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Guitar Hero


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I heard a comment about Guitar Hero a while back on this forum about how you might as well learn to play real guitar because its easier than Guitar Hero Songs on Expert, well I have to disagree, I just got done playing Hangar 18 by Megadeth(which btw is freaking awesome) and then looked up the tabs for it (i know dont hurt me, faster to get than sheet music) and real guitar is not easier at all...Have some self respect, punks can play Guitar Hero, takes some talent and brains to play real guitar!


Sorry about the tone...just get asked every second about how easy playing guitar actually is compared to Guitar Hero (but not knocking the game in any way, genius idea).

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I think inspiration wise it's a cool thing. I think as a video game it's cool. For hand-eye it's good. Fun good.


Not good.. when I ask a student if they practiced, and they answer "no, but I got this far on Guitarhero".


As a metalhead I think it's great that kids are getting exposed to some music I really care about. Of course there is YYZ on the version that has bass songs. so that's good to.

Mike Bear




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I've got a PSP by buy my last mobile, Orange was making some promotion. I found it useful to Airport situations or when I have to wait too much, other than that I don't really use it.


I play mostly football




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I can understand the airport thing . . .but then I read or listen to music. I bought a portable DVD player for that kind of thing to keep my son happy at train stations.


Judging by my physical state I need to get out there and play real football more rather than a PSP version . . . but then you're young and fit!

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I tried it out at a Best Buy store a couple of months ago. What I didn't like about it? You couldn't improvise AT ALL. I knew the song I was playing ("Surrender" by Cheap Trick), so why couldn't I play it the way I know it? Rotten game. For me it takes the fun out of music. But hell, if it inspires kids to pick up a real instrument, then I guess it's a good thing.

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One of our forum members is working on GH III as we speak.


And just because the user interface is guitarish, make no mistake that Guitar Hero is just Dance Dance Revolution without the dancing. But that doesn't make it any less fun or worthwhile.


In the 90s, I worked on a game for MusicAce that was similar in concept, but you used a MIDI keyboard and had to play actual notes. At expert level, I couldn't get through a single song correctly, since it was 96 pulses per quarter note...I defy anyone here to have that sort of timing.

"For instance" is not proof.


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If this intrigues any of you, you really REALLY need to buy/rent/stream Grandma's Boy. All the video game and Antique Rhodes Show you can handle.... But watch out for that Karate kickin monkey!


I stopped playing video games after Star Tropics (Nintendo) I've got a PS1 thats got more dust on it than my speedo.

Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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I got wonky knees and a small tear in my right rotator. I play Madden on the computer because the realy thing hurts. I imagine if my knuckles ever grew to the size of walnuts and became inacapbable of standing with 9-pound-3 hanging from my shoulder, GH might be an alternative. And some of the GH bodies are pretty sharp...


Give me a real fretboard any day.


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I have never, ever, played a video game. Not once. No pong, no nintendo...zip. Never really had the desire to, either. I just don't get the attraction. GH sounds like a very clever way to exploit and make money. To each his/her own....I've just got better things to do with my far too short free time.



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