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Sometimes this old Country Gentleman Just RULES!

Dr. Ellwood

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Yeah I took my old Gretsch CG to the gig last night and I always forget just how COOL that old Gent is!! hay I even used the string mute pad LOL!! what a great classic axe!! It did so well it got a total clean up today!! My guys said "hay we haven't see that one in awhile...we love how it sounds!" yeah I glad I'm took him out!!




Here's a pic my mom tried to take off the tv once, we did a show on WXYZ TV, http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b48/ellwood1/LeeWXYZshow.jpg

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You know, there's really only 2 instruments I *really* GAS after - one is an early 1980's Ibanez Musician bass, and the other is the Gretsch Country Gentleman.


I love it.


Long life to play it, Lee.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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There is no substituting quality !!!!!!! a classic guitar, top man Lee give all your Gretsch's an airing every so often. The do rool...............................

"Geoff" save yoyr penny's mate and get one you wont regret it !!!!!!




Love life, some twists and turns are more painful than others, but love life.....



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71 I was in a music store that was closing and was playing around with the Chet Gretch. The more I played it, the better I liked it.


It was $300. Yes, $300! I was getting ready to buy it when my friend, another guitar player says to me, Hey, that's a country guitar, stick to you SG or get a LP!


I put my wallet away... Another great moment in my history! LOL



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