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Aaaaargh! Cats and Guitars!

Big Malky

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I like cats..................


.........FOR A LIGHT SNACK!!! :o :grin:


I actually do have a cat. Tiger adopted us about 10 years ago. She's the best hunter in the house. She really doesn't need us, but seems to like us none the less. We haven't had a rodent problem, in spite of living in farm country, since Tiger has been with us. However, the mice, squirrels, chip monks, birds, and rabbits have been on high alert for some time...... :grin:

Tiger and my choclate lab, Angus, get along fine.





"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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I have a 95 pound AKC Doberman and he has five cats. Three inside and two outside. They all get along remarkably well with each other. I've never had a problem with them messing with my gear, although a couple of the cats like to sleep on the cases or gear bags when they're out.



If you can't say it in 12 bars... then it can't be said!

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If THIS guy does a volume 2, then that photo is a shoo-in :thu:



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Nah, he specializes in tourist recipes, but the cats are an occasional garnish. :snax:


It's Springtime now. It's bad luck to eat cats in the Spring or Summer. They are winter food. A Chinese friend of mine told me that once...he never lied to me before, so I have no reason to doubt him. They are delicious little morsels, though. I was in a bar with a dead cat, a beer, a gun, and a sack of poop when he told me that.


Do you give your cats baths? Cats LOVE it when you give them a bath. The hair will stick to your tongue pretty bad, but the cat loves it.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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Do you give your cats baths? Cats LOVE it when you give them a bath. The hair will stick to your tongue pretty bad, but the cat loves it.


Erm... no, not really.


I was invited to a mate's place once, he needed help washing his cats. So we put on bike leathers and gloves to get it done. The week before, one of the cats ("Choo Choo") had gotten so irate at being washed that he bit my mate's girlfriend on the neck and wouldn't let go, even when she started running all over the house screaming.


Most of my cats on the other hand, have always endured baths as a necessary evil, they just do that long low meeyaow (the one that sounds like, "urrrrnnnnnnngggggghhhhh") to tell me that they are very pissed off with life.

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Nah, he specializes in tourist recipes, but the cats are an occasional garnish. :snax:


It's Springtime now. It's bad luck to eat cats in the Spring or Summer. They are winter food. A Chinese friend of mine told me that once...he never lied to me before, so I have no reason to doubt him. They are delicious little morsels, though.




Does that mean it's good luck to eat them Down Under now? :Phttp://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e397/reifspano/avatar_3575.jpg

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Damn nice cats there Neil!! :)


Hey, when's the last time a dog person, took home a new doggie, and it was immediately litter trained? :grin:


My cats are clean...and COOL. :grin:


Hence the name.....Cool Cat.....Daddy-O! :grin:


Neil you always have cool cat pics.



Thanks guys!


Strategery, our cool cat was Domino. And I mean he knew he was cool. Even without the guitar. :D The other cats run around acting like idiots. He always sat like the king on his throne, oblivious to the others. Occasionally he'd smack down Ollie for being too energetic. Even without front claws Domino could take him. And he'd never chase another cat. If they wanted a piece of him they had to come get him. :thu:


And the minute we'd let our dogs spend time inside Domino always hopped the gate and lay down right in the middle of their space, as if to say (a la Dirty Harry), "Go ahead... Make my day!" The dogs gave him a lot of respect despite outweighing him by 30 - 40lbs. :D

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Nah, he specializes in tourist recipes, but the cats are an occasional garnish. :snax:


It's Springtime now. It's bad luck to eat cats in the Spring or Summer. They are winter food. A Chinese friend of mine told me that once...he never lied to me before, so I have no reason to doubt him. They are delicious little morsels, though.




Does that mean it's good luck to eat them Down Under now? :Phttp://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e397/reifspano/avatar_3575.jpg


Yeah. I think it's OK to eat them in Australia now. I just wouldn't ride a motorcycle for a few days afterward until I was sure my luck was going to be OK.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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...Do you give your cats baths? Cats LOVE it when you give them a bath. The hair will stick to your tongue pretty bad, but the cat loves it.


