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Well, I've been out of touch for a few weeks but I finally made it to Valdosta. It was a tough 16 months but it's over. I must say that when I was flying into San Francisco from Seoul I almost cried. I don't think a lot of folks realize how good we have it in the USA. You have to live away from it for a while to get a true appreciation for how great the USA is. No offense to all you non-Americans on the site.


Thanks for all your support.

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Welcome back to the good ol' USA! It takes a special dedication to do what you do. I have the utmost respect for your service and I want you to know that it is appreciated very much. Thank you! S.
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My wife and Lilly were waiting for me upon my arrival home from Las Vegas at 12:30am, Monday morning. I'd been away all of a day and a half. Lilly acted like I'd been gone for a month. I can't imagine the greeting that awaited you when you arrived home, Warthog! :thu:


Thanks for your service. I had the pleasure of flying home with a friend from Shul. (Orthodox jewish house of worship.) He and his wife had been in Tuscon for the 62nd reunion of his WWII air group. They were at the Pima Air & Space Museum for the induction of a new display about their battalion. At 82 years old he's the baby of the living members. May you someday be honored at such a reunion. :thu: (I'd salute but I'm not a uniformed soldier.)


Welcome back, Warthog.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Congrats on getting home, Warthog. It's great to see the world(!) but absolutely marvelous to see home!!!


Of course, if you'd been in Scotland for 16 months you wouldn't want to go back to the US.............





"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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God bless America! God bless YOU for everything you and your family have sacraficed so you could make this Great Country Great. I thank you for what you have done. Welcome home, enjoy the company of your loved ones, and again THANK YOU!!!



If you can't say it in 12 bars... then it can't be said!

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Welcome back. I've heard it takes a while to get reacquainted with the family and work out the pecking order again. I know those little ones have grown tremendously while you were gone. Here's to a quick transition for you, and thank you for your sacrifice.
Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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Well, I've been out of touch for a few weeks but I finally made it to Valdosta. It was a tough 16 months but it's over. I must say that when I was flying into San Francisco from Seoul I almost cried. I don't think a lot of folks realize how good we have it in the USA. You have to live away from it for a while to get a true appreciation for how great the USA is. No offense to all you non-Americans on the site.


Thanks for all your support.


Welcome home, Warthog!! :wave: :wave:


Tears of joy......you are right, we are lucky. We owe some of that luck to you, and others like you, that keep us strong.


Thanks, and welcome home!!



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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:thu:Congrats, Wart! :wave:


Eagerly awaiting for you to post your recipe for Korean Chicken Fried Steak! :grin:


Now crank that T5 through that Rev so's we can hear ya! :thu:

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Congrats on getting home, Warthog. It's great to see the world(!) but absolutely marvelous to see home!!!


Of course, if you'd been in Scotland for 16 months you wouldn't want to go back to the US.............







.....Until he tasted his first haggis! :D

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Welcome back WH!! :)


I didn't know you were a fellow Georgian!!

I'm just down the road from you near Columbus.


Hey, I know the feeling. I lived and Germany for 3 years and never visited home the whole time, and although I had a great time over there....it's really cool when those wheels touch down and you step on U.S. soil again!! :)


Thank you for your service and we look forward to your posts on a more regular basis!! :)



"Just play!"
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Thanks, all. Y'all can dispense with the thanks, though I do appreciate it. It's just my career.


Thongs are going well. It is a bit challenging integrating back into the family life. Can't just go and change all the routines my wife has designed over the past year!


I'd imagine that Canada (I am a closet Canada-lover...don't spread it around), most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the like are fine. In fact, I enjoyed my 3 weeks in England in the early 90's, but you can keep Asia! Not that it's necessarily a bad place, it's just so different.

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