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Aaaaargh! Cats and Guitars!

Big Malky

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My (lots of expletive deleteds) cat brought a mouse in tonight while i was playin' me guitar... needless to say i took my guitar off and placed it in the easiest place possible (kitchen worktop). I chased the little bar steward out the door, slamming it after him and what happens? My bloody good Les Paul Special falls to the floor. Unfortunatley it's half 11 here now and i cant check to see whether it's working with the amp but the whole thing was out of tune.


Anyone know if this means my tune-o-matic is buggered? I really will be reluctant to pick it up tomorrow for the thought of it being dead... (cries) lol


A good reminder to all guitarists... get rid of your animals lol

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your cat placed the guitar in an unsafe place? ;)

i doulbt the tuneomatic is messed up. my drummers wife had her epi SG fall to the floor from the stand and when they retuned they couldn't get it to stay in tune. all that was wrong was they tuned too high with thier chromatic tuner.

check the guitar for any cracks or obvious damage, and retune.

you probably will be fine unless something was actually cracked or broken.


i always keep mine in it's case.

it is an unfortunate incident but it isn't the cat's fault.

focus on the patient and not the 4 legged serial killer. :grin:

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Oh man oh man that sucks Big Malky!! And I shudder to think of the sound it made when it hit the floor!! :o


Makes a hell of a story though, and if your guitar isn't seriously disabled, it's the kind of story that could give it some extra character and raunch. :/


....my drummers wife had her epi SG fall to the floor from the stand ....


Well good thing it wasn't an older Gibby SG or that headstock woulda snapped right off probably before it hit the floor!


Trying to remember, were those the Norlin SGs that had the infamously fragile headstocks?



Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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Being highly allergic, I don't have cats endangering my gear. My bass player has a couple of psychotic cats, that, while entertaing, have necessitated safety protocols for gear, tissues, CDs, edibles,.....
Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Actually, I had a cat once that used to hang around while I practised. And then, one day, when I put the guitar down, the cat walked up to it and picked at a string with its claw.


He didn't look very interested and never did it again. Maybe he was more of a keyboards kinda guy.


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I hope your headstock is not broken. Les Pauls do not take hits to the headstock well. If it is all out of tune I am thinking something bad may have happened, hope not....good luck.


I have nothing good to say about cats so I won't say anything about them at all.....other than that...which is I don't care for them...but I won't go there.


I am more of a dog person.


My dog knocked my Les Paul over a few years ago. It fell, in the stand, to the ground and snapped the headstock clean in half. I don't like to speak ill of the dead. :grin:


Just kidding....he did not get in trouble that day, it was an accident...my fault for letting him in the studio. I was upset about the damage though but it got fixed and is hanging in there really well.

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I bought a used LP Spl with a repaired headstock, and so far, so good. It's my #1. Looks lousy, but hey, "extra character." Seriously, I hope it's not screwed up. As for cats, I'm allergic, and only like them from a distance. For a while, I couldn't stand them.
"I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes." - Jimi Hendrix
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My daughter's cat shit on my Strat case a few months back.

It's not like it was a violin case or anything a cat might have reason to dislike. What was up with that?


I told her to find it a new home or it gets the Cat-O-Pult.


She has, it's going... no great loss.

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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Some people like cats. Then again, I guess some people like a good dose of the clap once in a while, too. Personally, I can't stand 'em (either one).


I like cats. I think the problem is, folks who dislike cats have only been exposed to female cats, outdoor cats or the small number of evil male cats (Usually ones that have been abused).


Find a nice, male, "black and white" or "orange tabby" that is an indoor cat and has not been abused, and you have a perfect pet. They are loyal without being needy. Companions without all the work of a dog. Heck, you can even train them to do tricks. My cat jumps up, comes when you call him and plays dead.


Don't get me wrong, I love dogs too, but I hate picking up their "droppings" when I bring them out for a walk, in the pouring rain or during a blizzard. I hate cleaning up the mess in the back yard.


Also, dogs always want attention. It's much easier to have a cat that is there when you want him to be, but off sleeping somewhere when you don't. Plus, you only have to dump the litter box into a trash bag once a week! Takes a few seconds and you're done.


That being said, avoid female cats, they are always a crap shoot in the temperament department.


Also, don't let them go outside. It messes with their brains. Makes them all independent and aggressive.



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The only guitar related problem I have with my cat is that she likes to chew on the string ends at the headstock, actually slobbering would be a better word for it. As for guitar abuse, I once came home after having a "swift half" down at the local and decided to see how high I could launch the convection heater in my room using only the power of my feet. Results were unremarkable, the mark it left on my strat when it landed is still there though.
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I don't mind dogs, I'm more inclined towards cats though. I also believe in spaying and neutering them as well as keeping them indoors. We also de-clawed our cat (the front paws only) so they didn't tear up the curtains/sofa/etc. Also safer to have them removed with a kid around the house now.
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Some people like cats. Then again, I guess some people like a good dose of the clap once in a while, too. Personally, I can't stand 'em (either one).