In all seriousness, no, I don't usually bath my cats, but they're indoor kitties.


However.. :rolleyes:


The one cat not pictured above is not well. He seems ok, but one eye has a strange coloring the vet says is related to a liver problem, maybe cancer. The only manifestation that he's sick other than the eye though is he sometimes poops outside the litterbox. I don't know what happened, but last week he somehow got his poop stuck in the long hair. (Remember, he's a Maine Coon lookin' kitty like Ollie.) I had to give him a through bath to get the cr*p out of his fur. THAT was fun. :rolleyes:


The odd thing was that while he didn't enjoy being hosed down with the shower wand, he also didn't act like most cats. He didn't struggle when I held him in place. He wanted to exit the tub but didn't go bananas and scratch me like a set of whirling Ginsu knives. Other than what I was cleaning from his fur it was actually rather easy..


I only wish washing my dogs were that easy. :eek:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Yeah, I've always understood that, unless it's special circumstances, you are never supposed to bath a cat. They clean themselves. They are self-cleaning. :D


Well, you can do it but, like I said, the fur will stick to your tongue.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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Yeah, I've always understood that, unless it's special circumstances, you are never supposed to bath a cat. They clean themselves. They are self-cleaning. :D


Well, you can do it but, like I said, the fur will stick to your tongue.


Isn't that what bottled hairball remedy is for? If you drink a bottle or two of that stuff before you start licking (plus a quick gargle with some mineral oil), you'll find that the fur goes down real easy. :idea:

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I use that as a marinade for cat recipes. Kill two birds with one stone.....


In that case, you may want to try a sprinkle or two of CatNip on there as well. Not only is it a very suitable spice, but it also gives you a nice, funny glowy feeling and an inexplicable urge to chase rubber mice.

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Cat Fricassee


Marinade ingredients:


1 large cat 8-12 lbs, but not too fat. Fat cats make the dish too greasy. The cat can be live or dead, but if alive, use a bigger pot.


1/2 cup crushed fresh catnip


1 gallon hairball remedy.


Mix hairball remedy and catnip in a large bowl. Place cat in mixture. Marinate cat overnight in hairball remedy and catnip mixture.


Fricassee ingredients:


5 lb flour

1 dozen eggs

1 gallon milk

2 tbsp salt

2 tbsp black pepper

1 tsp cayenne pepper

1 tbsp Tony Chachere's

1/2 cup Worchesterchestershireshire Sauce

1 paper sack


Put all ingredients, including the cat in the paper bag and shake thoroughly. Listen for unusual sounds coming from the bag. These sounds mean you're doing it right. Place bag in oven and bake at 300 degrees F for 30 minutes. Take cooked cat out of the bag. Throw away cat and eat bag.


"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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I was going to start an OT thread on cats and computers. One of my wife's cats likes playing on computer keyboards. A couple of weeks ago she had 3 porn sites up on one of my computers! As my wife said, yea, sure the cat did it! Then she walked accross my wife's keyboard while she was watching!



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My dog ate a cat once. Then he went and found a pile of dog poop and started eating that. My wife said "Why is he eating that poop now?" I said "He's trying to get the taste of that cat out of his mouth."

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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Sas, I just knew Tony Chachere's was the most versatile spice ever! This recipe just confirms it!http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e397/reifspano/Animations/image02.gif
Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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I was going to start an OT thread on cats and computers. One of my wife's cats likes playing on computer keyboards. A couple of weeks ago she had 3 porn sites up on one of my computers! As my wife said, yea, sure the cat did it! Then she walked accross my wife's keyboard while she was watching!




Doncha hate the way these evil critters are always schemin' to get us guys in trouble? Sas has the answer! :thu:

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Nah. I just saw the pic and thought it was funny.

I'm more of a turtle person than a cat person, but ya know.. whatever does it for ya.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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We have a Sulcata tortoise that lives in our back yard. She's pretty cool....like a big, slow, hard dog. She'll actually follow you around, but...by the time she gets there, you're usually gone.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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