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Hit by a car. Literally! - Now with pics of the break! :)


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Just got back from a trip to the Emergency Room.

I was coming out of a local grocery store, crossing the parking lot when a total dumb@$$ came barreling through the lot and hit me.


I'm pretty much OK, except for my left hand is broke and my right foot has swollen up pretty bad. I have a temp cast on my hand until I go see the orthopedist within the next couple of days who will put a full cast on it.


Needless to say that I am EXTREMELY pissed off, but I'm just glad that I did not get hurt further or that anyone else was hurt either.


The bad news is that I have a gig on Saturday. I will not cancel it no matter how bad it hurts!


So I just want to say to everyone to PLEASE slow down and be careful! Bad driving is becoming absurd!

And for Gods sake, please be careful whatever you are doing, wherever you go!!



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Glad to hear you are doing okay! It's a shame that something as simple as paying attention and driving cautiously (especially in pedestrian heavy areas) is so foreign to people nowadays. Everyone is in a such a rush and yakin on their cell phones as if they're important.


People wonder why I've become a recluse the past decade :(


Take care of that wrist and foot. I hope you got the guy's info who hit you.

[Carvin] XB76WF - All Walnut 6-string fretless

[schecter] Stiletto Studio 5 Fretless | Stiletto Elite 5

[Ampeg] SVT3-Pro | SVT-410HLF


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Quick healing... take heed of your doctor and don't go to balls out with playing unless he gives you the okay. It might irritate it more and further damage it.

Those Tennessee grocery stores sound scary! Again I will reitterate that people do s%#k, was the person on a cell phone too? I see at least 1 'almost' accident from idiots using cell phones while they are driving. I got rear-ended a few years back from a woman on her phone. She hit me TWICE almost knocking me out into traffic. I see her in the rear view mirror saying "Oh s%*t I jsut hit someone, lemme call you back". Then denies to me that she was on the phone! uaarrggh!

Speedy recovery to you.




Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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So sorry to hear this news, but so glad you're still alive and kicking.


And hey. Let your body heal. There will be other gigs. Show up and flick the light board with your good hand. Or just do 12 oz. curls for the duration of the show. If your body says it isn't ready, then give it time to heal. The guys in the band will understand; and too hell with them if they don't.



Paul K


Accident that's cell phone related? Look at your watch for the exact time. They keep records, you know.....

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Dude, I'm glad you didn't get even more serious injuries. An automobile is a dangerous weapon when being controlled by idiot. I hope for a speedy recovery for you. I'd be wary of playing right now...get and follow the doctor's advice, you don't want to make a broken bone turn into permanent damage and loss of function...




Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Holy ****! I hope you start feeling better soon. As for playing? I think that's a secondary consideration. This could have been a lot worse than it was. But for the long term, you need to give your hand time to heal. Tell the orthopedist that you're a bass player and ask him for an honest assesment of whether or not you should be playing. Because if your hand doesn't heal right because you've been playing against your doctors orders, you will never forgive yourself.

Obligatory Social Media Link

"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Tennessee boys is tuff. Take care of that hand. Hope you feel better soon.
My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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Man that's tough.

I would second the advice to get a doctor to let you know whether to play with that hand. If it was me, I wouldn't play - I broke my wrist so I know what it's like.

Cars are lethal weapons and parking lots can be scary places. Every time I go to the States I have to give my six year old son a major lesson in parking lot safety.

All the best mate!

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Hey man, sorry about your accident - don't overdo anything.


Apropos to the above, driving while on the phone is illegal in the UK but it doesn't stop people doing it - I see people drive past every day with phones glued to their ears.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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Now you KNOW you're going to have a monster of a time trying to play, right? And you may cause permanent damage to the carpals by wrapping your hand around an instrument's neck, right? And fretting will be agony, right?


...you TOTALLY RAWK, DUDE!!!! :rawk::rawk: :rawk:


Seriously, do what others have mentioned (and we all know you'll do anyway, as you're a bass player, so you're naturally more intelligent than most normal humans). Go slow, be sure to tell your orthopedist and physical therapist that you play bass, and they should customize a workable progression of exercises to strengthen your hand.


You don't want to end up like The Craw, right?


