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I'd have to say it's a bit on the boring side. Two minutes forty seconds is just too long for a note plinking and harmonics intro. Then it when the rest of the band comes in it just seems like more of the same but louder (with cymbals...).


Maybe my take on that is wrong. I couldn't listen to the whole thing. I did manage four minutes, though.


Just not my cup of tea, I suppose.


Born on the Bayou


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