I like cats. I think the problem is, folks who dislike cats have only been exposed to female cats, outdoor cats or the small number of evil male cats (Usually ones that have been abused).


Find a nice, male, "black and white" or "orange tabby" that is an indoor cat and has not been abused, and you have a perfect pet. They are loyal without being needy. Companions without all the work of a dog. Heck, you can even train them to do tricks. My cat jumps up, comes when you call him and plays dead.


Don't get me wrong, I love dogs too, but I hate picking up their "droppings" when I bring them out for a walk, in the pouring rain or during a blizzard. I hate cleaning up the mess in the back yard.


Also, dogs always want attention. It's much easier to have a cat that is there when you want him to be, but off sleeping somewhere when you don't. Plus, you only have to dump the litter box into a trash bag once a week! Takes a few seconds and you're done.


That being said, avoid female cats, they are always a crap shoot in the temperament department.


Also, don't let them go outside. It messes with their brains. Makes them all independent and aggressive.



Yeah, I've just never been particularly fond of house cats. I've met a few that were OK....but I like dogs a whole helluva sight better.


I like bigger cats, and in my earlier years kept a couple of bobcats, a couple of jaguarundi, and a lynx. The lynx was, by far, the most handleable and friendly of the bunch. The male bobcat was OK, the female was a bitch...pure unadulterated evil. She was a rescue cat that had been captured in a leghold trap and only had 3 legs and a bad attitude towards humans. The jaguarundis were relatively tame, but the female was sort of unpredictable and moody. If I had to have a cat of any description again, it would be a Lynx.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

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Sorry to differ, but don't get the male for an indoor pet.

It's the males that spray that awful smell everywhere.

It's a territorial thing and they're marking their territory. :( :grin:


I've got 2 indoor female cats and other than the occasional hair ball, all I ever have to worry about is not letting them near thin cables.

For some reason, they don't bother larger cables such as A/C wall cables, just the ones coming from your adaptors. :grin:

"Just play!"
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Sorry to differ, but don't get the male for an indoor pet.

It's the males that spray that awful smell everywhere.

It's a territorial thing and they're marking their territory. :( :grin:


I've got 2 indoor female cats and other than the occasional hair ball, all I ever have to worry about is not letting them near thin cables.

For some reason, they don't bother larger cables such as A/C wall cables, just the ones coming from your adaptors. :grin:


Sorry, I should have added that your cats should be neutered. If they are neutered before they are under one year of age, they won't spray at all and they don't develop any of the territorial issues.

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our big ass banana eating cat is not a lap cat he likes hanging with us but prefers to stretch out on the floor.

he isn't agressive or mean, he does have a fetish for plastic bags and aluminun foil balls.



don't let the pic fool you he is almost asleep.

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He looks kind of like he wants to kill something.

For some reason, only my friend Alex's cats like me. In fact, they stalk me when I come over so that I'll pet them or whatever. Other than that there has only been one cat who liked me. All other cats take one look at me and think, "Ooh, scratching post." For that reason, I ♥ my doggies.


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I hope you guys are intelligent enough to know where I stand on the subject of cats and guitars...




And these represent only 3 of the 6. ;)









It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Hey! I just remembered I have two more in pics online....





For those keeping score...


Black - Simon - 14 1/2 years old

Black & White - Domino - died in Jan just shy of 14 years old.

Orange & White - Hobbes - 13 years old

Mostly Orange - Tigger - 13 years old (Hobbes' sister.)

Maine Coon - Oliver - 3 years old.


We also have an 8 year old Maine Coon we rescued as a tiny kitten named Sparkle.


I love my cats. They're pains in the ass sometimes. So are all the dogs I've ever owned. (We have a dalmation and a collie mix now, too.) Mostly they're lovey, which is a problem if I put sheet music on the couch. ;) All are spayed/neutered and all but Ollie have been declawed in front. I wish we still believed in declawing the front. He's messed up our couches far more than the others. :rolleyes: I still love 'em all.


The only cat that paid any attention to my guitars was a little sister of Hobbes and Tigger we had named Cocoa. She was a beautiful calico cat. Tiny and sweet as can be. Unfortunately, she suffered a neurological disorder at 6 or 7 months old and died at a year. When she was really tiny she liked to climb through the soundhole of one of my guitars when I had the strings off. :D


The others don't care about the guitars, but damn they like the cases. I always close 'em to keep the hair out. Doesn't matter. They still like laying on them, irregardless of whether they're lying flat or standing up. The only time it was an issue was the time I stood my guitar case upright too close to a ledge and one of the cats tried sitting on top of it. :eek: Fortunately, the guitar wasn't inside. (I was playing it across the room.)


It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Damn nice cats there Neil!! :)


Hey, when's the last time a dog person, took home a new doggie, and it was immediately litter trained? :grin:


My cats are clean...and COOL. :grin:


Hence the name.....Cool Cat.....Daddy-O! :grin:



"Just play!"
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