(damn - is it just me, or does the thought of playing with a broken hand and having the bones separating and rubbing together just make you feel all oogy? brrrrr....)

Play. Just play.
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If the doctor does put on a hard cast, have him do it while you are holding your bass in the proper playing position so your left hand will be comfortable.


Just kidding, hope you get well soon without the cast.


And then, sue the driver, sue the store and the parking lot designer, sue everyone. That is the American way.


Just kidding. :grin:


Get well soon, :thu:



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Ouch, that sucks. I'd definitely skip this gig, you need to let that hand recover! I've played a gig with a broken right hand - I raised the action and nut and did everything with left hand hammer ons. I can't see it being possible to play with a broken fretting hand though!



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What possesses people to drive through a parking lot like they were Fidipaldi or Ernhart is a mystery. Around here the local grocery store becomes teeny-bopper heaven after the middle school behind it lets out and I've never known a 13 year old to have anything remotely resembling peripheral vision.


Concur with the above, let the hand heal. You'll never play the bass well if your left hand sounds like a bag of walnuts.


Rocky - if it were easier to win the lottery, we wouldn't have to sue everyone all the time.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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If the doctor does put on a hard cast, have him do it while you are holding your bass in the proper playing position so your left hand will be comfortable.


Just kidding, hope you get well soon without the cast.


No need to kid about that. Les Paul had the doctors set his arm in playing position when he broke it years ago.


Heal quickly- and completely. Any chance of getting a sub for this gig? Too bad I'm so far away...

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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The bad news is that I have a gig on Saturday. I will not cancel it no matter how bad it hurts!


Dude, you are a true stud but I think by Saturday you may change your mind. Heal quick and well!!


P.S. Whatever pain meds they prescribe are horribly dangerous and should be sent to me for proper disposal.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Yeah, this might be the perfect excuse to get a mini-moog that you can play with your right hand alone. Those things can sounds surprisingly fat.


As for the moron who hit you? I'd seriously consider the idea of suing. Especially if there's some serious damage to your hand and you being a bass player. If the injury is costing you work you may very well have some legal ground to stand on. At the very least they should be covering your medical expenses.

Obligatory Social Media Link

"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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I am not a lawyer, but I work in insurance.


I would have to take a look at the insurance regulation in TN, but the fact you were not in a vehicle can only help your cause. Find a lawyer and go after damages in addition to your medical injuries. Worse case scenario is you get a standard settlement offer. Also, figure out what tickets this jackass had issued to him. If the cops did not nail this nerd, get over to the local PD where the incident happened and swear additional complaints against him.

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Dude that sucks.


I would heed the advice about resting your hand and letting it hear properly. You may be plagued by problems with it in the future if you don't.


As for the pain, you can always take advantage of your state's fine liquid products. Just make sure you don't mix bourbon and painkillers.

Push the button Frank.
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Wine and Bourbon?? I'd stick with the painkillers n whiskey!


Hey.. a new song...


Du DaDA du Dah....

Thought I was safe,

How could I have know,

The dangers that awaited me

Comin outta that Grocery Store


Driver was in a hurry,

Or had a cell phone stuck to his head.

Might of had it in for me,

Cuz he caught his wife given me.....umm "bread"



Think twice people

Before you make that list

Ya don't wanna become a Whiskey n Painkiller man

Cuz of some irresponsible idiot!



Thank you thank you, try the veal!!

Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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Thanks guys for all the kind wishes! I really appreciate it!


The swelling in my foot has gone down and my hand really isn't in that bad of shape. They called it a "boxers fracture". It isn't really hurting at all.


I still plan on doing the gig, although I will be taking it REALLY easy. We may have to trim a couple of the harder songs out of the set. I only have my index and middle fingers to use, so I may just sit down in a chair and play "uprightish".

The good news is that we are the opening band and only have to play for about 45-50 minutes.


And lets face it, a bass player with 2 fingers should have no problem keeping up with a g*******t who has all of his. 2 good fingers are still an almost unfair advantage... :P


I'll be picking up my X-rays and will try to post some pics of my hand for all you squeamish people to get sick over! :P


Right now, I'm just thanking God that I'm not dead!






"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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