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Aaaaargh! Cats and Guitars!

Big Malky

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Hey MDRS.... Looks like Tiger has just that right amount of cockiness, arrogance, sarcasm, and don't give a damn. :grin:

Now that's a cat! :) :grin:




That's Tiger!! When we eat dinner, she'll sit at the window seat next to our kitchen table, WITH HER BACK TO US!! She does pay close attention to small quick moving furry things, however!! And, then she eats them. :deadhorse:



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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CMDN - love the new avatar.



Used to play hide and leap with my cat when she was a kitten. (She's long gone now.)


We'd get on opposite sides of a door frame and I'd tap it, scratch the carpet, whatever. She'd paw around it a few times, then when she couldn't stand it anymore, she'd come flying around and jump straight up. I'd usually do the same thing because I was caught off guard. That's when I learned cat's could be pretty cool.

Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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I once had a big orange cat that loved to lay out on my effects pedals when I was practicing. And no,I didn't stomp my foot on him. I've nearly always had cats-I just love em. They make a house a home and the ones I have now are excellent foot warmers. They also like it when I'm in the kitchen. There was a Saimese I had for many years that I had to bathe once-and much to my surprise he must've gotten baths on a regular basis before I adopted him-he stood perfectly still in the tub and was cool as a cucumber thru the entire process..no fuss no muss. He also loved to be in my lap when I was online & watch the monitor. He was my web surfin buddy.
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Batgirl7, sounds like you've had a consistently good batch o' kitties.


Do you pick out the friendliest ones from the shelter or something?


I think that's what I'd do if I was in the position the get another foot warmer, er, feline. :)

Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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Sas, I googled Sulcatas - really specialized feeding and housing requirements. Do you find yours is much work?


Yep. You have to build a habitat for them, especially for wintertime. They get pretty big, too....up to about 180 lbs or so. And, they are excavators...they love to dig tunnels. They are a huge problem in the U.S. because people get them and don't realize how long they live, how big they get, and how much care is required. They are novelty pets, people pick them up as babies at a pet store for $40 and have no idea what they are getting into, and the zoos can't take them. We will try to rescue them from people that can't care for them or don't want them any more and then we'll try to find qualified homes for them. We've actually seen people with a 30 lb tortoise living in an apartment that has never seen daylight in it's life. We've also seen people feeding them cat food because they had no idea what they are supposed to eat, and didn't have enough common sense to go and try to find out. Typically the rescue tortoises tend to have lots of problems related to conditions and nutrition, such as shell pyramiding, etc. Sometimes I think the tortoises actually have more brains than their owners...

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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Our cat was house trained. We only used the litter box when leaving the house for more than 8 hours and when she got old.


Age - now that's the bad part about cats. When those kidneys start to go it gets pretty painful for the cat, and messy for the host (I don't dare say owner where cats are involved :) ).

Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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Yeah, we've gotten all of our cats from the shelters and they turned out great. :)


And unfortunately, like any other pet when it gets old, I've had to have few put to sleep as well. :(


I also had a neighbor call me up and tell me one of my cats was outside frothing at the mouth and howling.

He didn't have rabies cause I had him checked out later, but we think he was poisoned.

I had to shoot him from about 15 feet with a 22cal rifle.

When I lowered the rifle, I knew better to sit and stare at him so I just lowered and shot.


Man, I'm tellin' ya'...it's never easy having to part with one.


When I was 18, I bought my parents a blonde Cocker Spaniel.

THey're my favorite dogs as well.

Anyway, that dog lasted for 18 years and had a good life, but when my folks had to take him to the vet to be put to sleep because of his illness, my dad cried like a baby.

A very tough thing to witness for sure. :(


Pets are our great pals and I think most people realize that.

I couldn't imagine a world without them. :)





"Just play!"
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